Endoscopic management of polyposis syndromes: EuropeanSociety of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) guideline
Monique E. van Leerdam1,2, Victorine H. Roos3, Jeanin E. van Hooft3, Evelien Dekker3, Rodrigo Jover4, Michal F.
Kaminski5, 6, 7, Andrew Latchford8,9, Helmut Neumann10, Maria Pellisé11, 12, Jean-Christophe Saurin13, Pieter J. Tanis14,
Anja Wagner15, Francesc Balaguer11, 12, Luigi Ricciardiello16
1 Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The
2 Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
Leiden University Medical Center and Foundation for
the Detection of Hereditary Tumours, Leiden, The
3 Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
Amsterdam University Medical Centers, University of
Amsterdam, Cancer Center Amsterdam, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
4 Department of Gastroenterology, Hospital General
Universitario de Alicante, Instituto de Investigación
Sanitaria y Biomédica de Alicante (ISABIAL), Alicante,
5 Cancer Prevention, The Maria Sklodowska-Curie
Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology,
Warsaw, Poland
6 Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Clinical Oncology,
Medical Centre for Postgraduate Education, Warsaw,
7 Department of Health Management and Health
Economics, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
8 Polyposis Registry, St. Mark's Hospital, Harrow, United
9 Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College
London, London, United Kingdom
10 Department of Medicine I, University Medical Center
Mainz, Mainz, Germany
11 Gastroenterology Department, Hospital Clínic de
Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
12 Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de
Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas (CIBERehd),
Institut d'Investigacions Biomediques August Pi i
Sunyer (IDIBAPS), Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona,
13 Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Unit, Hospices Civils
de Lyon, Hôpital E. Herriot, Lyon, France
14 Department of Surgery, Amsterdam University Medical
Centers, University of Amsterdam, Cancer Center
Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
15 Department of Clinical Genetics, Erasmus Medical
Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
16 Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences,
University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
BibliographyDOI https://doi.org/10.1055/a-0965-0605 Endoscopy 2019; 51© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York ISSN 0013-726X
Corresponding author
Monique E. van Leerdam, MD PhD, Department of
Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Netherlands Cancer
Institute, Plesmanlaan 121, 1066CX, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
ESGE recommends that individuals with hereditary gastro-
intestinal polyposis syndromes should be surveilled in dedi-
cated units that provide monitoring of compliance and
endoscopic performance measures.
Strong recommendation, moderate quality of evidence,
level of agreement 90%.
ESGE recommends performing esophagogastroduodeno-
scopy, small-bowel examination, and/or colonoscopy earli-
er than the planned surveillance procedure if a patient is
Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level of
agreement 100%.
Appendix 1s
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van Leerdam Monique E et al. Endoscopic management of polyposis syndromes … Endoscopy 2019; 51
IntroductionColorectal cancer (CRC) is the fourth most incident cancer andis the second commonest cause of cancer-related death in Eur-ope [1]. While the majority of CRC is sporadic, twin studies haveshown that up to 35% of CRC cases have a familial component[2]. Approximately 2%–5% of CRC cases are genetically deter-mined by mutations in the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC),MUTYH, DNA mismatch repair, or other predisposing genes [3].
Although hereditary CRC syndromes are rare, it is of greatimportance that clinicians recognize these syndromes so theycan make appropriate management decisions for both the pa-tient and their family members who may also be at risk. Be-cause all patients with polyposis syndrome are at high risk ofdeveloping gastrointestinal (GI) malignancies, endoscopic sur-veillance and interventions are required to prevent the devel-opment of cancer or to detect cancer at an early stage. Current-ly, there is uncertainty about the surveillance intervals and op-timal endoscopic management, and guidelines regarding poly-posis syndromes are limited. Therefore, the aim of this evi-dence-based and consensus guideline, commissioned by theEuropean Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE), is toprovide clinicians with a comprehensive overview of the man-agement options regarding endoscopic surveillance and inter-ventions for the most important polyposis syndromes, namelyfamilial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), MUTYH-associated poly-posis (MAP), Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS), juvenile polyposissyndrome (JPS), and serrated polyposis syndrome (SPS) (over-view shown in ▶Table 1 [4–28]).
There are several other polyposis-associated genes, includ-ing PTEN, GREM1, POLE/POLD1, and biallelic NTHL1, that willnot be discussed in this guideline because of their low preval-ence. A second guideline will focus on the endoscopic manage-ment of familial and hereditary non-polyposis syndromes.
MethodsThe ESGE commissioned this guideline (chair J.v.H.) and ap-pointed a guideline leader (M.v.L.), who invited the listed au-thors to participate in the project development. The key ques-tions were prepared by the coordinating team (M.v.L. and V.R.)and were then approved by the other members. The coordinat-ing team formed task force subgroups, each with its own lea-der, and divided the key topics among these task forces (Ap-pendix 1 s; see online-only Supplementary Material).
The process of developing the guideline included telephoneconferences, meetings, and online and face-to-face discussionsamong the guideline committee members from July 2018 toJune 2019. Searches were performed in MEDLINE, Embase, andCochrane. Articles were selected through title and abstractscreening, followed by full-text screening. The results of thesearch were presented to all members of the guideline commit-tee and statements were created by consensus. Evidence levelsand recommendation strengths were assessed using the Grad-ing of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evalu-ation (GRADE) system [29]. Further details on the methodologyof ESGE guideline development have been reported elsewhere[30].
In May 2019, a draft prepared by M.v.L. and V.R. was sent toall group members. After the agreement of all group membershad been obtained, the manuscript was reviewed by a memberof the ESGE governing board and an external reviewer, and wassent for further comments to the ESGE national societies andindividual members. After this, it was submitted to Endoscopyfor publication.
This Guideline is an official statement of the European So-ciety of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE). The Gradingof Recommendations Assessment, Development, andEvaluation (GRADE) system was adopted to define thestrength of recommendations and the quality of evi-dence.
ACG American College of GastroenterologyAFAP attenuated familial adenomatous polyposisAPC adenomatous polyposis coliCRC colorectal cancerDBE double-balloon enteroscopyEGD esophagogastroduodenoscopyEMR endoscopic mucosal resectionESGE European Society of Gastrointestinal Endos-
copyESPGHAN European Society for Paediatric Gastroenter-
ology Hepatology and NutritionEUS endoscopic ultrasonographyFAP familial adenomatous polyposisGI gastrointestinalGRADE Grading of Recommendations Assessment,
Development, and EvaluationHD high definitionHHT hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasiaIDUS intraductal ultrasoundJPS juvenile polyposis syndromeMAP MUTYH-associated polyposisMRI-E magnetic resonance imaging enteroclysis/
enterographyNBI narrow-band imagingOR odds ratioPJS Peutz–Jeghers syndromeRCT randomized controlled trialRR relative riskSPS serrated polyposis syndromeVCE video capsule endoscopyWLE white-light endoscopy
van Leerdam Monique E et al. Endoscopic management of polyposis syndromes … Endoscopy 2019; 51
This guideline was issued in 2019 and will be considered forupdate in 2024. Any interim updates will be noted on the ESGEwebsite: http://www.esge.com/esge-guidelines.html.
