Sanskriti Sanchar Special Nourishing the Balance of …...Sanskriti Sanchar Special Inauguration ssession About 400 participants across the Globe from more than 35 countries gathered - [PDF Document] (2024)

Sanskriti Sanchar Special Nourishing the Balance of …...Sanskriti Sanchar Special Inauguration ssession About 400 participants across the Globe from more than 35 countries gathered - [PDF Document] (1)

SSaannsskkrriittii SSaanncchhaarr SSppeecciiaall

Inauguration ssessionAbout 400 participants across the Globe from

more than 35 countries gathered here. Theinauguration started with the lightening of thelamp by HH Swami Dayananda Sarswaty andDSVV Chancellor Dr. Pranav Pandya. Inaugratingthe programme Dr. Radheshyam Dwivedi, theorganizer of the programme called it as a specialevent saturated with the feeling of ‘Vasudhevkutumbkam’. Prayers of about 20 differentreligions and traditions were conducted by ICCSvolunteer Shree Ram Vaidya.

The representatives from traditions of Maya,Pagans of Hungary, Kyrgyzstan and Poland,Native Americans from Canada & USA, Maorifrom New Zealand, Druid from UK, Japies fromJapan, Romuva & Ramava from Lithuania andLatvia, Buddhist from Myanmar and Tibet, Chamfrom Vietnam, and Hindus from Nepal, Bali andSouth Africa, Adi and Idu Mishmi from ArunanchalPradesh, native of Ghana presented theirrespective prayers and charged the audience

with a

spirit of Devotion and wonder. Language couldnot be the barrier in transmitting the message oflove, brotherhood and peace.

Expressing the theme of the conference ICCSrepresentative Mr. Saumitra Gokhale called theconference to be more than an academicgathering, a reunion of family members afterthree years. The main theme of the program isto promote universal brotherhood and preservethe indigenous culture and traditions which arethreatened by the aggressive and dominantforces.

Distinguished guest Swami DayanandSaraswati founder of Arsha Vidya Gurukul andthe authority on Vedanta said that Violenceagainst culture is against the basic code ofhumanity. SwamiJi called all to remain what theyare and nurture each other’s balance. He urgedfor non violent approach towards humanity andregular need of such meeting for culturalunification. In his Presidential address Dr PranavPandya, Chancellor DSVV said that there has

been much bloodshed during last decade dueto various kinds of

differences. Conferences like this can be theeffective solution in this direction.

On the occasion VC Dr. SD Sharma, RegistrarSandeep Kumar, Pro VC Dr. Chinmay Pandya, UKVidhan Sabha Chairman Haribans Kapur, Mr.Vinod Chamoli Mayor Dehradoon, and SureshSoni were also present. A souvenir was alsoreleased on the occasion. The program wasanchored by Gopal Sharma and PriyanshiBerthwal.

The conference proceeded with regularplenary sessions and parallel academic sessionsfor the remaining four days. Morning ceremoniesand cultural evening added a new shade to thiscolorful gathering of elders.

VALEDICTORY SSESSIONOn the fourth day of the International

Conference on 7th March, 2012 Valedictorysession started with lightning of lamp by Dr.Pranav Pandya and RSS President MohanBhagwat as chief guest. Shyam Parandewelcomed all the delegates and appreciated the

divine ambiance of Dev SanskritVishwavidyalya.

“This is the gathering of elders. Itdoesn’t mean by age alone but bythoughts also. Some Young dynamitesare working for the cause of Traditions.They are also the elders – Dynamicelders.” said Soumitre Gokhle andinvited the five such representatives onthe stage. First Inra Chaka, Katrina,Leila and other ones.

Inra Chaka from Vietnam was very

thankful to the conference and felt his dreamcome true at this event. Versatile in his approach,he said he was doing everything possible torealize his dream. Leila from USA recited thepoem full of feeling and emotions about theexistence of one world without artificialboundaries. Katrina from Maori land sang a songof struggle by Maori warrior for the freedom oftheir motherland.

Chancellor of DSVV Dr. Pranav Pandyagreeted the foreign delegates and felt that withthis Conference at DSVV, a new era regarding therevival of world’s ancient traditions has started.It will add a new chapter in the development ofhumanity. He said that whole universe is unitedin a single culture and message from all thecountry is same; that is the message of love,compassion and sympathy. And at last theprogramme was concluded by RSS PresidentMohanji Bhagwat. He congratulated all for thecourage for their tradition. He called thisconference on “Nourishing the Balance ofuniverse” to be a new beginning. Today world issuffering from grave misbalance of the nature;therefore world has started looking at theancient traditions. He also emphasized to knowone’s tradition and live it.

MMaayy AAllllmmiigghhttyy IIlllluummiinnaattee oouurr iinntteelllleecctt aanndd iinnssppiirree uuss ttoowwaarrddss tthhee rriigghhtteeoouuss ppaatthh

Nourishing the

Balance of the Universe

Balance of the Universe

We are passing through historicmoments where the pace of change isso fast and furious that the oldtraditions are losing their ground, theset of ideologies and values shatteringand new ones evolving. In fact we arecrossing through a Transition phase. Anew world order is emerging out of theold one. Scientific progress has madeus more affluent and sophisticated butMaterialistic view of life and selfcentered value system has cut us offfrom our inner truth and the outerreality. It has also put us in a state ofgrave imbalance, due to which we arepassing through an era of crisis atevery level. The very Existence of theearth and humanity is at stake. Onceagain in search of lasting solutionhumankind is looking at the traditionsold in which human being was atharmony with the surrounding worldand in tune with the inner self.

With the theme of working out theway and the means to nourish theBalance of the Universe, 4thInternational Conference and gatheringof the elders was held at Dev SanskritiUniversity (DSVV) Haridwar,Uttrakhand, India in Collaboration withthe International Centre for CulturalStudies (ICCS).

4th International Conference and Gathering of the Elders

HHiissttoorriicc mmoommeennttss iinnDDeevv SSaannsskkrriittii UUnniivveerrssiittyy

At last 5 elders were awarded Doctorate of Philosophy for their contribution overthe preservation and promotion of the ancient traditions they represent. PhDs weredistributed by Mohanji Bhagwat and Dr. Pranav Pandya.

1. Kenneth Cameron Kennedy, New Zealand, Maori tradition2.Grand Chief Stanley Bearly, Canada, Native American3.Elizabeth Araujo, Guatemala, Maya culture4.Jonas Trikunas of Lithuania 5.Social activist Jagdev Ram from Chitrakoot IndiaThe Conference ended with a happy note and new resolves. The next gathering of

the elders after 3 years was decided to be held in Southern part of India.

35 Countries

28 Sessions

40 Traditions

112 Papers


YYeeaarr :: 44,, IIssssuuee:: 99,, PPaaggeess:: 88GGaatthheerriinngg ooff tthhee EEllddeerrss MMaarrcchh 22001122 PPrriiccee :: 55..0000DDeepptt.. ooff JJoouurrnnaalliissmm aanndd MMaassss CCoommmm,, DDSSVVVV,, HHaarriiddwwaarr ((IInnddiiaa))

Sanskriti Sanchar Special Nourishing the Balance of …...Sanskriti Sanchar Special Inauguration ssession About 400 participants across the Globe from more than 35 countries gathered - [PDF Document] (2)

Ancient Traditions of theWorld & the Common Cord

2 Haridwar, March 2012Dev Sanskriti University Balance of the


Nourishing the

Established in 1994, ICCS is actively involved in networking with Ancient Traditions globally, promoting research on Ancient Traditions and Cultures. ICCS focuses on strengthening relations betweenpeople who respect practice ancient traditions and cultures. Fostering collaborative effort among the organizations involved in preservation and development of Ancient knowledge.ICCS provides aplatform for the scholars involved in research of ancient & modern history, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, religion, archeology, language, literature, fine arts, sciences and other related fields;and supporting all such endeavors and projects. ICCS has launched a Research Institute for World Ancient Traditions Cultures & Heritage (RIWATCH) at Roing, Arunachal Pradesh, India for achievingthe above goals. Highly qualified and experienced Faculty is associated with ICCS and RIWTCH who motivate students and scholars to pursue their research in related areas. ICCS is committedto provide new avenues of enquiry and thorough critical examination of Ancient Traditions & Cultures.OOuurr MMiissssiioonn:: Meet common challenges and problems, to serve as a meeting ground, and to strengthen ancient cultures of the world.

