黄泉のツガイ 2 [Yomi no Tsugai 2] (2024)

Rod Brown

6,281 reviews229 followers

February 8, 2024

Yuru is a direct character, so he makes a beeline toward the girl claiming to be his real sister. It's getting harder and harder to tell the good guys from the bad guys as a new faction comes into play while the previous two factions each seem to have their own share of angels and devils. So it's a bit of a muddle plotwise, but the action and strong central characters and their frequently cute or humorous daemon servants are carrying the day so far.


Contents: Chapter 5. Jin and Yuru -- Chapter 6. Hare and Tortoise -- Chapter 7. The Kagemori Clan and the Unknown Assailants -- Chapter 8. Loyalty and Hostility -- Cowshed Diaries. The Tale of Vast Japan -- Impeccable Service -- Social Studies -- Wrap Party -- [Assailants' Daemons] -- Gabby's Recuperation Room -- Translation Notes -- Author Commentary


901 reviews35 followers

October 25, 2023

Ohhhh this is getting good!


Ame-lit D’Arroult

193 reviews1 follower

October 15, 2023

Ce deuxième tome est clairement un cran au dessus du premier. On y retrouve autant d'action mais avec un déroulement plus claire. J'ai été beaucoup moins perdue que dans le premier tome, tout se met doucement en place. Les personnages sont approfondis notamment Asa que j'ai adoré découvrir ou encore Jin. On a même quelques révélations de faites . Sans parler de cette fin en cliffhanger vraiment terrible. Le scénario se met bien en place même si on retrouve des idées classiques comme les démons ou les jumeaux prophétiques. Je trouve que cela est bien mené par l'autrice et que l'histoire est vraiment très prenante. Maintenant je désespère juste de la sortie du prochain tome !


860 reviews78 followers

April 24, 2024

Bdubs "What Is Happening" Horn

India (IndiaReadsALot)

557 reviews29 followers

August 1, 2024

What a great way to kick off my 30 volumes in 30 days! Such a great series, cannot to see what is next in store!

    4-star-books contemporary fantasy


2,787 reviews63 followers

August 3, 2024





804 reviews

July 10, 2024

Chronique complète :

Extrait :
Pris dès sa sortie, la suite de Tsugai continue sur la lancée du premier, avec de l’humour, mais aussi des moments plus sombres dont Arakawa maîtrise depuis longtemps la réalisation. Les caractères des différents personnages sont toujours dans une certaine simplicité afin de ne pas complexifier trop vite la série. Même si elle donne l’impression de commencer un peu vite, en réalité, je trouve que tout va assez doucement, c’est juste qu’il faut bien introduire les personnages importants.

Yuru se retrouve, avec ses Tsugai, dans un parking souterrain, et finit par tomber dans un piège. Je ne sais pas dire s’il est courageux ou idiot, mais foncer dans le tas, sans réfléchir, alors que ni toi, ni tes Tsugai ne connaît le monde actuel, ce n’est vraiment pas malin. Dera et Hana ne tardent pas à remarquer son absence, et décident donc de le retrouver via les Tsugai de Hana. En attendant, un combat se lance entre les Tsugai de Yuru et les ennemis. Les pauvres, ils en prennent pour leur grade avec l’arrivée de nouveaux Tsugai. Une tortue pouvant modifier son poids, et un petit lapin agile et rapide, c’est tout ce qu’il faudra pour mettre un peu à mal les gardiens cardinaux. Eux qui étaient présentés comme très puissants, ne semblent pourtant pas l’être par moment… Est-ce qu’une partie de leur pouvoir est encore endormie ? Je ne pense pas que l’ignorance sur les évolutions technologiques joue en leur défaveur, c’est vraiment étrange.

In fine, Yuru finit par partir avec le groupe, notamment parce qu’il souhaite en apprendre plus sur ses parents. Asa ne souhaite pas lui mentir, et lui dira donc toute la vérité, aussi mauvaise soit-elle. D’ailleurs, elle répondra à toutes ses questions, et sa naïveté face à son frère est assez étrange, en décalage par rapport à ce qu’elle dégageait lors du tome précédent. Ils sont vraiment à l’opposée l’un de l’autre. Mais mon personnage préféré, pour le moment, reste celui qui a pour Tsugai le lapin et la tortue (désolé, mais le truc n’a pas une tête de lièvre). Il semblerait que beaucoup cherchent à obtenir les jumeaux, reste à savoir qui sont vraiment les alliés dans tout ça… Le groupe d’Asa ne semble pas méchant, mais rien ne dit que c’est le cas de tous et du chef.