As literature on polyposis syndromes is limited, a Delphi pro-cedure was organized within the guideline committee, consist-ing of two rounds, in order to gain consensus [31]. All guidelinecommittee members, except for the research fellow, wereasked to complete the online Delphi questionnaire in isolation,and responses were anonymized to prevent participants frominfluencing each other [32]. In each round, all the guidelinecommittee members were first asked to rate all the statementswith their level of agreement using a seven-point Likert scale:“Very strongly agree,” “Strongly agree,” “Agree,” “Neitheragree nor disagree,” Disagree,” “Strongly disagree,” or “Verystrongly disagree” [33]. If the statement was not their area ofexpertise, participants had the option to opt out. Secondly, par-ticipants were asked if the statement was clear and had the op-portunity to write down their suggestions for improvement.After the first round of Delphi voting, all statements were dis-
cussed and adjusted if necessary during a face-to-face meeting.Consensus was reached when ≥80% of the guideline commit-tee members had voted either “Very strongly agree,” “Stronglyagree,” or “Agree” during the second round of the Delphi pro-cedure.
1 General recommendations for patientswith a polyposis syndrome
▶ Table 1 Overview of polyposis syndromes.
Polyp sub-
Gene Germline
Incidence Clinical criteria CRC risk References
Familial adeno-matous polypo-sis (FAP)
APC 70%–90% 1 in 10000 Classic: > 100 adenomas in colon/rectum at age 25
100% [4, 5 ,23, 24]
Attenuated: < 100 adenomasin colon/rectum at age 25
MUTYH-associ-ated polyposis(MAP)
MUTYH 16%–40% 1–4 in10000
20 –100 adenomas in colon/rec-tum
19%–43% [6, 25, 26]
Peutz–Jegherssyndrome (PJS)
80%–94% 1 in 250000 1 ≥2 histologically confirmedPeutz–Jeghers polyps2 any number of Peutz–Jegherspolyps in an individual with apositive family history of PJS3 presence of characteristic mu-cocutaneous pigmentations in anindividual with a positive familyhistory of PJS4 any number of Peutz–Jegherspolyps in an individual with char-acteristic mucocutaneous pig-mentation
15%–57% [7 –9, 27, 28]
Juvenilepolyposissyndrome (JPS)
40%–60% 1–1.6 in100 000
1 ≥5 juvenile polyps are presentin the colon/rectum or in otherparts of the gastrointestinal tract2 any number of juvenile polypsin a patient with one or morerelatives affected with JPS
39%–68% [10–13]
Serrated Serratedpolyposissyndrome (SPS)
No germ-line muta-tion iden-tified
NA 31–80 in10000 in FITscreening42 in 10000in colonosco-py screening
1 ≥5 serrated polyps proximalto the sigmoid with ≥2 being>10mm2 >20 serrated polyps of any sizedistributed throughout the colon
15%–30% [14–22]
FIT, fecal immunochemical test; NA, not applicable.
ESGE recommends that individuals with hereditary gas-trointestinal polyposis syndromes should be surveilled indedicated units that provide monitoring of complianceand endoscopic performance measures.Strong recommendation, moderate quality of evidence,level of agreement 90%.
van Leerdam Monique E et al. Endoscopic management of polyposis syndromes … Endoscopy 2019; 51
Management of patients with polyposis syndrome is challen-ging. Strict follow-up of these patients with high quality endos-copy and polypectomy is essential. It has been proven that pro-vision of healthcare services is more effective when delivered inan organized and coordinated system [34].
Data from the Danish polyposis registry showed a signifi-cantly lower CRC risk in call-up cases compared with probandswho were not under surveillance. The tracing and follow-upprogram increased life expectancy by 17.0 years [35]. For thesereasons, polyposis patients should be followed in dedicatedunits (national registries, genetic counseling centers, or highrisk cancer centers) where endoscopic surveillance recommen-dations are monitored and audited, in order to improve adher-ence and provide the highest quality of care.
Surveillance intervals are provided in this guideline, but forpatients with specific complaints, such as anemia, rectal bloodloss, or abdominal pain, endoscopic interventions should beperformed when indicated and not postponed to the next sur-veillance examination.
▶Table2 and ▶Table 3 provide a summary of all of thestatements, including starting age and interval of endoscopicsurveillance
2 Familial adenomatous polyposis andMUTYH-associated polyposis
2.1 Background
FAP is caused by an autosomal dominant mutation in the APCgene [36] (▶Table 1). The disease is characterized by the devel-opment of up to 100–1000 adenomas throughout the colonand rectum, and is also associated with extracolonic manifesta-tions [4]. When the disease is left untreated, the cumulative riskof developing CRC is 100% at a median age of 35–45 years [4].Attenuated FAP (AFAP; arbitrarily defined as < 100 adenomas) isassociated with a later onset of CRC and the absolute risk isthought to be lower than in those with a classical phenotype(> 100 adenomas) [5]. Duodenal adenomatosis is the most fre-quent extracolonic manifestation in FAP, and there are no ro-bust data demonstrating that those with AFAP have a differentduodenal phenotype to those with classical FAP. Approximately10%–30% of the patients with (attenuated) polyposis pheno-type will remain without a detectable mutation. In these pa-tients we suggest they be treated according to their clinical di-agnosis.
There is no clear cutoff for referring an individual with a his-tory of colorectal adenomatous polyps for genetic testing. Theguideline of the American College of Gastroenterology advisesreferral for individuals with a history of 10 adenomatous polyps[37]. The Dutch guideline uses 10 or more colorectal adenoma-tous polyps in patients aged under 60 and 20 or more in thoseaged under 70 as a cutoff for referral [38].
The other main adenomatous polyposis syndrome is MAP,which is caused by a biallelic mutation in the MUTYH gene. Al-though there is significant phenotypic overlap with FAP, MAP isoften associated with a lower number of colorectal polyps and alater age of onset, although significant phenotypic variation isobserved [39, 40]. The lifetime risk for CRC in MAP patientsranges from 19% to 43% [6].
▶ Table 2 Summary table of colonoscopy surveillance statements.
Polyposis syndrome Starting age Surveillance interval Treatment indication
(Attenuated) familial adeno-matous polyposis
12 –14 years Every 1–2 years Pre- and post-colectomy: remove allpolyps > 5mm
MUTYH-associated polyposis 18 years Every 1–2 years Pre- and post-colectomy: remove allpolyps > 5mm
Peutz–Jeghers syndrome Baseline: 8 yearsRoutine: 18 years
Baseline: if polyps found, every 1 –3 yearsRoutine: every 1– 3 years
Elective polypectomy
Juvenile polyposis syndrome 12 –15 years Every 1–3 years Elective polypectomy for polyps > 10mm
Serrated polyposis syndrome NA 1 year: after ≥1 advanced polyp or ≥5 non-advanced clinically relevant polyps2 years: after no advanced polyps or < 5 non-advanced clinically relevant polyps
Clearing/surveillance phase: remove allpolyps ≥5mm and all polyps of any sizewith optical suspicion of dysplasia
NA, not applicable.