ICCS has organized a number of international conferences, published books and journals. More recent initiatives include collaboration with Maoris of New Zealand, Native Indian Tribes of Northand South America, Indigenous people of Africa and Romuva people of Europe.

International Centre for Cultural Studies (ICCS)

Q- WWhat iis tthe bbackground oof IICCS aand tthis CConferenceof eelders ffrom aancient ttraditions?

Ans- it was started by the group of people in Nagpurcommitted for Afro Hindu studies. We had a firstconference on Afro Hindu culture studies and conferencewas attended by many Africans and different countries.We published the firstbook on afro Hinduacross written by UshaGadkari and that bookreally became thestarting point. Since thenwe organized bigconferences in twentyplus countries andpublished more than 32books covering afroHindu religion, culture andtheir similarities.

So ICCS has couple ofpurposes. First is tocreate a forum wherepeoples can come together, second is to try to create thecomparative literature for competitive religions. There are500 nations of Native Americans in America, 1000 differenttribes in Africa, 14 major tribes in Australia. The Maurihave 300 different tribes. Q2. IIs iit yyour ffirst cconference rregarding tthis cculture aandtradition?

Ans. No this is our 4th conference. We have severalconferences in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, USAetc. many countries. In USA we have many conferencesevery year.Q3. IIt iis yyour 44th cconference, sso ccould yyou pplease bbriefthe llast 33 cconferences?

Ans. The first was in 2003, the theme was mitakoyaoyashi, which means we all have same relations means weall are children of mother earth. Either you are NativeAmerican, African, Australian, etc. 2nd was aboutSpirituality beyond Religion in Jaipur attended by 42countries and 350 delegates. 3rd was in Nagpur in 2009 onrenaissance of Indian tradition, challenges and solution.There we had representatives of 31 countries and 300 plusdelegates were there.Q4. HHow ffar iis iit ssuccessful aas pper yyour oobjective?

Ans. It is very successful because there are couples ofthings. Our parameters are very simple. Half of the peoplewho come here are the people who said we want to comebecause we want to learn and second is the people saidit is very wonderful gathering of peoples from differentcultures and traditions. This is really unique gathering inthe world. Behind the success there are several reasons,first it was in Gayatri Pariwar already having spiritualenvironment which can be easily felt on this Indian land ofspirituality. Second is that especially the Hindus areconducting this conference which has the thinking ofuniversal brotherhood. And another one is that there is nomonopoly. We go with the thought of togetherness. Herewe all have the right to go on their own way. Q5. AAny cchallenges oor ddifficulties iin aarranging iit?

Ans. There are couples of challenges, first is thecommunication because many of the people can’t speakEnglish but they speak the language of heart. Another oneis expensiveness because people come from all over theworld; they pay at least 2000 dollars which is more thanone lakh rupees. So we can’t conduct it every year butonce in three years.Q6. WWhat iis tthe cconclusion oof tthis cconference aand wwhatare yyour ffuture pplans?

Ans. The people, who have come here, think forhumanity but not for any particular religion. Totally theway we say “Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina” because we wantthat everybody should be happy. We want to seeeverything should be positive around us. The conclusion ofthis conference is to spread that positivity around us.Unless you have positivity in life you can’t nourish thebalance of the universe.

- BByy DDrr.. YYaasshhwwaanntt PPaatthhaakkBefore the world had even begun giving

meaning to the words ancient, historical,medieval, modern and so on, there weresome great traditions flourishing in differentparts of the world. Interestingly these hadsome things common throughout the worldtill the introduction of Semitic religions, twothousand years back. Till that time all overthe world people believed in one God, butsubsequently the world was divided into twodistinct groups " Believers" in my God, myway of life and pagans, Heathens, Kaffirsand so on.

This article is intended to enumerate someof the commonalties among the differentancient traditions and cultures that prevailedin different parts of the world before 2000years. In today's context these traditions arestill prevailing in Africa, the Americas,Australia, NewZealand, Bharat, Europe andother parts of the world.

AALLMMIIGGHHTTYY GGOODD :: All these traditionsbelieved in an omnipotent, omniscient, allpervading powerful God. The belief wasunparalleled, without any room for doubt inthe mind.

People from West Africa speak of God asthe Omnipresent and Eternal. Although He isfar away in the sky, people can appeal toHim, and He responds to their appeal. Aproverb from the Kikuyu traditions in Kenyasays," Ngai gutire thome atoe", which meansNgai (God) knows all the gates of everyhome, and he distributes his bountiful gifts,none is overlooked or neglected. Thepronoun Ngai implies the divider ordistributor.

Communication between the Creator andthe creatures was very sacred and thus, forAfricans and other traditions nobody'sbeliefs can be tampered with and holyobjects and sites should be held in highreverence.

The best part of all these traditions isthat they tried to identify the Divinity in eachand every creation of God.

PPoollyytthheeiissmm :: The existence of manydeities is common in all these traditions. Butit is distinctly different from the Semiticreligions in the matter of presence of theconcept of Goddesses. Matrutva is wellrespected by most of these traditions and itis considered to be the individual's faithfulduty towards God.

HHUUMMAANN RREELLAATTIIOONN WWIITTHH GGOODD :: Like afamily, the traditional people relatethemselves with God. As well described inthe Sanskrit verse " Twamaeva mata chapita twameva, twameva bandhushcha sakhatwameva." Yor are my father, mother, friend,companion, you are everything for me."These type of human relationships with Godare common, hence it is very common for theHindus or the Africans and others to offerfruits, food, animals, flowers as offerings inexchange for some favours from God.

AANNUUBBHHUUTTII ((RREEAALLIIZZAATTIIOONN)) :: Thesetraditions have been based on realisation ofThe Truth. It is very well exemplified in theAfrican proverb "You do not have to showGod to the child. the child has to realizeGod" Hence the path of realisation hasalways traveled through hearts and notthrough words. All these have deep faith intheir in their inner inspiration and experience,in the inner conviction, where the mind is thewitness of the truth and untruth. Words arethere in abundance but the actualexperience is of real essence.

GGRREEAATT OORRAALL TTRRAADDIITTIIOONNSS :: All theseancient ways of life have wonderful oraltraditions. Knowledge was transferred fromone generation to another by oral tradition.The philosophy was more important than thepersonalities involved and hence nobodyknows who wrote these wonderful verses, inall these traditions. An infinite number ofsaints and philosophers have contributedsignificantly to the base knowledge but eventhe mention of their first names, the questionof patenting, royalty never occurred in theminds of these great sages.

TTHHOOUUGGHHTTSS CCOONNCCEERRNNIINNGG EENNTTIIRREEHHUUMMAANNIITTYY :: All these traditions believed inpreaching philosophies for the entirehumanity. In spite of the existence of a vastdiversity in Hindutva philosophy, many sects,many preachers etc. They always preached' sarvepi sukhinah santu, sarve santuniramayaha' We do not stop here, but go astep further to achieve greater heights inpositivism. We say: "sarve bhadranipashyantu" Let us only see good and noblein everything around us. Hence there wereno conversions in any of these traditions.