February 7, 2024

J'aime vraiment cette mangaka. Elle sait créer des monstres horrifiants. Les grands vilains sont encore invisibles, mais on les devine déjà qui manipulent l'arrière-scène, et n'hésitent pas à sacrifier leurs pions.

J'aime ses héros aussi. Ils sont difficiles à décrire, car ils sont loin du cliché du "garçon un peu idiot et inexpérimenté, au grand coeur" et de la "fille intelligente qui soigne". Le frère Yuru est au contraire fort habile avec les armes, redoutable au combat (tome 2). Et sa soeur Asa a déjà démontrée sa puissance et sa détermination (tome 1).

Arakawa sait mettre de l'humour également: que l'on pense aux surprises de Yuru devant le monde moderne; aux demandes d'affection d'Asa; ou aux tsugaï (mention spéciale au lièvre et à la tortue). Ces touches de sourire sont nécessaires, car comme dans Fullmetal Alchemist, les combats sont violents, et les victimes nombreuses.

On commence tout juste à dévoiler l'histoire des jumeaux, et c'est très intrigant. Vraiment une série fascinante, d'une mangaka expérimentée qui sait comment raconter et dessiner!

Philip McCarty

303 reviews

March 18, 2024

This was a step up from the previous volume, but still feels a bit like we are in a very prologuey stretch. A lot of characters spend a lot of time explaining things, and I still feel like I don't quite know what is going on besides, magical twins are desired by cool warring factions. Thankfully, the style, action, and characters make the book a lot more enjoyable. In this volume, Haru fights Jin and co. and decides to visit Asa at the compound where she lives. Then we find out that their parents after escaping the village, disappeared on a flight to Okinawa, their mother's home. A mysterious group of mercenaries then show up and attack the compound before Asa uses blood to make one of the pairs her own so they can find out what's going on. Once they tidy things up, she informs Haru that she died once at the hands of a Higashi Village assassin. When she explains it, Haru thinks back on how he too was attacked by one.

I feel like if I was reading this monthly it'd be annoying. But the manga volumes are fun and exciting, and so far I'm really liking the whole cast of characters.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


Brooke Goodwin

Author4 books19 followers

March 8, 2024

I did not realize this series was by the same crator as Fullmetal Alchemist but it makes sense! There was something familiar about it but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

I’m here for Yuru and Right and Left! Jin seems interesting too, but that’s pretty much the extent of my interest in the characters so far…except maybe the mysterious swordsman. Hopefully I don’t get lost in the growing cast of characters because I just have trouble remembering large casts.

Yuru is an absolute badass! I want more of him fighting! And his straightforward personality’s got me hooked! I’m pretty invested in the main storyline with my fingers crossed that things don’t go too off the rails before we get to the end, whenever that is.

[I don’t normally stumble across a series that’s fairly new and this one only has 6 volumes so far. It makes it feel like it’s taking forever for them to get to where I live. I guess it helps with the excitement though!]


1,024 reviews27 followers

October 25, 2023

'Daemons of the Shadow Realm Volume 2 continues on the great momentum of the first volume. Yuru has been captured by people that appear to be his enemy at the beginning of the volume but Yuru quickly learns that they are the people who have been harboring his twin sister. He decides to go along with them if it means seeing his long lost twin.
I really appreciated Asa's introduction and her dynamic with Yuru. Her fascination with the brother she hasn't seen for years feels warranted but also leads to some funny moments. Arakawa does an exceptional job of balancing character moments, action, and comedy. We get a few interesting world/character nuggets that feel like they will be further expanded on in the future.
It's painful to have to wait for volume 3 because this series is that good.


1,800 reviews17 followers

November 21, 2023

This was much better paced that the opening volume. Yuru has tracked down his sister Asa and her clan while leaving behind his guardians. His daemons Left and Right are with him. Asa creeped me out with her enthusiasm upon meeting him and it seemed to do the same for Yuru.

Naturally enemies attack and that's mostly what this volume is about, them fighting each other first (and Yuru is a hard core bad ass) and then with each other against the common enemy. There is a lot more to learn about this world and I do like Yuru so I'm looking forward to more though I'm still on the fence about this one. I'm hanging in there because it's Arakawa's.

    manga urban-fantasy


17 reviews

March 10, 2024

C'è ancora parecchia confusione. I due gemelli prima sembrano nemici ed ora amici.
La famiglia Kagemori sembra non avere intenti omicidi verso Yuru, ma ancora non si capisce dove vogliono andare a parare. I due finiscono per trovarsi sotto lo stesso tetto, dai Kagemori.
Yuru cerca principalmente i gentiori scomparsi, Asa rivela di essere morta una volta per mano di un sicario di Higashimura.

Nel prossimo volume dovrebbe esserci qualche spiegazione maggiore sul passato di Asa e del suo potere. Da verificare come prosegue la storia.