ESGE recommends performing esophagogastroduodeno-scopy, small-bowel examination, and/or colonoscopy ear-lier than the planned surveillance procedure if a patient issymptomatic.Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 100%.
van Leerdam Monique E et al. Endoscopic management of polyposis syndromes … Endoscopy 2019; 51
2.2 Colonoscopy surveillance Compared with sporadic cancers, FAP is characterized by ex-tremely early and multifocal carcinogenesis. However, the ade-noma–carcinoma sequence is not accelerated, with adenomastaking up to 15 years to become malignant. Studies in patientswith known APC mutation or clinical polyposis have shown thatthe median age of polyp development is 12–17 years [41–45].In addition, the CRC rate below the age of 20 years is very low,approximately 1.3% [46].
Data also indicate that the APC mutation site may affect theseverity of disease and cancer development. However, there is awide spectrum of colorectal polyp burden in FAP and AFAP andcare needs to be personalized [5]. Therefore, we recommendstarting colonoscopy surveillance at age 12–14 years.
Active endoscopic surveillance is associated with a subse-quent reduction of CRC incidence and mortality, mostly due totimely early surgical intervention. Studies showed that 47%–69% of symptomatic FAP patients were diagnosed with CRC, asopposed to 2%–4% of relatives with FAP in whom CRC wasfound during screening [47, 48].
ESGE recommends that colonoscopy surveillance inasymptomatic individuals with familial adenomatouspolyposis should start at the age of 12–14 years.Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 90%.
ESGE recommends that colonoscopy surveillance of indi-viduals with familial adenomatous polyposis with an intactcolon should be performed every 1–2 years dependingon the polyp burden.Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 90%.
▶ Table 3 Summary table of gastric and small-bowel surveillance statements.
Polyposis syndrome Modality Starting age Surveillance interval Treatment indication
(Attenuated) familialadenomatous poly-posis
25 years According to Spigelmanscore, adjusted for ap-pearance of the ampulla
Non-ampullary adenomas: considerer endo-scopic resection of adenomas ≥10mmAmpullary adenomas: consider discussing en-doscopic treatment in a multidisciplinarysetting for adenomas ≥10mm, showing exces-sive growth, or with suspicion of invasive growth
35 years According to Spigelmanscore, adjusted for ap-pearance of the ampulla
Non-ampullary adenomas: considerer endo-scopic resection of adenomas≥10mmAmpullary adenomas: consider discussing en-doscopic treatment in a multidisciplinarysetting for adenomas ≥10mm, showing exces-sive growth, or with suspicion of invasive growth
Peutz–Jeghers syn-drome
Baseline: 8 yearsRoutine: 18 years
Baseline: if polyps found,every 1–3 yearsRoutine: every 1–3 years
Elective polypectomy
MRI studies orvideo capsuleenteroscopy
8 years Every 1–3 years Elective polypectomy for polyps > 15–20mm,preferably using device-assisted enteroscopy
Juvenile polyposissyndrome: SMAD4mutation carriers
18 years Every 1–3 years Gastric management should be discussed in amultidisciplinary setting
Juvenile polyposissyndrome: BMPR1Amutation carriers
25 years Every 1–3 years Gastric management should be discussed in amultidisciplinary setting
Serrated polyposissyndrome
MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NA, not applicable.
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In 16%–40% of the individuals with 20–100 adenomas inwhom FAP was excluded, a MUTYH mutation was found [37].Furthermore, biallelic MUTYH mutations are found in 7.5% to12.5% of patients with >100 adenomas in whom a disease-causing APC mutation is not found [6]. Nieuwenhuis et al. dem-onstrated that colorectal polyposis was diagnosed at a meanage of 44.8 years in 254 biallelic MUTYH mutation carriers,while CRC was diagnosed in 58% of these individuals at an aver-age age of 48.5 years [49]. Furthermore, these patients had an11% risk of developing metachronous CRC within 5 years aftersurgery, suggesting that biallelic MUTYH mutation carriers mayhave accelerated carcinogenesis.
Patients with a monoallelic MUTYH mutation do not developadenomatous polyposis. They do however seem to have aslightly elevated risk of developing CRC compared with the gen-eral population, although this is not sufficient to warrant en-hanced surveillance. The management of these individualsshould be the same as for those in the general population [50,51].
2.3 Management of colorectal neoplasia in patientswith an intact colon
There are no data indicating that endoscopic polypectomyalone is an appropriate management strategy for patients withFAP. (Laparoscopic) prophylactic surgery is considered thestandard of care. Most studies reveal a very narrow window be-tween the diagnosis of colonic polyposis and surgery [43, 45].However, postponing surgery might be considered based onoverall polyp burden, in particular in those with an attenuatedphenotype. Some patients with mild polyposis may even bemanaged endoscopically.
Furthermore, colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis insteadof proctocolectomy with ileo-pouch anal anastomosis can beconsidered if the polyp burden in the rectum is relatively lim-ited (usually < 20 adenomas). The choice of surgery shouldtake into account a personal or family history of desmoid dis-ease or a germline mutation predisposing to desmoids [52]. Inaddition, prophylactic surgery should be personalized based onpatient preference and after a thorough discussion of the impli-cations for quality of life and fertility.
Chemoprevention has been proposed as a potential strategyto reduce polyp burden. Until now, no single chemopreventiondrug has an approved indication for the management of FAP orMAP [53]. Therefore, endoscopic management and, if neces-sary, subsequent prophylactic surgery remain the standard ofcare.
ESGE recommends that colonoscopy surveillance of indi-viduals with MUTYH-associated polyposis with intact co-lons should be performed every 1–2 years depending onthe polyp burden.Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 90%.
ESGE suggests that the timing and type of surgery inindividuals with familial adenomatous polyposis/MUTYH-associated polyposis should be discussed in a multidisci-plinary setting, thereby taking into account the sex (ferti-lity), polyp burden, extensiveness of rectal involvement,personal and family history of desmoid disease, and mu-tation site in the context of social, personal, and educa-tional factors.Weak recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 90%.
ESGE suggests that endoscopic management of colorec-tal adenomas alone is not recommended in individualswith familial adenomatous polyposis/MUTYH-associatedpolyposis. It may be considered in individuals who havean attenuated phenotype, provided that high quality sur-veillance and robust recall systems are in place.Weak recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 60%.
ESGE suggests that, in individuals with familial adenoma-tous polyposis/MUTYH-associated polyposis who are notin need of immediate colectomy and are manageable byendoscopy, all polyps > 5mm be removed.Weak recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 90%.
ESGE recommends that colonoscopy surveillance shouldstart at the age of 18 years in asymptomatic individualswith MUTYH-associated polyposis.Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 90%.
van Leerdam Monique E et al. Endoscopic management of polyposis syndromes … Endoscopy 2019; 51
2.4 Surveillance and management of colorectalneoplasia after (procto)colectomy
In FAP patients with total colectomy and ileorectal anasto-mosis, the incidence of cancer development in the rectal rem-nant is the biggest concern [54]. The cumulative risk of rectalcancer varies from 11% to 24% [55–57], while the cumulativerisk of dying from rectal cancer is between 9% and 12.5% [55,58]. Four independent predictors of progressive rectal diseasehave been described: rectal polyp count exceeding 20 or colo-nic polyp count of 500 or more prior to colectomy, APC muta-tion at codons 1250–1450, and age less than 25 years at thetime of surgery [57].