TTHHOOUUGGHHTTSS FFOORR HHUUMMAANN BBEEIINNGGSS IINNTTOOTTAALLIITTYY :: It is very interesting that most ofthese traditions do not believe that the lifeends with death and hence worship ofancestors is prevalent among them. TheAfricans go a little further. They have livingas well as dead ancestors. For threegeneration after death, the person isremembered and worshiped. The human lifein its totality needs some sacraments. Allthese traditions have many ceremoniesduring the lifetime of the human being, wherethese sacraments are performedperiodically, leading to the completeness ofhuman life

TTHHEE CCOONNCCEEPPTT AANNDD GGOOAALL OOFF TTHHEEHHUUMMAANN SSOOUULL :: The veil of secrecy thatmysteriously clouds the nature of the

ultimate goal or objective of the soul is noteasily perceived by the intellect. Fortunately,the ancient traditions had several greatpersonalities who could transcend theordinary vision. Among the Zulus (an Africantribe from South Africa), the Isanusis (thewise ones or sages) provided a cleardefinition. The Idholozi (soul) lives within thephysical body, within the soul is a tiny sparkof Tango (the wise ones or sages).

RREELLAATTIIOONNSSHHIIPP WWIITTHH NNAATTUURREE :: Natureplayed a significant role in the day life of allthese traditional people. As per their beliefs,they tried to identify each creation withDivinity. Hence nature for them was nothingbut God Himself. Thus the River Tano, RiverGanga, Mount Himalaya, Mount Kilimanjaro,the Black Hills, the Mesa Verde Hills, theVictoria Falls, the Niagara Falls, the Boa Boatree, " the Tulsi tree, the Cow, the Serpent inshort, every creation of God become sacred.Every child of the Masai people of Kenya istaught to Worship the cow and accept theobligation of the cow in their day to dayliving Oceum, the Ocean God is one of themost important deities of the yorubas andAsantes of West Africa (Ghana and Nigeria).

RREESSPPEECCTT FFOORR EELLDDEERRSS AANNDD EEXXTTEENNDDEEDDFFAAMMIILLYY :: Most of these traditions haveextensive vocabulary to express therelationships amongst the family. Normally,the family is always an extended one. Thereare stringent rules within the communityregarding whom to marry and with whomyour relationships are taboo. Interestingly,there are sorts of curriculum for women andmen crossing their puberty rites, to acceptthe responsibility of family. The seniors takecharge of educating the next generation.Respect for the elders is the strikingcommonalty in all these traditions.

RREEBBIIRRTTHH :: The idea of rebirth orreincarnation derives from the understandingthat human life and life of the othercreatures is cyclic. The task of salvation(Moksha) is not achievable or fulfilled in onelife period, hence the necessity of comingback again and again into birth after deaththrough the process of reincarnation.

LLAAWW OOFF KKAARRMMAA :: In Hindutva philosophy,Law of karma has been very well intertwinedwith normal human life. Anything, which wedo, is associated with the law of karma. it isin Hindutva that nobel deeds bring forth-blissful living and vice versa. From theAfrican perspective, the soil, plants, animals,human beings, the dead and also invisiblespirits of the nature are inter-related. Allaffect each other by life style. In Nigeria,Olorun, the Yoruba God punishes the evildoers with lightning, barrenness andinexplicable death.

There are so many similarities in all thesetraditions of the world. They can very wellbe described as Dharma or can be describedas part of Vishwa Dharma. They are goodfor humanity at large and the revival of allthese traditions will definitely make theworld much better than what it is at present.

PPrrooff.. YYaasshhwwaanntt PPaatthhaakk,,International Coordinator, ICCS

Associate Dean, University of South Florida Collegeof Pharmacy

Sanskriti Sanchar Special Nourishing the Balance of …...Sanskriti Sanchar Special Inauguration ssession About 400 participants across the Globe from more than 35 countries gathered - [PDF Document] (3)

Balance of the

Universe3Haridwar, March 2012

Dev Sanskriti University

Acharya Pt. Shree Ram Sharma& his Divine Vision

PPTT.. SSHHRRIIRRAAMM SSHHAARRMMAA AACCHHAARRYYAA ::- It isindeed rare in the history of mankind that the greatsouls like Bhagirathi and Dadhichi graced the earthwith the nectar of the holy Ganges andsafeguarded the root of divinity by their tapa andself realization. Pandit Sriram Sharma Acharyaundoubtedly belongs to this category of divine rishis.His life and work represents a marvelous confluenceof thoughts and deeds of noble personalities suchas Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, MahatmaGandhi, Socrates and Confucius. Sriram Sharma wasa rishi of the present age whose heart radiated withcare for all beings. Every moments of his life was forthe welfare of people and refinement of the moraland cultural environment. Pt. Sharma was a greatspiritual scientist, Yogi, Philosopher, Psychotherapist,

Writer, Reformer, Freedom fighter, Researcher,eminent scholar, Visionary and much more.

The spiritual acumen and enlightened wisdom ofseer sage Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya had areach into the deepest depth of human mind andemotional core. He could feel the agony of themasses through heart. He could therefore identifythe root cause of the ailing state of the world todayas the crisis of faith, people’s ignorance of thepowers of the inner self and the lack of righteousattitude. He established Shantikunj in Haridwar as anacademy for moral and spiritual awakening andtraining. Here he began the revival of ancientspiritual traditions that were considered hallmark ofIndian culture.

SHANTIKUNJ :: Shantikunj (Abode of peace), over

the past 40 year it has emerged as a uniquepilgrimage center and global headquarter of theAll World Gayatri Pariwar. The mission hasblossomed to more than twenty million devoteddisciples and seventy million people all over theworld. Uncovering the Divinity in mankind is theforemost goal and avowed objective of Shantikunj.Expansion of national unity, amity, brotherhoodand extinction of ignorance, jealously, hatred andstrife from the globe are being tackled by thepowerful effects of the Gayatri Mantra, Yagnaand Sanskaars which are all offered by Shantikunj.Shantikunj has many different branches likeBrahmvarchas research institute, Akand JyotiSansthan, Gayatri Tapobhumi and last but not leastDev Sanskrit Vishwavidyalya.

22001122 ffrroomm tthhee ppeerrssppeeccttiivvee ooff MMaayyaann EEllddeerrssElegabeth AArauja the bbetter hhalf oof MMaya

Leader, ssaid ::- Dec 2012 is the end of the cycle;it means that end of 5200 years cycle. Thismessage strikes a terror. Media and moviemakers have tried to cash it. But this is not thecomplete Truth. Maya calendar says that onecycle of the sun is ending. It's not the first time,its fifth time that it is ending. We are welcomingthe sixth sun. Thus we are going to see thechange. Change is the process of this universe.Now it's time to wake up those who aresleeping. We all are suffering from contaminatedthoughts, now it’s time to remove all suchthoughts from our mind. Swami TTilak on hhuman bbeing aand eenvironment

Human being is the god, the creator. Humanbeing is called as Manav in Sanskrit, they arehaving manas i.e mind . Human being is full ofcapacity; He can create and do anything. InGeeta it is explained that mind in favor isgreatest friend and when mind get polluted heloses himself. Human beings have responsibilitiesfor family, society, environment and many more.Manava means an intelligent man .Today humanbeing abused the natural resources. Traditionshave the key to avert this wrong track.

DR. CCHINMAYA PPANDYA, highlighted tthetheme - DDevelopment aand CCulture

Our development came at cost .Today we arebunch of disintegrated force. Here we are nottalking about any culture but we talk aboutsomething deeper, something valuable andsomething significant. Sanskriti meansrefinement, the process of purification. WhenSanskriti meets with sabhayta called Dharma,the path of absolute perfection culture evolves.

