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get me gift cards from the nearest store around you
get me gift cards from the nearest store around you
最后更新: 2021-03-29
使用频率: 2
参考: 匿名
(a) para cada pedido individual, el detalle de las gift cards compradas;
(a) details on the purchased gift cards for each individual order;
最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1
参考: 匿名
el comprador puede comprar uno o más gift cards para sí mismo o para regalar a un tercero.
the consumer can buy one or several gift cards for personal use or to be given as a gift to a third party.
最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1
参考: 匿名
2bis.3.2. para un mismo pedido de productos en el sitio se podrán utilizar múltiples gift cards.
2bis.3.2.several gift cards can be used for the same order of products on the site.
最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1
参考: 匿名
la gift card no puede ser utilizada para comprar otras gift cards. el uso de la gift card no implica ningún costo adicional.
the gift card can not be used to purchase another gift card. no additional cost is charged for the activation or use of gift cards.
最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1
参考: 匿名
el karting almancil tiene el mejor regalo para su familia o amigos, nuestras gift cards . la forma más fácil, rápida y divertida de regalar una experiencia inolvidable.
the karting almancil has the best gift for your family or friends, our gift cards . the best, easiest, and fastest way to offer an unforgettable experience.
最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1
参考: 匿名
la gift card comprada no podrá ser recargada y será utilizable múltiples veces hasta el agotamiento del relativo crédito exclusivamente para la compra de productos - a excepción de otras gift cards - a través del sitio.
the gift card can not be topped up and can be used, until the credit runs out, to purchase products in separate orders from the site - except other gift cards.
最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1
参考: 匿名
compradas por internet, las tarjetas disney gift cards vienen en cantidades de $25, $50 y $100. se pueden recargar con hasta $1,000.
when purchased online, disney gift cards are filled in increments of us$25, us$50 and us$100. they can be reloaded with up to us$1,000.
最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1
参考: 匿名
2bis.5.2. con referencia a la compra y uso de las gift cards, quedando establecido lo específicamente previsto según el presente art. 2bis y en donde no derogadas por este último artículo, valen las disposiciones contractuales prevista en general en los otros artículos de estas condiciones generales de contrato.
2bis.5.2.in reference to the purchase and use of the gift card, except as specifically provided by this art. 2bis and with no exception being specified in that article, the general contractual provisions established in the other articles of these general conditions of contract are applicable.
最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1
参考: 匿名
ome issuers put restrictions on using credit cards for electronic or internet purchases. if the payment details you entered are correct, we suggest using the number on the back of your card to contact the issuing bank to learn more about their policies. please have the exact dollar amount and details of this purchase when you call the bank. if paying by credit card is not an option, buy amazon.com gift card claim codes with cash from authorized resellers at a store near you. learn more about gift cards authorized resellers. this email was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming email. please do not reply to this message.
ome issuers put restrictions on using credit cards for electronic or internet purchases. if the payment details you entered are correct, we suggest using the number on the back of your card to contact the issuing bank to learn more about their policies. please have the exact dollar amount and details of this purchase when you call the bank. if paying by credit card is not an option, buy amazon.com gift card claim codes with cash from authorized resellers at a store near you. learn more about gift cards authorized resellers.
最后更新: 2014-01-05
使用频率: 1
参考: 匿名
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