I disegni sono puliti come sempre, un pò troppe vignette con dialoghi lunghi che creano confusione nelle tavole.


Nazish Ahmed (Nazish Reads)

750 reviews38 followers

June 4, 2024

Arakawa never disappoints. I loved vol. 1 and I enjoyed this one as well. And of course I have always loved Fullmetal Alchemist, it’s my number 1 favourite manga series, actually series ever, not just in manga, and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is my most favourite anime ever. The only other series I have read by her is Silver Spoon, but I have only read vol. 1 so far and it was 4 stars.

Blog: nazreads.ca
Twitter: Naz_readsanime
Instagram: nazreads01, nazcosplay, nradesigns, charmedanimegirl01

    books-i-read-in-2024 own shonen-manga


322 reviews5 followers

March 25, 2024

Al principio no entiendes absolutamente nada, ahora tampoco JAJA pero es que te van dando la información de los misterios por cuenta gotas y las conversaciones con los personajes son súper encriptadas. Yuru y Asa me parece que son la leche y bueno, tiene un poquito el humor que tenía Fullmetal, a mi siempre me ha gustado, si sois de los que no le econtrasteis la comedia pues xD

En general yo creo que merece bastante la pena leerlo al menos.


413 reviews8 followers

November 8, 2022

An excellent second volume! Questions raised in the first volume are answered, but not before raising more questions. The action scenes were excellent. As Arakawa's specialty, this volume had a great blend of gory action, comedy, and heartfelt moments. It starts the main character on the path that I think will be the overarching "quest" of the entire series. I look forward to volume three!

Raxia L. Lavoisier

266 reviews6 followers

August 18, 2023

Me encanta la manera ligera en la que se lee este manga. Las ideas, los personajes, la acción. Es un no parar de succesiones que te hace seguir la trama totalmente predispuesto a lo que venga.

Cada vez que cojo un tomo me sorprende lo bien que se lee. Y si ya conocéis a la autora y os gusta, ya sabéis.


680 reviews10 followers

January 22, 2024

5 Stars

Just two volumes in and already so many characters to love, so much fun world-building (the pairs concept gets even cooler in this instalment!) and so many little mysteries! Wish I had the entire series in my hands right now because I'm already convinced this is going to be a fave.



991 reviews39 followers

June 25, 2023


Besser als Band 1, der Humor und die Action Szenen waren toll. Allerdings bin ich von der Gesamthandlung immer noch verwirrt und viele Fragen werden nicht beantwortet 😔 ich hoffe das regelt sich in den nächsten Bänden.


Christian La Pointe

52 reviews

September 18, 2023

This series is ramping up, this volume even better than the first. The worldbuilding has been fun and interesting, and the Daemons have been creative and really cute in their smaller forms. Gabriel and the yinyangs are wonderful. Can't wait for the english release of volume 3!


765 reviews17 followers

November 15, 2023

Seriamente...ma come fa il protagonista a ignorare il massacro che sti tizi han fatto al suo villaggio?
No ma tranquillo, prenditi pure il the con sti tizi...mah...sia lui che la sorella hanno qualche problema serio mi sa...



2,078 reviews13 followers

January 29, 2024

I can really feel the Fullmetal vibes. There were there in the first volume, but the second was quite a bit more, with characters' mannerisms, the art style, it beought back so much nostalgia vibes but also being it own great series so far! One that I cant wait to continue!

Ali Suchy

239 reviews5 followers

January 31, 2024

It's a bit more violent than Fullmetal (at least from what I remember of the manga) but I'm still loving it. There's a reason Fullmetal is one of my favs and it's definitely because of Hiromu Arakawa. She's so funny and so creative and ugh. Fantastic.



21 reviews


April 16, 2023

Excited for more


516 reviews9 followers

September 16, 2023

3 1/2 stars.



115 reviews6 followers

September 22, 2023

Not as strong as the first volume, but still interesting enough that I'll pick up the third. Arakawa's sense of humour is always strong so while this is no FMA, it's still decently well entertaining.

Tori ✼

220 reviews20 followers

October 15, 2023

Just as good as the first book, this second volume helps unraveling some of the mysteries while still keeping the reader invested in the main plot. Excited to read volume 3!



1,157 reviews2 followers

December 17, 2023

I just cannot see the MC has anyone but Alphonse Elric.



914 reviews23 followers

December 20, 2023

I am still enjoying this, but I’m wondering when we get to the part where Gabu-chan’s slaughter of the villagers in volume one is covered.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Gracia Watson

89 reviews1 follower

January 4, 2024

I mean, Arakawa never misses. Great book

黄泉のツガイ 2 [Yomi no Tsugai 2] (2024)


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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.