Acharya Pt. ShriRam Sharma was embodimentof highest norms and values of culture. Hetalked about unity, harmony and dignity ofhuman being. Culture is force like air and firewhich cannot be separated or divided. Inconclusion it can be summed up “In Grandscheme of things it doesn’t matter how long welive but it matter for what we live for.”


“There is a need for an educationalinstitution which can mold its studentsinto noble, enlightened , selfless, warm –hearted , compassionate and kind humanbeings”-


Sharma Acharya dreamt a uniqueuniversity that combined the precepts ofpractical knowledge (Shiksha) andspiritual wisdom (Vidya) to create trulyenlightened students . The well roundedand dynamic students of universitywould channelize their efforts towardsthe goal of a value based society .They would follow a simple and spirituallifestyle. They would also have both thebenefits of state of the art facilities andthe wisdom of ancient traditionalpractices. And thus Dev SanskritVishwavidyalya i.e. A divine cultureuniversity was established in 2002 underthe auspices of Shantikunj. It is in thetradition of Nalanda and TaxsheelaUniversities of the glorious past set forthe revival of the Divine Indian Cultureand the cultural and spiritual revival ofthe Era.

Non-Attachment, Non-Grasping & Non-Possessiveness within Druidism

PPhhiilliipp CCaarrrr-GGoommmm representing the Druidtradition of UK highlighted the doctrine ofaparigraha (Non-Possessiveness) asprevalent in Druid culture. It is not specificallyarticulated within modern Druidry, it is implicitwithin its philosophy, and within the behavior-both ritual and mundane-of every Druid.Understanding the doctrine of aparigraha canhelp Druids deepen their spiritual practiceand clearly demonstrates for thepractitioners of one spiritual path the value ofstudying other spiritual and religioustraditions.

JJaaiicchhyyllyykk:: HHaarrmmoonniizziinngg tthhee wwiillll ooff NNaattuurree aannddHHuummaann NNeeeeddss

GGuullnnaarraa AAiittppaaeevvaa,, Director Aigine CulturalResearch Centre, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstanexamined the historical and contemporarydimensions of jaichulyk, the Kyrgyz spiritualpractice related to weather. This analysis wasbased on epic literature and oral history, anddescribes the traditional foundation ofjaichylyk, the bearers of this spiritualcapacity, its goals, related rituals, techniquesand other properties. Other world cultureshave practices similar to jaichylyk. A

reconstruction of the jaichylyk enables theelucidation of modern-day scientific parallelsand paradigms. The world jaichylyk refers toa traditional practice of the Kyrgyz peoplethat is designed to change the weather. Ajaichy was someone who had specificknowledge and abilities to impact the weatherand the environment. If it did not rain for along time, and livestock and the harvest wouldsuffer as a result of drought, the practice ofjaichylyk was designed to invoke rain. If itrained for a very long time and it wasimpossible to dry hay, for example, thispractice was aimed at stopping the rain. If anenemy needed to be stopped, the jaichy wouldwork to invoke a tempest or a blizzard.Similarly, if clear blue skies could bring adesired victory, the jaichy would performcertain actions to bring them about.Harmonizing nature with human needs is atthe very core of jaichylyk philosophy. thisphilosophy is based on the concepts ofreciprocity and local action coupled withglobal responsibility, and is an approachadopted by indigenous cultures throughout theworld. The crucial importance of the ongoingprocess of jaichylyk restoration inKyrgyzstan, with all its imperfections and lackof special knowledge, is in restoring thephilosophy or reciprocity and responsibility.Regaining ‘naturalness’ and establishing a linkwith spiritual real(s) or other living beings aresignificant steps for humans in order to deal

with climate change. In teh past, the Kyrgyzused jaichylyk productively to lessen theimpacts of frost or drought. Today, facingglobal climate instability, it is reasonable toeducate people in the philosophy of jaichylyk,rebuild its spiritual technology and modifyancient knowledge for current needs.

SSaannddeeeepp KKuummaarr, Registrar DSVVhighlighted the divine aspect of human beingand culture. We are born and brought up withthe divine culture and we all are potentiallydivine and have the deep ecology. To get intune with the outer world we have to firstunderstand outer inner world with subtlelayers of mind, ego, psyche etc. and then toharmonize with the outer world.

Bed roch of Indian culture is Yagya. It isclassified into 4 types- Bhoot yagya – to carefor plant a.nd animals, Pitra Yagya – to carefor family, Rishi Yagya – Rituals of allspheres and experimental theory and DevaYagya – to conquer the world and establishthe divine culture.

CChhiieeff GGuueesstt:: FFoorrmmeerr CCMM ooff UUttttaarraakkhhaanndd,,DDrr.. RRaammeesshh PPookkhhrriiyyaall Emphasized on theimportance of the Uttarakhand and welcomedall the researchers at the bank of holyGanges. He emphasized that people here aredivine soul who are working for welfare ofothers. He also shared views on fifth Veda –Ayurveda. It is a rich legacy of Indian land,which need deeper research for the widerwelfare and upliftment of the humanity.

Nourishing the

1st Planery session

Planery session of Day2

Sanskriti Sanchar Special Nourishing the Balance of …...Sanskriti Sanchar Special Inauguration ssession About 400 participants across the Globe from more than 35 countries gathered - [PDF Document] (4)

4 5Haridwar, March 2012Dev Sanskriti University Balance of the


Nourishing the

Visionary Saint, Scholar and SpiritualLeader Pt. Shree Ram Sharma was

well aware about the present state ofHumanity and sought its Answer in theage old Wisdom of Ancient tradition ofthe sages and seers. In 1971 he travelledto South Africa. During this Privrajya(Tour) he wrote a research Book on theAncient traditions of India and its Globalconnection. Here is an overview of thiswell documented book - SSmmaasstt VViisshhwwaakkoo BBhhaarrttaa kkee AAjjaassrraa AAnnuuddaann..

Our culture flourished through sacredpilgrims in the ancient time. FromAmerica, Latin America, Mexico,Germany (called the Aryavrat ofEurope), Egypt to South Africa,Kampuchea, Laos, China, Japan andsmall islands of Mourishias, Australia,Fiji, and other parts of Pacific Ocean, itspresence and relation can be found onthe basis of scriptural, historical,archeological evidences. The interactionwas not merely from the view of religionbut there was fruitful interaction ineconomic system, ruling system, art,industry etc.

AAmmeerriiccaa :: When European reachedAmerica, only a small community ofaborigines was living over there thatresembled to Indians. Columbus calledthem Red Indians. The two species ofred Indians “hoji” & “huja” are vegetarianin spite of living in forests. Trusting andnon-violent, they consider themselves

as the son of God with sensible valuesystem.

Evidences shows that the people ofdifferent civilizations like Maya, Kunja,and Andes were living there. People ofMaya civilization were brilliant inmathematics. They were worshipper offire. According to the Mahabharata,maya nagri was in pataal. Not only theethical stories of Mexico but theevidences of Mexico government showthat their ancestors came from east. Onthe wall of ancient temples of Mexico,the art of Indian culture can be seeneasily.

AArryyaavvaarrtt ooff EEuurrooppee- GGeerrmmaannyy :: Thepeople of Germany consider that theyare the exact heir of aryavart’s. In theancient time, aryavansh was developedwith the traditions of Himalayas. Hitlerwrote in his book “mein kamph” thatGermans are the pure arya’s.

The language of eastern Africa“Swahili” includes the unique combinationof Hindi and Sanskrit. It is clearly seenin their archeology and the ethicalstories that there was the time whenIndian culture was there.

The aborigines of Australia haveresemblance with the Indian culture.They consider the same soul in eachbody and shows reverence for them.Some of the labors from India had alsogone there and due to the pressure ofBritishers, they stayed there.

According to the archaeologists,Hindu religion flourished in China inancient times. Different caste system,nature’s worship, joint family, yogasana,mantras, etc. are the gift of India to thechina. Tao religion can be seen as one ofthe branches of Indian religion.