In FAP patients with proctocolectomy and ileo-pouch analanastomosis, the incidence of cancer in the pouch is lowerthan that in the rectal cuff [59]. In a systematic review includ-ing 92 pouch-related cancers, 23 cancers (25%) developed inthe pouch and 69 (75%) in the anal transitional zone [60]. In alarge series of 206 patients with FAP who underwent proctoco-lectomy with ileo-pouch anal anastomosis, the risk of develop-ing adenomas in the pouch was 22% in the mucosectomy withhandsewn anastomosis group, while 51% developed adenomasin the rectal remnant and/or pouch after stapled ileo-pouchanal anastomosis (median follow-up 10.3 years) [61]. Otherstudies have shown that mucosectomy handsewn anastomosisis associated with a lower risk of adenomas [59, 62]. Retroflex-ion in the rectum should always be performed to adequately ex-plore the anal transitional zone.
Evidence on how to manage polyps in the rectal remnant orpouch, and the appropriate interval between endoscopies isscarce. Some experts have shown that, even in severe cases ofrectal polyposis, polyp burden in the rectal remnant can be ef-fectively reduced by cold snare polypectomies and endoscopicsubmucosal resections [63, 64]. One study recommends theuse of argon plasma coagulation, but without evidence of its ef-fect on cancer prevention [65].
2.5 Duodenal surveillance and management
Individuals with FAP are also at high risk for developing duo-denal adenomas. In 30%–92% of FAP patients, duodenal ade-nomas are detected, with a lifetime risk approaching 100%[66–70]. However, only a minority of patients develop duode-nal cancer, with a cumulative risk ranging from 4% to 10% by
ESGE recommends that individuals with familial adeno-matous polyposis start endoscopic duodenal surveillanceat the age of 25 years.Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 100%.
ESGE suggests duodenal polyps and the ampulla shouldbe biopsied only if they are not amenable to endoscopicremoval, either because they are too large or becausethere is a suspicion of invasive growth.Weak recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 89%.
ESGE recommends endoscopic removal of all polyps> 5mm during surveillance of the rectum or pouch inpatients with familial adenomatous polyposis/MUTYH-associated polyposis.Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 100%.
ESGE recommends all polyps be endoscopically removedat the anal transitional zone (rectal cuff) after proctoco-lectomy and ileo-pouch anal anastomosis.Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 89%.
ESGE recommends thorough inspection and descriptionof the duodenum and ampullary site at every surveillanceesophagogastroduodenoscopy in individuals with familialadenomatous polyposis/MUTYH-associated polyposis.The duodenal surveillance interval should be determinedon the basis of polyp characteristics.Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 100%.
ESGE suggests considering endoscopic resection of non-ampullary duodenal adenomas≥10mm in patients withfamilial adenomatous polyposis/MUTYH-associated poly-posis.Weak recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 90%.
ESGE recommends endoscopic surveillance of the rectumor pouch every 1–2 years in individuals with familialadenomatous polyposis/MUTYH-associated polyposis de-pending on the polyp burden.Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 90%.
van Leerdam Monique E et al. Endoscopic management of polyposis syndromes … Endoscopy 2019; 51
the age of 60 [66, 69–73]. The median age at duodenal cancerdiagnosis varied from 52 to 67 years [67, 69,74–76]. Regularduodenal surveillance and prophylactic surgery has resulted ina significantly improved prognosis in FAP patients [74].
During esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), the severity ofduodenal polyposis is assessed using the Spigelman classifica-tion system (▶Table4). Scores for the number, size, histology,and grade of dysplasia of the duodenal adenomas result in aSpigelman stage varying from I to IV [77]. Several risk factorsfor developing duodenal cancer are acknowledged: age; Spigel-man stage IV at first endoscopy; duodenal polyps ≥10mm orcontaining high grade dysplasia; and ampullary adenomas withhigh grade dysplasia, a (tubulo)villous component, or highgrade dysplasia [67, 70, 74–76]. To obtain all components ofthe Spigelman score, pathology results are needed; however,routine biopsies of duodenal polyps may interfere with opticaldiagnosis and future endoscopic resection because of fibrosis.Therefore, taking routine biopsies is currently not recommen-ded. If endoscopic removal is not necessary because the adeno-mas are small and there is no suspicion of invasive growth, theSpigelman stage should be determined based on previouspathology reports or optical diagnosis to determine the sever-ity of duodenal polyposis and the surveillance interval. The siteof the ampulla in particular should be evaluated and reportedaccurately, as this is a location of preference for adenoma andcancer development [78].
The surveillance interval should be based both on the Spigel-man stage and on separate judgment of the ampulla, with sur-veillance adapted to the shortest interval. For a normal ampul-la, a surveillance interval of 5 years seems safe; for adenoma-tous changes in an ampulla < 10mm, a surveillance interval of3 years; and for an ampulla ≥10mm, a surveillance interval of1 year is proposed. Cap-assisted endoscopy has been shown toeffectively visualize the ampulla in 95% of FAP patients, avoid-ing the need for additional side-viewing endoscopy and causingless burden for the patient [79]. The indications for biopsy needto be carefully considered and biopsies should not be taken rou-tinely as biopsies of the ampulla may result in pancreatitis.
Nine widely varying, small single-center studies, including6–35 patients, described the effect of endoscopic removal ofnon-ampullary duodenal adenomas in FAP patients [80–88].The most frequently reported complications were (intraproce-dural) bleeding and mild post-procedural abdominal pain [81–83, 88]. During follow-up, ranging from 18 months to 9.9 years,one case of duodenal cancer was observed in a patient who hadrefused endoscopic surveillance after suffering a severe post-polypectomy bleed [80, 81,84,87,88]. Recurrence rates at theresection scar of non-ampullary duodenal adenomas variedwidely from 22% to 100% [84, 85,87,88].
In one study, 35 FAP patients with Spigelman stage IV duo-denal polyposis were treated with argon plasma coagulationfor small and flat adenomas and endoscopic mucosal resection(EMR) for sessile and flat adenomas over 10mm [86]. In thisstudy, Spigelman scores decreased in 95% of the patients. Fur-thermore, a modeling analysis revealed a 60% decrease in meanSpigelman score after 150 months [86]. However, Balmforth etal. showed that downstaging of Spigelman IV patients resultedin an increased rate of duodenal disease progression comparedwith the patients with primary disease progression [89]. Sur-veillance interval after duodenal polypectomy needs to be de-termined by the expert endoscopist. There is a lack of data anda need to better understand the biology of duodenal and am-pullary adenomas and cancer in order to develop a new systemto stratify cancer risk.