There is the religious tradition ofJapan that they bow to sun in themorning and clap to get the energy ofsun. Everyone in the country feel proudthat they are the children of the sun.Archeologists of Japan “Takavsu”consider that their culture flourishedunder the shadow of Indian culture.There is latent impressions of Indianculture on the religion and philosophy ofJapan. The soul of both countries is thesame even though there is difference inthe recognitions.

While seeing the archeologicalevidences, it is clear that the country of6000 small islands, Indonesia had closeinteraction with Indian culture. In today’sperspective, the tradition of Hind-Chinais known as Vietnam. The temples ofkambodia, ankorbaat and bair are madeon the gopur style of India. The idols ofnatraj shows that there was thedominance of Shaiva’s of south India.

The people of Cham were thefounders of Champa civilization; theyhave resemblance with Hindus religion.There was a time when their ancestorshad the dominance. There are so many

temples on which the impact of Indianculture can be seen easily. According tothe historical literatures of champa, it isclear that their recognitions are basedon Indian society system. The castesystem, festivals, dresses, marriage andfuneral etc. resemble Indian culture.

There are strong connectionsbetween India and Bali. The ancienttemples are still reflecting this culturallegacy. According to the historians“Paliet”, the princess of Bali marriedwith Shuddhodan, the king of India.There is also a great impact of Buddhareligion.

TThhaaiillaanndd ((ssyyaamm)) is one of thecountries of world where Buddhareligion is considered all is all. Still Hinduand Buddhism exist in harmony witheach other. The festivals of the countryare celebrated by both Buddha andhindu together. The ancient literature ofThailand is similar to the Indian religiousbooks Ramayana and Mahabharata.

Nepal is a well known Hindu nation.The schools of Hindu religion such asvaishnav, Jainism, shaakt haveflourished over there. Most of thepeople of Nepal are dependent onagriculture. Killing of cow is prohibitedthere. The language of Nepal is“Gourkhali” which is written in“Devnagri” style similar to Hindi. Most ofthe citizens of the country are called“Gorkha” the disciples of Gorakhnath.

Call to youngergeneration

NNaammee:: MMootthheerr NNaannaa AAppaaeedduu CCoouunnttrryy:: GGhhaannaa,, TTrraaddiittiioonn:: AAkkaann

Ghana is a country located in WestAfrica. Ghana was inhabited in pre-

colonial times by anumber of ancientpredominantly Akankingdoms. ChiefMother Nana Apaedubelongs to thatkingdom. She is thechief representing thepeople and thetradition and cultureof that area. Some

quotes from her interview:Education is the key. This includes

formal education as well as traditionalknowledge. Non-formal education isimportant. Children need to know whothey are, their identity. They needspiritual education, not just going toChurch, but traditional values. Thereshould be a workshop that includeschiefs, elders and the ministers ofculture or tradition education.

CCuullttuurree aanndd yyoouutthh :: Culture hasalways been very important for youth.The younger generation has lost theirsense of tradition. People in rural areaare the ones preserving the culture.Youth need to protect theircommunities but are losing theirtraditional values.

TTaajjaamm TTaassuu AArruunnaacchhaall PPrraaddeesshh,, AAddii ttrraaddiittiioonnNourishing the balance of universe is most important

in the cultural aspects. Here I have seen so many smallfaiths and believes are there which should be nourished,it should be given proper guidance to come up andequalize the weak tradition, and come up from thehurdles. We must protect them and give properguidance, proper knowledge to get in touch with the alround development without compromising with thecultural aspects. Nourishing the tradition we canbalance the universe.

RRaavv PPaattrriicc MMccCCuulllluummRav patic mccullum is from native America and pagan

tradition. Recipient for Mahatma Gandhi award. Workfor peace in many countories. Our tradition was almostlost and our number was very small, but now it is

pretty well. 50 years ago may beonly 200 people were left in homeroot, but now we numbers morethan 2 millions.

Everything and everybody isconnected with each other sinceseven thousand five hundredyears. In modern time somereligiouns says that after you dieGod is with you but our religioussay God is with you all the timeand its ever present in you. Ibelieve our tradition came fromIndia many thousands of years ago.We have many-many of same

traditions and believe as Hinduism, which have adifferent word to describe. For example we havedifferent god and goddess, like your shiv-shakti. Wehave other god-goddess just like Hinduism. Many ofthem correlate to the same things. Our tradition is aspiritual one like Indian.

PPaattrriicciiaa MMaaCCaabbee NNaattiivvee AAmmeerriiccaa UUSSAA Diney is our tradition name and it is thousand years old. The unique feature of our tradition is we

talk about Hose - our balance and harmony about other and relationship with othersand so connecting us with the deep kind of beauty.

Indian culture is very wide, unfortunately the western academic process, training andthinking disturb the world and creating the disbalance in many ways. We know theearth is our mother. We have the mountain around us speaking to us in subtler way.We have many songs and stories about the mountain calling us and spending valuabletime there. We are willing to step outside from home to come together. The knowledgeof indigenous people is valuable in this hour of overall crisis when in the name ofdevelopment and progress some self centered and dominant forces are bent ondestroying the cultures and traditions evolved in the lap of nature over thousand of

years. This kind of gathering is a blessing to such traditions to survive and fluorish.

SSpprriitt ooff wwaarrrriioorr aanndd nnaattuurree lloovveerrssKKeennnneetthh CCaammeerroonn KKeennnneeddyy,, CCuullttuurraall lleeaaddeerr ooff MMaaoorrii TTrraaddiittiioonn,,

NNeeww ZZeeaallaanndd- I am very happy to see my people on this huge

platform. It’s for the first time a Maori delegation hasbeen to India. I am feeling just like at home here. Weare very spiritual people. We love nature, we live withnatural resources, consider god and its power in ourself. Mauris are about 30% in New Zealand andincreasing day by day. Definitely I have a big hope fromthe conference. We are seeing the imbalance ofeverything around us. Human being is depending onnature and its factors. All animals, plants and humanbeings are totally depending on nature. This imbalancecan be easily removed by the ideas and principles given here in thisconference by great personalities of the world. We people use to prayall the time like you all. Before sleeping we use to pray, after wakingup in the morning we use to pray. Every time we use to pray. There arearound 600 Indians students where I live. We celebrate Holi and Diwalitogether in unity. We do New home entry with little girl. We start ourday with giving importance to females, we treasure “Females”.

SSuuttaannttrraa,, BBaalliiI am feeling too much peace and harmony here. People who are

living here are also very beautiful, not only from tongue but fromheart also. I really like India very much due to the spirituality whichsurvives everywhere in the country, attracts everyone and gets thepower to uplift its mind and soul. I am feeling very good herebecause everywhere there is love and affection.

We are also having the same concept of spirituality over there.Our country is not Indian but culture is inspired by Hinduism. All rites

and rituals which we follow somehow relatedto Indian culture. So the spiritual practices ofworshiping god and goddesses are also sameup to some extent.

I feel that these types of conferences areessential to develop the peace and harmonyall around the world. The positive messagewhich this conference is giving to the world isvery much needed to every country. We can

easily find out the various traditions on the same platform which isthe good sign for international integration.

BBhhoollaa NNaatthh YYooggii ((NNeeppaall))We are lacking our values. We are going to

be more materialistic. We have so manystreams [path] that's why we are gettingconfused. The greed to get more and more thatall points are the factor of imbalance. But goodthing is that people want to know their roots andthey want to become a part of change.