In MAP, the prevalence of duodenal adenomas is lower thanin individuals with FAP, with 17%–34% at a median age of 50years [90, 91]. Only 6% of these patients with MAP developedampullary disease [90]. Because duodenal polyposis occurs la-ter in life and with a slower progression than in individualswith FAP, duodenal surveillance may commence at a higherage. Walton et al. showed that only 8 of 92 MAP patients (9%)underwent an endoscopic intervention, starting at 38 years[90]. In this series, two duodenal cancers were diagnosed in
ESGE recommends starting endoscopic duodenal surveil-lance in individuals with MUTYH-associated polyposis at35 years of age.Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 90%.
▶ Table 4 Spigelman Score, adapted from Spigelman et al. [77]. b Re-commended surveillance interval on the basis of the Spigelman score.
Surveillance interval*
0 points 0 5 years
1–4 points I 5 years
5–6 points II 3 years
7–8 points III 1 year
9–12 points IV 6 months, consider (endoscopic orsurgical) treatment
* Additional adjustment based on inspection of the ampullary region.
▶ Table 4 Spigelman Score, adapted from Spigelman et al. [77].a Points awarded in the calculation of Spigelman score.
Findings at duode-
1 point 2 points 3 points
Number of adeno-mas
1–4 5–20 >20
Size, mm 1–4 5–10 >10
Histology* Tubular Tubulovillous Villous
Dysplasia* Low grade NA High grade
* Based on pathology obtained for complete endoscopic removal of duode-nal polyps or prior pathology results.
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patients with MAP over the age of 60 years who were not under-going surveillance [90]. Duodenal cancers in MAP patients canoften occur without significant duodenal polyp burden [90, 92].
Duodenal polyps in FAP and MAP often occur in the region ofthe ampulla [78]. To prevent ampullary cancer, endoscopic am-pullectomy can be performed in individuals with adenomatouschanges of the ampulla. However, ampullectomy is associatedwith severe complications, therefore benefits and harmsshould be weighed in an experienced multidisciplinary setting.The effect of endoscopic ampullectomy has been evaluated inthree small observational studies, including 8–28 FAP patients[93–95]. In these series, complication rates such as pancreati-tis (19%–20%), bleeding (4%–13%), and abdominal pain (8%)were high [93, 94]. Recurrence at the site of ampullectomy oc-curred in 0–67% of the cases after a follow-up ranging from 53to 85 months with no evidence of ampullary cancer [93–95]. Inone study of 15 FAP patients, two (13%) required surgery aftermultiple repeated endoscopic resections [93].
Finally, if endoscopic ampullectomy is indicated but not pos-sible in an expert center, the patient should be referred for sur-gical intervention.
In the literature, endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) for thepretherapeutic staging of ampullary tumors has focused mainlyon advanced ampullary cancers. One study focusing on ampul-lary adenomas in 38 FAP patients showed no EUS utility, with noinformation on duct involvement [93]. A comparison of preo-perative staging of ampullary tumors showed comparable ac-curacy of EUS and intraductal ultrasound (IDUS), with an accu-racy of 63% (EUS) and 78% (IDUS), in particular for advancedstages [96]. On the other hand, over-staging at EUS/IDUS oc-curred in 25%–40% of cases of benign adenoma or early can-cers [96–98]. Therefore, EUS and IDUS present limitations in
the pretherapeutic evaluation of ampullary tumors, with over-staging of early and even benign lesions.
In patients with FAP, fundic gland polyps are reported in20%–88% [99, 100]. Fundic gland polyps are thought to havelittle tendency for malignant transformation. On the otherhand, gastric adenomas are considered to have a premalignantpotential, given that 8%–14% of gastric adenomas harbor highgrade dysplasia [101, 102]. Historically, the risk of developinggastric cancer among Western FAP patients was not found tobe higher than the general population [102–104]. However,two recent series from Western countries, described 17 casesof gastric cancer, with a median age at diagnosis between 50and 60 years [102, 103]. In both series, the proximal cancerswere associated with carpeting fundic gland polyposis, whichcan make identification of the premalignant adenoma extre-mely difficult. These findings suggest that identification and re-section of gastric adenomas are important to prevent the de-velopment of gastric cancer, but currently there are no data asto whether or not this is effective.
Two retrospective studies reported that 4%–6% of the FAPpatients had been surgically treated for duodenal polyposis, de-scribing mortality rates after pancreas-preserving duodenecto-my ranging from 5% to 33% [105, 106]. The in-hospital morbid-ity was 49%, without differences between patients with benignadenomatosis and cancer [106]. After duodenectomy, adeno-mas occurred in 78% of the FAP patients in the neo-duodenumafter a mean of 46 months, indicating the need for endoscopicsurveillance in these patients [107]. Therefore, it is crucial thatthe neo-duodenum is accessible for endoscopic surveillance.
ESGE recommends that prophylactic duodenectomy infamilial adenomatous polyposis/MUTYH-associated poly-posis should be reserved for those patients with themost advanced disease, which cannot be endoscopicallymanaged.Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 100%.
ESGE recommends performing thorough gastric assess-ment at the time of duodenal surveillance. If gastric ade-nomas are suspected, endoscopic resection is recom-mended, or surgical resection if endoscopically unresect-able.Strong recommendation, moderate quality of evidence,level of agreement 100%.
ESGE suggests that endoscopic ultrasonography shouldnot be routinely performed in the pretherapeutic evalua-tion of ampullary adenomas in individuals with familialadenomatous polyposis/MUTYH-associated polyposis. Itmay be considered for assessment of large or suspiciousampullas to help exclude invasive growth.Weak recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 89%.
ESGE suggests treatment for individuals with familialadenomatous polyposis/MUTYH-associated polyposiswho have ampullary adenomas ≥10mm showing exces-sive growth or suspicion of invasive growth should be dis-cussed in a multidisciplinary setting.Weak recommendations, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 100%.
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3 Peutz–Jeghers syndrome
3.1 Background
PJS is characterized by the development of hamartomatouspolyps [3]. PJS is diagnosed using clinical criteria (▶Table1) orby a pathogenic germline mutation in the serine threonine ki-nase 11 tumor suppressor gene (STK11/LKB1 gene), which isfound in 80%–94% of PJS patients [7]. Individuals with perioralor buccal pigmentation and/or two or more GI hamartomatouspolyp(s) or a family history of PJS should be referred for genetictesting [37].
The predominant clinical feature of PJS is GI polyposis, mostoften found in the small bowel (60%–90%), where they maycause bleeding, anemia, and intussusception [108, 109]. Thecumulative risk of GI cancers (excluding pancreatic cancer) hasbeen reported to be around 33% at the age of 60, increasing to57% at the age of 70 years [8]. However, data are often histor-ical, retrospective, and subject to bias that probably overesti-mates the cancer risk.
Surveillance of the GI tract in PJS patients has two purposes:(i) to detect GI polyps that may cause complications (bleeding,anemia, intussusception) and should be removed (in particularsmall-bowel polyp-related complications are the predominantclinical problem) [110, 111]; (ii) to detect cancer (mainly occur-ring in adults) at an early stage [9].
3.2 Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopysurveillance
Most studies about cancer risk in PJS patients are single-center cohort studies and rather small, which may overesti-mate the cancer risk because of ascertainment bias. Giardielloet al. performed a systematic review including 210 PJS patientsfrom six studies and reported a cumulative risk of gastric cancerof 29% at 15–64 years of age, with a relative risk (RR) of 213(95% confidence interval [CI] 96–368) compared with the gen-eral population [112]. The average age of gastric cancer diag-nosis was 30–40 years [9, 113]. The cumulative risk of coloncancer was 39% at 15–64 years of age, with an RR of 84 (95%CI 47–137) [113–115].
There are no prospective studies evaluating the effect of sur-veillance strategies for gastric cancer, duodenal cancer, or CRC.Furthermore, there is no evidence regarding the type and fre-quency of surveillance and starting/stopping age. Hamartomasare predominantly found in the small bowel and colon and onlyseldomly give rise to complications in the esophagus or stom-ach. Latchford et al. evaluated 28 PJS patients who had under-gone one or more surveillance endoscopies by the age of 18[111]. In 17 patients a significant gastroduodenal or colonicpolyp was found, including 20 gastroduodenal polyps over10mm [111]. In this series, no PJS patients were observed todevelop GI cancer. Furthermore, dysplasia or atypia was veryrarely observed.
3.3 Small–bowel surveillance
ESGE recommends small-bowel surveillance from theage of 8 years in asymptomatic individuals with Peutz–Jeghers syndrome.Strong recommendation, moderate quality of evidence,level of agreement 100%.
ESGE recommends an interval of 1–3 years based on phe-notype for small-bowel surveillance.Strong recommendation, moderate quality of evidence,level of agreement 100%.
ESGE recommends a baseline esophagogastroduodeno-scopy and colonoscopy at the age of 8 years in asympto-matic individuals with Peutz–Jeghers syndrome.Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 100%.
ESGE recommends an interval of 1–3 years based on phe-notype for esophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonos-copy.Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 100%.
ESGE recommends starting routine esophagogastroduo-denoscopy and colonoscopy surveillance at the age of 18if the baseline endoscopy is negative.Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 100%. RECOMMENDATION
ESGE recommends either MRI studies or video capsuleenteroscopy for small-bowel surveillance.Strong recommendation, moderate quality of evidence,level of agreement 89%.
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Symptoms related to small-bowel polyps are frequent andintussusception is seen by the age of 10 in 33% and by the ageof 20 in 50% of PJS patients [110]. The cumulative risk of small-bowel cancer was 13%, with an RR of 520 (95%CI 220–1306)[113]. The average age of diagnosis of small-bowel cancer was37–42 years [9, 113]. However, it is difficult to interpret thesedata because of the small studies, which may overestimate can-cer risk due to ascertainment bias, and misinterpretation ofpseudoinvasion as cancer.
Currently, magnetic resonance imaging enteroclysis/entero-graphy (MRI-E) and video capsule endoscopy (VCE) are themost used imaging modalities for detection of polyps in thesmall bowel [109, 116–119]. There are four studies that havecompared MRI-E and VCE, including a total of 47 patients withPJS [118–121]. Gupta et al. [118] did not find a significant dif-ference between the twomodalities for the detection of clinical-ly relevant polyps (> 10mm), as opposed to Urquhart et al.[119], who showed superiority for VCE over MRI-E. Both modal-ities do miss clinically relevant polyps (> 15–20mm or smallerpolyps that do give rise to symptoms). Based on the current lit-erature, both VCE and MRI-E are reasonable options for small-bowel surveillance.
3.4 Management of small-bowel polyps
In a cohort study including 110 PJS patients, 69% developedat least one intussusception at a median age of 16 years [110].The intussusception occurred in the small bowel in 95% of thecases. Based on the histology of 37 cases, intussusception oc-curred owing to polyps with a median diameter of 35mm(15–60mm). In almost all publications, the indication for bal-loon endoscopy is set at polyps over 10–15mm on VCE orMRI-E, although some studies used a threshold of 20mm[109]. Several studies have shown that polypectomy of relevantsmall-bowel polyps can prevent the need for emergency sur-gery [108, 122, 123].
Balloon-assisted enteroscopy facilitates polypectomy in al-most all patients with clinically relevant polyps [109]. Single-balloon and double-balloon enteroscopy (DBE) have beenshown to be effective for the removal of polyps up to 60mm[124] and 100mm [125], respectively. Prior abdominal surgeryis not a contraindication for balloon enteroscopy. For individ-uals with too many small-bowel polyps, or large or high riskpolyps, laparoscopically-assisted DBE or intraoperative entero-scopy can be performed [123].
The effect on cancer reduction is not known. Only one T2N0adenocarcinoma in the jejunum has been detailed in the DBEliterature, which has reported more than 3000 polypectomies[109, 111, 126].
4 Juvenile polyposis syndrome4.1 Background
The diagnosis of JPS is based on clinical criteria [10] (▶Table 1).Individuals with five or more juvenile polyps in the colorectumor any juvenile polyps in other parts of the GI tract should un-dergo genetic testing [37]. A germline mutation in SMAD4 orBMPR1A is identified in around 40%–60% of those with a clini-cal diagnosis. Germline mutations in these genes result in tworelatively different phenotypes [127]. SMAD4 mutation carrierspresent with colonic and gastric involvement, in combinationwith hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT), whereasBMPR1A mutation carriers mostly develop a colonic phenotype[11, 12]. JPS is associated with an increased GI cancer risk vary-ing from 39% to 68% [10, 13].
4.2 Colonoscopy surveillance
ESGE recommends that elective polypectomy should beperformed for small-bowel polyps > 15–20mm to pre-vent intussusception. In a symptomatic patient, smallerpolyps causing obstructive symptoms should be re-moved.Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 90%.
ESGE recommends device-assisted enteroscopy for theremoval of polyps. Based on phenotype, intraoperativeenteroscopy could be considered.Strong recommendation, moderate quality of evidence,level of agreement 89%.
ESGE recommends that colonoscopy screening in asymp-tomatic individuals with juvenile polyposis syndromestarts at the age of 12–15 years.Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 100%.
ESGE recommends an interval of 1–3 years based on phe-notype for routine colonoscopy surveillance in individualswith juvenile polyposis.Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 100%.
ESGE recommends that colorectal polyps > 10mm shouldbe removed in individuals with juvenile polyposis syn-drome to prevent complications and the development ofcolorectal cancer.Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 90%.
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Almost all patients with SMAD4 and BMPR1A germline muta-tions present with colonic hamartomas, with a wide range ofdisease expression from a few polyps to over 100 polyps[128–130]. Very young patients with symptomatic polyposishave been reported (4–12 years) [129, 130]. In the largest pub-lished series of 84 cases fulfilling the clinical criteria for JPS,from the Johns Hopkins’ hospital, 8 of the 84 patients (9.5%)developed CRC between the ages of 30 and 58 years, with a life-time calculated risk of 37% [13]. In another retrospective seriesfrom Baltimore, the frequency of colectomy was 49% [128]. Be-sides classical cases, a much more severe phenotype has beendescribed in patients harboring a microdeletion in chromo-some 10 that involves both the BMPR1A and PTEN genes [131].