Abuse no one andnothing : B Parker

2012 is here. Despite the many dire predictions the ultimate outcome is quitepositive. However a new template is required in order to fulfill the positivepotential and promise of what 2012 truly represents. Is there such atemplate? The good news is that template for a truly noble and highcivilization is available to us and has been available for over 200 years.Tec*mseh the greatest American Indian leader, and one of the greatestleaders of all times, long ago chalked out a path that is guaranteed to bringprosperity and righteousness to the entire globe. He was a great orator,warrior, dance, mystic and prophet. During his travels across the continent heurged the people to be grateful, dedicated and united.

"so live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Troubleno one about their religion, respect others in their view, and demand that theyrespect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautiful all thing in your life.Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people.

prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend,Even a stranger, when in a lonely place. Show respect to all people and Bowto none. When you arise in the morning, give thanks for food and for the joyof living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself.”

IInnrraa JJaakkaa,, VViieettnnaamm,, CChhaamm TTrraaddiittiioonn We are facing the problem of losing our identity,

language, life style etc. Now we are finding the solutionof this problem. We don’t follows too many rites andrituals and don’t follow the gods spirit by closing oureyes and joining the hands but we consider goddessDurga as it is celebrating with full of zeal and zest.

We have respected status of family. It is same asit is in India. My village probably half of the village is my family, so it isvery difficult to feel anyone very specificaly because we considereveryone. That’s why in our community we don’t have beggers. Thisconference is a historical conference where many of the Traditions havecome to give their own ideas and present their culture. Here we arehaving very creative interaction with learned peoples. For me personallyit is dream come true. I had aspired to visit India since long.

The renaissance of European indigenousReligions, Jonas Trinkunas ECER, Lithuania

European nations are Indo-European. National state separation isthe result of later political and religious processes. The splitting ofthe countries’ national identities was partly initiated by new religions– Christianity, Islam etc. When discussing European traditions it is notenough to limit the discussion to the antiquities of Greece and Rome.One should bear in mind the Celtic, Slavic, Baltic and Germaniccivilizations and their rich cultural heritage. This heritage has notcompletely disappeared and can still be found in various forms. Atpresent almost all mentioned nations and cultures are undergoing arenaissance, revival of an old and often forgotten Europe.

TTrraaddiittiioonnss aanndd IInnddiiaann CCoonnnneeccttiioonnssMMaaoorrii :: Many similarities can be found between Sanskrit,

the classical language of India, and Maori, the language andtradition of the indigenous people of New Zealand, accordingto an Indian scientist. In fact, some Hindu cultural facets aremore similar to Maori."There are at least 185 Sanskrit andother Indian language words similar to the Maori language.For example, 'mana' means pride or self-respect," he said.The Indian scientist has written books on Indian culture andthe similarities between Hindu and Maori. The Maori termfor “God” or deity is “Atua” – close to the Vedic “Aditya” –meaning Luminary or Sun-God. It is also cognate to Deva orGod in the Rig Veda, showing such Vedic ties, also. In dressand architecture, the Maori resemble the Naga peoples ofEastern India and S. E. Asia and those of the Americas –hence forming one of the many Naga peoples. We note ofthe Nahuatl language in the Americas and the ancient KingNahush of ancient India – who became demonic and wascursed to become a Naga (serpent) by the SageAgastya.The Maori also share the S. Indian flood tales,associated with Agastya. According to Bhagavata – ManuSatyavrata was a Dravida (S.Indian) King that sailed intoHimalayas after the last flood, along with the Rishis.Dravida lands include Gujerat and Tamil Nadu – whereancient Kingdoms, some 7000 years old have recently beenfound under the waters. The Maori tale states Maui(counterpart of Manu) pulled New Zealand out of the sea inthe form of a Fish – relating to the Vedic tale of Manu andthe fish, Matsya, who saved him. Maori, hence, also traceback to Manu Satyavrata – linking them, once again to Vedicmythology and Asia.

HHuunnggrryy:: The Huns are undoubtedly the most famous ofthe Hungarian ancestors. In Hungary, where the awareness

of oriental origin is not lost, several centuries of Indianphilosophy, religion and literature have enriched Hungarianintellectual life

KKiirrggiissttaann :: The great "Manas" epos plays a starring rolein the culture of the Kyrgyz people. The "Manas" epos isconsidered the largest epic work in the world. Furthermore,the "Manas" epos serves a Code of traditional laws andprovisions regulating the day-to-day life of the Kyrgyzpeople. Some provisions of the epos have grounded basisfor developing of a national unity ideology in modernKyrgyzstan, like Ramcharitmanas of India. The traditionsorder the Kyrgyz to treat and give presents to any guestcoming into a house, like "Atithi devo bhav" in India.

PPoollaanndd :: According to the social scientist Piotr Winchthere is a strong connection between India and Poland. Onthe basis of genetic research 60% genes of the bothpeople have been found to be same. On the basis oflinguistic studies also there are many Sanskrit words inPolish language. More than it Polish people also believe inthe family institution and sublime values, all pointing todeeper connection at cultural level.

NNaattiivvee AAmmeerriiccaann:: Native Americans in the United Statesare the indigenous peoples in North America within theboundaries of the present-day continental United States,parts of Alaska, and the island state of Hawaii. They arecomposed of numerous, distinct Native American tribes andethnic groups, many of which survive as intact politicalcommunities. According to a 1995 US Census Bureau set ofhome interviews, most of the respondents with anexpressed preference refer to themselves as AmericanIndians or Indians, and this term has been adopted by majornewspapers and some academic groups

There are not many Native American people left in the

United States, but those that remain can call upon namesof around 250 original languages. Many Native Americannames have traditionally been taken from nature and fromthe perspective of being part of nature, such as Achachak(Algonquian for 'spirit'), Gomda (meaning 'wind' in Kiowa), andTawa (meaning 'sun' in Hopi).

CCaannaaddaa:: Today Canada is the most multi-cultural countryin the world, and the home of immigrants of every ethnicand religious group from every country in the world. Butless than 500 years ago, the only people living in Canadawere the Aboriginal people of Canada. "Aboriginal" meansthe original inhabitants, the people who were here first. Thewords "Native" or "Indigenous" are also used, and mean thesame thing. Native religions developed fromanthropomorphism and animism philosophies. Animals,plants, trees, and inanimate objects are interpreted inhuman terms and their relation to the earth, sky, and water.A cosmological order exists, within which humans live, thatvalues balance and harmony with all of these forces.

CChhaamm ((VViieettnnaamm)):: Champ was profoundly influenced byHinduism and many of the Cham towers, built as Hindusanctuaries, containing lingas that are still worshiped byethnic-Vietnamese and ethnic-Chinese alike. After the fallof Champs in the 15th century, most Chams who remainedin Vietnam became Muslims, but continued to practicevarious Brahmic rituals and customs. Cham Museum isfounded in 1915 by the Ecole Francaise d'Estreme Orient. Ithas the open-air collection of Cham sculptures in the finestin the world. Many of the sandstone carvings (altars, lingas,garudas, Ganesas, Sarasvati, sea monster makara,elephant-lion Gajasimha, and images of Shiva, Brahma andVishnu) and altar ornaments are breathtaking

BBaallii :: The main religion practiced in Bali is a form of

Hinduism called Agama Hindu Dharma, where the Hinduitself is consisted of some religious sect, but in Bali all ofBalinese are Hindu Ciwa. The two religions (Hindu andBuddhist) arrive from Java and some extend from Indiaduring the 8th to 16th centuries. The main symbol ofBalinese Hinduism is the Swastika or wheel of the sun.Classical dance dramas based on the old Hindu epics of theRamayana and the Mahabarata.

SSllaattvviiaa && LLiitthhuuaanniiaa:: Romuva is a folk religion communitythat claims to continue living Baltic pagan traditions whichsurvived in folklore and customs. Romuva is a community ofthe old Lithuanian religion, continuing the traditions ofancient Baltic beliefs.

UUKK-DDrruuiidd:: The very name Druid is composed of twoCeltic word roots which have parallels in Sanskrit. TheDruid Tradition is similar Hinduism-The spiritual tradition ofDruidism is burial chambers called' "long barrows", Thesewere burial chambers made of massive stones and coveredwith mounds of piled stones or earth. They were devoteesof the Earth Mother Goddess. A good deal of historicalevidence indicates that ancient Druids were part of a castesystem similar to Brahmans in Hindu tradition. Their othercelebrations resembles Pitru Paksha Shradh and Diwali.

JJaappaann- Japan's basic religion is Shintoism. Some claim thatthe word Shintoism is just a mispronunciation of Sindhuism orHinduism. Sanskrit language has influenced traditionalJapanese calligraphy. The Vedic Gods of Japan-Images ofGanesha and Vishnu have been found throughout Japan.Goma-Homa Vedic fire rite, remains central to religion inJapan. It consists of mantra, mudra, and mandala. Abhisheka-Another Vedic rite that is widely practiced is abhishekaconsecration). Japanese Ganesha is Kangi-ten. TraditionalAyurveda, Energy Healing & Flower Essence are common.

Indian connections with the Traditions OldIndian connections with the Traditions Old

NNoouurraakkhh AAbbddrraakkhhmmaann,, KKaarrzzyykkssttaannKingdom of central Asia had Babur khan as king. He

brought some elements from our culture into India that’swhy there are some similarities between Indian &karzykstan tradition. Especially we are same at the basis oftraditional spirituality. Yoga, mantra and meditation aresomethig interconnecting us.

Yoga is something about the body movements andmeditation, this is what we do for our memory enhancement

and mental peace. The purpose of yoga, mantra and meditation is universal butthe procedure is according to a particular tradition.

PPhhiilliipp CCaarrrr GGoommmm,, UUKK,, DDrruuiidd TTrraaddiittiioonn,, aabboouutt 22000000-33000000yyeeaarrss oolldd

Uniqueness in druid tradition - how can we enhance ourpotential? Somehow life bounds our potential with differentdimensions and we think that we cannot do anything. I amsearching in druid tradition something like this which helps tocope up from these things.

In the last ten years it isgrowing rapidly. We are neararound 15000-20000 in all overEngland. Many of the people followthis religion with a strong belief.Followers of Druid basically strivefor 3 things, they are- wisdom,love and expression of creativity.

It has lot of similarities withIndian tradition which suggest thatwe have common origin. there aremany similarities; That’s why I amhere. We have similarities in mythology, language, stories,principle of reincarnation such as the stories of Julia scissor.A deep correlation is there.

Druid tradition has many ideas to conserve naturalresources to make world powerful.

Spirituality teaches us to respect the nature. That is abalance. It defines our relation with humanities, culture andthe gods- goddesses. They all are sources of happiness.

MMaallccoollmm TTiikkiinnsshhoorrtt,, MMaaoorrii Maori Tradition is very old, near about 2000-3000 years. People related to

Mauri came from different islands and residing over here.It is just like the centre religion of New Zealand which isfollowed by thousands of people in the country.

There are so many features such as spirituality,mountains, nature and different patterns of worshippinggod and goddesses. Term spirituality refers to Maurigods and goddesses. This term is very sacred. As weconsider sun as the source of light to the world. Itremoves all darkness. It removes all sins and evils ofpeople. We consider this is the real spirituality. Peopleknow very much about it. It has a strong position in NewZealand. We pray to god to give power and intellect. Not for particularl religionbut for humanity.

Sanskriti Sanchar Special Nourishing the Balance of …...Sanskriti Sanchar Special Inauguration ssession About 400 participants across the Globe from more than 35 countries gathered - [PDF Document] (5)

Eternal Culture with Universal appeal : Dr. SD Sharma

6 Haridwar, March 2012Dev Sanskriti University Balance of the


After Dark Age of European history,European expansion over the world

including Asian Countries started in 15th -16thcentury. Since then, we grew under theinfluence of this western world which hasbasic tenets like 1) struggle for existence, 2)survival of the fittest, 3)exploitation of nature

and 4) individualism .Earlier the whole

world was underthe influence of oftheir indigenouscultures & traditionswhich had differentbasic tenets. Therewas no struggle forexistence but theythought this universeas a manifestation ofdivinity, no

exploitation but creating a harmoniousrelationship with nature, no “He” God conceptbut accepting both facts of Divinity, the maleand the female. Some of the indigenous,native, ancient cultures had thus developedcomplete humanity which experienced boththe material peace and happiness and alsothe spiritual exuberance.

It is found that most of the above culturegrew in the ecological belts of temperateweathers before 6000 years, when theecosystems on earth were not disturbed byindustries and mercantile consumerism, whenrivers, mountains, forests were all in theirnatural state, the temperature range in the

zone was 15 degree centigrade to 30 degreecentigrade (Mind intelligence behaves in stableand active manner at about 20-22 degreecentigrade). There were no physical strains tothe human body. An abundance of nature,food & eco-friendly environment existed inevery sense. Our experience in suchconditions is that we do not even feel theexistence of our body. Only the spirit andmind exists. It was very natural and mentallysupreme and refind cultures developed muchearlier in this zone.

IInnddiiaa’’ss IInntteerraaccttiioonn wwiitthh wwoorrllddIndian culture developed before 5000 years

or more and had interaction with rest of theworld.

In past, India had links with world’s tradeinstitutes. Its myths, legends, social customs,traditions, languages, rites, architecture,mathematics, navigation are traced even inthe remote corners of the world. Researchesand excavations around the world haverevealed the facts.

India’s contacts with the peoples of theworld had this unique feature that her motivewas not economic exploitation or imperialisticdomination. Her culture spread, and herliterature, philosophy and language wastransported to the different parts of theglobe without jingoism or race complex. It wasonly the spirit of movement that took hermariners, travelers, medicinemen, spiritualteachers, traders and others to establishcontact with the world.

India cherished the ideals of “Vasudhaiva

Kutumbakam” i. e. the whole world is a well-knit family unit.

WWoorrlldd CCuullttuurreess aanndd TTrraaddiittiioonnssAlike India, there were great traditions &

cultures flourishing in different parts of theworld. Interestingly, there are similarities /commonalities among them despite theirunique features.

Such traditions still prevail in Africa, NewZealand, Even today exists over thousandgroups of natives in African continent likeZulus, Xhosas, Kikuyu, Masai as well as Incas,Mayas, Lakota, Hopis and over 500 groups inAmeica, Maoris in New Zealand, Aborigines inAustralia and Druids, Estrucans, Baltic peoplein European countries and many others.

TThhrreeaatt ttoo ccuullttuurreess && ttrraaddiittiioonnssNow a days materialism and excessive

individualism has caused a loss of balance.With increased globalization the culturalaggression of western word has becomeintense and is eroding local/ ancient culturalvalues of other countries. The materialisticvalues of the western world being globalizedthrough information and media technology isthreatening the cultural values of non-western world. It is corrupting the youths ofsuch countries. The side effects ofglobalization are enhancing the crime andterrorism, money laundering, smuggling,p*rnography, AIDS etc. Globalization favorsrich and powerful. Money is God and Marketis its temple.

There is a growing feeling in the world, tocheck the western cultural influence. There is

a need for an alternative approach. The socialthinkers are also studying various humansocieties, indigenous, native and ancientcultures of the world. The native cultureshave mine of information and potential forshaping culture in 21st century.