4.3 Esophagogastroduodenoscopy surveillance
The lifetime risks of extracolonic cancers, including stom-ach, pancreas, and small intestine, are difficult to quantify ow-ing to a lack of good quality data. Risks that have been reportedvary from 20% to 60% [132]. However, these are likely to be in-fluenced by overestimation of risk due to ascertainment bias.
Gastric cancer has not been reported among patients belowthe age of 35 years [128]. However, the majority of SMAD4 mu-tation carriers develop gastric hamartomas at an early age,which may progress into a severe diffuse hamartomatous gas-tritis mimicking Menetrier disease in adulthood [127, 128,130, 133]. On the other hand, based on limited data, BMPR1Acarriers do not seem to present with gastric involvement [127,129].
4.4 Small-bowel surveillance
Small-bowel involvement in JPS is rare and, if present, predo-minantly located in the duodenum [127, 128, 130]. Wain et al.found a prevalence of 29% for duodenal polyps in SMAD4 muta-tion carriers [130]. Involvement of the distal duodenum in JPS isnot described [134, 135]. In addition, no cases of jejunal or ilealcarcinoma have been reported. Therefore, EGD seems to besufficient for small-bowel surveillance in JPS patients. Finally,the association of SMAD4 mutation with HHT suggests that, inexpert centers, management of iron deficiency anemia unex-plained by EGD and colonoscopy could be an indication forsmall-bowel evaluation with VCE. In patients with evidence ofHHT, screening for vascular lesions in other organs should beperformed.
5 Serrated polyposis syndrome5.1 Background
SPS has emerged as the most frequent form of polyposis, withan estimated prevalence of up to 1:111 (0.9%) of individuals infecal occult blood test-based screening cohorts and up to 1:238(0.42%) in primary screening cohorts [14–17]. SPS is oftengrouped with the hereditary polyposis syndromes although nounderlying gene defect has been identified yet. SPS is diag-nosed using clinical criteria defined by the World Health Orga-nization criteria, recently revised (▶Table 1) [18, 136].
The prevalence of CRC in patients with SPS has been estima-ted to range between 15% and 30% and there is an increasedrisk for CRC prior to or at the time of SPS diagnosis and treat-ment [14, 19–22]. In one prospective and three retrospectivecohorts, the cumulative 5-year incidence of CRC under endo-scopic surveillance ranged between 0 and 7.0% [14, 19, 20,137].
ESGE does not recommend small-bowel surveillance inasymptomatic individuals with juvenile polyposis syn-drome.Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 100%.
ESGE recommends gastric management (polypectomy,surgery, surveillance) be discussed in expert multidisci-plinary teams as no clear algorithm can be proposedbased on the available data.Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 100%.
ESGE recommends that esophagogastroduodenoscopysurveillance should start at the age of 18 years in asymp-tomatic individuals with a SMAD4 mutation.Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 100%.
ESGE suggests that esophagogastroduodenoscopy sur-veillance should start at the age of 25 years in asympto-matic individuals with a BMPR1A mutation.Weak recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 90%.
ESGE recommends an interval of 1–3 years depending onphenotype for esophagogastroduodenoscopy surveil-lance in individuals with juvenile polyposis syndrome.Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 90%.
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5.2 Colonoscopy surveillance and management ofneoplasia
In SPS patients, successful endoscopic treatment at diagno-sis (the so-called “clearing phase”) can be achieved in the ma-jority of patients [14, 20, 138]. However, clearing in some casesrequires commitment, time, and expertise to perform a largenumber of polypectomies in one or more procedures [138]. Ac-cordingly, these patients should be managed in dedicated unitswith expert endoscopists in order to prevent unnecessary sur-gery. Studies with expert endoscopists have shown that EMRof large serrated lesions is easy, safe, and has a lower recur-rence rate than for adenomas [139].
The risk of developing CRC during endoscopic surveillancefollowing diagnosis and clearing of the initial polyp burdenseems to be low. Based on two large retrospective cohort stud-ies, the cumulative incidence during surveillance varied from 0to 3.1% after 3–5 years [14, 20]. The median interval betweensurveillance colonoscopies in these cohort studies varied be-tween 12 and 19 months [14, 19–22, 138, 140]. Although theCRC risk during surveillance is low, one retrospective and oneprospective cohort study reported that the incidence of ad-vanced neoplasia during surveillance is as high as 34%–42%after 3 years of surveillance [19, 22].
In a recent study, 271 SPS patients were prospectively fol-lowed during a median of 3.6 years of surveillance using a per-sonalized surveillance protocol [141]. Patients were surveilledat intervals of either 1 or 2 years, depending on their most re-cent polyp burden and the risk of metachronous advanced neo-plasia. SPS patients were recommended a surveillance intervalof 1 year if: one or more advanced serrated lesions or adenomashad been removed; if cumulatively ≥5 relevant polyps (sessileserrated lesions [irrespective of size], adenomas [irrespectiveof size], and/or hyperplastic polyps > 5mm) had been removed;or if surgery was needed during the last surveillance/clearingphase. In all other cases, a 2-year surveillance interval was re-commended. The cumulative CRC and advanced neoplasia inci-dences after 5 years were 1.3% and 44%, respectively. In themajority of patients, a 2-year interval was recommended. Fol-lowing the 2-year protocol, the incidence of advanced neopla-sia during the next colonoscopy was 16%, compared with 24%following the shortened 1-year interval (odds ratio [OR] 0.57,95%CI 0.31–1.07). This evidence suggests that surveillance issafe, less demanding than the clearing phase, and that surveil-lance can be extended to 2 years in a large proportion of pa-tients. During surveillance all polyps ≥5mm and all polyps ofany size with optical suspicion of dysplasia should be removed.
5.3 Advanced imaging in colonoscopy surveillance
Tandem colonoscopy studies have demonstrated thataround 30% of serrated lesions are missed during conventionalcolonoscopy, and this is especially relevant in high risk condi-tions such as SPS [142]. The usefulness of virtual chromoendos-copy (narrow-band imaging [NBI]) in SPS surveillance has beenassessed in two randomized crossover studies [143, 144]. Thefirst single-center study included 22 patients and showed lowerpolyp miss rates with high definition (HD)-NBI compared withHD white-light endoscopy (HD-WLE; OR 0.21; 95%CI 0.09–0.45) [143]. However, in the second multicenter study, com-parison of the overall polyp miss rates of HD-WLE and NBIshowed no significant difference (P=0.065) [144].
Recently, a multicenter randomized controlled trial (RCT)evaluated the usefulness of conventional chromoendoscopywith indigo carmine for the detection of colonic polyps in SPS[145]. This study demonstrated a significantly higher additionalpolyp detection rate in the HD chromoendoscopy group (0.39;95%CI 0.35–0.44) than in the HD-WLE group (0.22; 95%CI0.18–0.27; P <0.001). HD chromoendoscopy detected moreserrated lesions (40% vs. 24%; P=0.001), serrated lesions prox-imal to the sigmoid colon (40% vs. 21%; P=0.001), and serra-ted lesions > 5mm proximal to the sigmoid colon (37% vs. 18%;P=0.013) than HD-WLE. Therefore, based on this single RCT the
1 Advanced polyps: (tubulo)villous adenomas, adenomas with high gradedysplasia, adenomas ≥10mm in diameter, traditional serrated adenomas,serrated lesions with dysplasia, serrated lesions ≥10mm in diameter.
2 Non-advanced clinically relevant polyps: any adenoma or serrated polypthat does not meet the criteria for an “advanced polyp,” with the exceptionof hyperplastic polyps < 5mm in diameter (which can be left in situ).
ESGE recommends a surveillance interval of 1 year follow-ing a colonoscopy with≥1 advanced polyp1 or ≥5 non-advanced clinically relevant polyps2.Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 80%.
ESGE recommends a surveillance interval of 2 years inpatients with no advanced polyps1 or < 5 non-advancedclinically relevant polyps2.Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 100%.
ESGE recommends endoscopic removal of all polyps≥5mm and all polyps of any size with optical suspicionof dysplasia in individuals with serrated polyposis syn-drome before and after entering surveillance.Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 100%.
ESGE recommends the use of high definition systems inthe endoscopic surveillance of individuals with serratedpolyposis syndrome.Strong recommendation, moderate quality of evidence,level of agreement 89%.
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use of conventional chromoendoscopy improves polyp detec-tion and could be considered in the surveillance of SPS patients.However, its routine use must be balanced against practicalconsiderations.
Finally, a recent RCT evaluated the usefulness of Endocuff-assisted colonoscopy in the surveillance of SPS [146]. In thisstudy, with 123 SPS patients included, no statistical differenceswere found between Endocuff-assisted colonoscopy and HD-WLE colonoscopy for the detection of overall polyps, serratedlesions, sessile serrated lesions, and adenomas.
5.4 Screening of first-degree relatives
Most SPS cases seem non-familial. However, the presence ofthe disease in family members has been described in previousreports [137, 147, 148]. Moreover, various studies have de-scribed an increased incidence of CRC in relatives of patientswith SPS. Boparai et al. investigated the risk of CRC in 347 first-degree relatives of 57 patients with SPS; they established an ab-solute risk of CRC of 8% and an RR of 5.4 (95%CI 3.7–7.8)[149]. Two other studies reported an absolute risk of CRC of12%–15% in first-degree relatives [150, 151]. The age at diag-nosis of CRC in relatives ranged from 55 to 62 years in thesestudies [148–150]. During follow-up of these first-degree rela-tives of patients with SPS, retrospective studies [148, 152, 153]found a high risk of CRC and advanced polyps. Hazewinkel et al.prospectively investigated the yield of screening colonoscopy in77 first-degree relatives of patients with SPS in whom no CRCwas found, with significant polyps being present in 43% of pa-tients [154].
DiscussionThe management of patients with polyposis syndromes is chal-lenging. The various types of polyposis syndrome have variablerisks for a large spectrum of cancers. In addition, the phenotypemay differ among individuals having a specific germline muta-tion, and even within/between family members carrying thesame mutation. Furthermore, in a proportion of patients withclinical polyposis, no germline mutation can be identified. Thisguideline gives a framework on how these patients should beendoscopically managed according to the current literatureand expert opinion (▶Table 2 and ▶Table3).
The ESGE aligns with the European Society for PaediatricGastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) guide-lines on polyposis syndromes in children and young adults[155–157]. The ESPGHAN guideline differs from this guidelinewith regard to the colonoscopy interval for FAP patients with in-tact colon, with this being 1–3 yearly in the ESPGHAN guidelineand 1–2 yearly in our guideline [156]. We have chosen to alignthe FAP and MAP surveillance intervals to make it less confusingfor endoscopists. Again, the interval should mainly be based onphenotype and the endoscopist may lengthen the surveillanceinterval based on adenoma characteristics (number, size, anddegree of dysplasia). The main difference with the AmericanCollege of Gastroenterology (ACG) guideline is the proposedendoscopic management for gastric and duodenal adenomasin (A)FAP and MAP patients [37]. In contrast with the ACGguideline, the ESGE guideline does not recommend randomsampling of fundic gland polyps during EGD surveillance. Fur-thermore, the ESGE advises endoscopic polypectomy of duode-nal adenomas of ≥10mm.
DisclaimerThe legal disclaimer for ESGE Guidelines [30] applies to the cur-rent Guideline.
AcknowledgmentsThe authors gratefully acknowledge Prof. Vasen and Prof. Has-san for their valuable comments on the manuscript.Furthermore, we would like to thank Arne Bleijenberg, AriadnaSanchez, Sabela Carballal, Gerhard Jung, Aleksandar Gavric, Dr.Dora Colussi, Dr. Chiara Pierantoni, and Faridi van Etten-Jamalu-din for their assistance regarding the systematic searches andliterature review.Lastly, we would like to acknowledge Claire Guy for arrangingthe Delphi procedure and Pauline Roucheteau and FrancoiseHeidenreich for organizing all the meetings and telephone con-ferences for the guideline.
ESGE recommends that, for first-degree relatives of indi-viduals with serrated polyposis syndrome, colorectal can-cer screening by colonoscopy should be offered from theage of 45 years.Strong recommendation, moderate quality of evidence,level of agreement 80%.
ESGE recommends that, for first-degree relatives of indi-viduals with serrated polyposis syndrome, colorectal can-cer screening by colonoscopy should be offered every 5years. If polyps are found, surveillance should be basedon polyp characterization.Strong recommendation, low quality of evidence, level ofa*greement 90%.
van Leerdam Monique E et al. Endoscopic management of polyposis syndromes … Endoscopy 2019; 51
Competing interests
E. Dekker was an advisory board chair for Cancer Prevention Pharma-ceuticals (2019) and is a co-editor for Endoscopy. M. F. Kaminski hasreceived speaker’s, teaching, and consultancy fees from Olympus(2017 to present) and speaker’s and teaching fees, and a loan ofequipment from Fujifilm (2019). H. Neuman has provided consultan-cy services to Fujifilm and Pentax (2012 to present). M. Pellisé has re-ceived consultancy fees from Norgine Iberia (2019), speaker’s feesfrom Casen Recordati (2017–2019), Olympus (2017), and Jansen(2018), and is a co-editor for Endoscopy; her department has receivedan equipment loan from Fujifilm (2017 to present) and a research do-nation from Fujifilm (2019). J. E. van Hooft has received lecture feesfrom Medtronics (2014–2015) and Cook Medical (2019), and consul-tancy fees from Boston Scientific (2014–2017); her department hasreceived research grants from Cook Medical (2014–2018) and Ab-bott (2014–2017).F. Balaguer, R. Jover, A. Latchford, L. Ricciardiello, V. H. Roos, J.-C.Saurin, P. J. Tanis, M. E. van Leerdam, A. Wagner have no competinginterests.
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