To ponder over this, representatives(including scholars, academicians, historians,philosophers, social thinkers, spiritual leaders,sages and seers) of ancient cultures &traditions prevailing in different parts of theworld, meet regularly under auspices ofInternational Centre For Cultural Studies(India), World Congress of Ethnic Religions(Lithuania Europe), World Council of AncientTraditions & Cultures (America) etc and guidethe society. They are of opinion that ancientcultures and traditions should be preservedand followed by the human dwellers on thisplanet, Because it has tremendous potentialto guide us to come out of the comingdevastation, restore the deteriorated humanvalues and keep balance of nature. Manytraditions of the world including Indiantradition imbibe on human being theSanskaras (noble teachings) which are to befollowed individual from sun rise to sun set tosun rise as well as from pre-birth time todeath and for life after death. It helps todevelop complete humanity whichexperiences both the material peace andhappiness and also the spiritual exuberanceas already mentioned.


Preserving the Indigenous Cultures and Traditions

GGoollddeenn OOppppoorrttuunniittyy ttooTTiilltt tthhee BBaallaannccee

OOnn DDAAYY 33,, PPlleennaarryy sseessssiioonn 33 wwaass ccoonndduucctteedd..SSaahhaarraa DDeevvii from America expressed her view on “The EvolutionRevolution.”

In this most crucial time, as we teeter on the razor’s edge ofPlanetary Awakening or Planetary Crisis, we have a goldenopportunity to tilt the balance toward the Light. We are on the brink.There is a growing recognition that we have allowed ourselves to beduped by the powers that-be, and brainwashed to believe that ourhappiness depends upon being good little consumers - acquiring andpossessing things – and not the sheer joy of Life itself or thepleasure generated by sharing precious moments in loving company.A happy person, a fulfilled person, a person full of love andcompassion, has no need to alter his reality with drugs or alcohol.She doesn’t need to “shot till the drops” because she (literally) stopsto smell the roses, and hears the birdsong outside liar window. Sheunderstands that a full Heart is more satisfying than a full stomach,a full closet, a full schedule, or a full wallet. Now, as a result of thiseconomic crisis we have an opportunity to understand our inter –relatedness: we can see firsthand that our actions have reactionsaround the world, and witness that even though isolated physicallywe do not live in a vacuum. Not as Individuals, not as nations, nor asa human civilization.

PPrreesseenntteerr:: SS..DD YYoouunngg WWoollff ffrroomm AAmmeerriiccaa,, aa SSttoorryy wwrriitteerr..There is much in the tradition so we should keep in touch and be

in practice with our tradition. Losing our land, religion, culture wecannot be happy. We should come together to save it. Love natureand circle of life for the balance of nature. Leave in balance don’ttake more than your need. Lack of cooperation is misbalancing ourculture. In Hinduism there is yoga to balance energy. Buddhism andHinduism deals with the philosophy of life and structure of cosmos.

PPrreesseenntteerr:: –– DDhhaammeesshh,, IInnddoonneessiiaaHe revised Åa LoLrh three times first for you, second for sisters

and third one for our protection. Chaman Lal is the name of my Guru.When I pronounce his name there is a divine energy flows in my body.We revise Ramayana in Indonesia. In Indonesia Shaivism and Buddhismboth religion existence together in a unity. In Indonesia it is must thatyou should accept god. Our national symbol is GARUD, which meansunity in diversity. It has evolved from Buddha Dharma.

PPrreesseenntteerr:: SSuunnddaarrii BBaabbbbaaBabba is the creator of world, there is a spiritual bridge in India. We

should respect the creator of universe. We think about globaltradition, religion and economy. Why don’t we think to protect ourlocal religion and tradition. In the modern age we are moving towardstechnology, we are in habit of using computer but we are losing ourown culture and civilization. Culture can exist only when there will notbe profit making motive. We are only thinking for globalization ineconomic sector but we have to promote local sources of economic.

SSppeeaakkeerr-DDrr.. SShhuukkhhddeevv SShhaarrmmaa ((VVCC,,DDSSVVVV))

Topic-Hinduism is eternal culturewith universal appeal.

Hindu says believe in God and feelthe vibration surrounding us. We musttook for harmony and be peaceful.Harmony in speech, harmony in actionand harmony in look. There has beenever Freedom of Religion in India.Dharma was only one for every one.Hinduism is polytheistic &monotheistic( 33 god converted in onegod). Indian name Vishvamitra meansfriend of the world. On the spiritualpath one is enlightened with thewisdom. It claims Origin of human racefrom Sumeru. Brahma on lotus fromVishnu navel signifies the creation ofthe universe. Ten incarnations of lordVishnu represents differentmanifestations of Lord in the processof evolution of human existence from

animal to human being.SSppeeaakkeerr –– GGrraanndd CChhiieeff SSttaannlleeyyBBeeaarrddyy ((NNaattiivvee UUSSAA))

Topic- Nourishing the balance ofUniverse- A perspective from the oj-cree Indigenous peoples of Canada.

Creation of the universe. Remaininginfact freest and escapes. Elementcontained in the oj-cree worldview.Manifestation of imbalance. Domesticefforts- under taken to promote thenourishing the balance of universe.Protect from the commercialization.SSwwaammii PPrraasshhaannaannaanndd CChhaattuurrvveeddii::We are in a state of Cosmospathology. Need to Create globalhealing to reorganize our self and ourstamina. India is a land of dynasticengineering. Civilization dependedupon inheritance. Foundation of allthings is civilization. Proper civilizationgives us awareness. We all are thepower of positivity. Vision is the most

important feature of our civilization.Indian people always inspire otherpeople. Self awareness andassessment is very important part ofour life. Fire is the symbol ofawakening, which is masscommunication devise.GGaayyaattrrii DDeevvii ffrroomm IIttaallyy :: Yoga is aphysical, mental and spiritualdiscipline, originating in ancient India.Yoga is ability of action. Astang yogais kind of yoga. Yoga is not agymnastic. Yoga is the awakening ofour life. Depression is a cause offailure. Start from the ground. Yamtells us what to avoid doing becauseit would do harm to individual andsociety. Niyam consists of purify bothinternal and external (shaucha),contentment (Santosh), the practiceof austerity (Tapas). It all leads to theKnowledge and experience of Selfrealization.

Nourishing the

Sanskriti Sanchar Special Nourishing the Balance of …...Sanskriti Sanchar Special Inauguration ssession About 400 participants across the Globe from more than 35 countries gathered - [PDF Document] (6)

The Effects of the ShastaDam on Winnemem Wintu

culture : Lyla JohnsonPeople of Western culture

identify themselves by nation state(French, Plish, American, California,etc) Perhaps this is because theyassociate their identify with ahomeland defined by imaginarynation-state boundaries. Mosttraditional indigenous people, onthe other hand, define theirhomeland according to realenvironmental boundaries andtherefore will call themselves, forexamples, "People of the WildRice," Coyote Canyon People," or "Red Willow People." Imaginarystate boundaries simply are not apart of most traditional indigenousperceptions of the world. As CoraDuBois writes in her Wintu,Wthnography, "Drainage systems,mountain ranges, and chages inflora and fauna associated withthem seem to be the determinantsof boundaries in the minds of thenatives"(1935:4). This seems to bebecause Indigenous Americanidentity is tightly bound to theenvironmental setting upon whichtheir livelihoods and culturalfeatures depend.

Rangefraa Movement : Er. L. KhimunThe literal meaning of

'Rangfraa' is God which is beingworshiped by the four ethnicgroups of Nagas viz, Tangsa,Tutsa, Nocte and the Wanchusof Arunachal Pradesh ofnortheast India. Originally, eventhe ethnic groups of Tangnuand Shangnu Nagas ofMyanmar and some of theethnic groups of Nagaland werealso belonged to this Faith butunfortunately most of them gotconverted to Christianity. SinceRangfraism is a reformed cultand its Doctrines and preaching

is also of universal in character,nowadays it is being embracedby other communities as wellwith utmost enthusiasm. Itssystem of worship and prayeris based on the eternal truthshidden in the mythology of theRangfraites, which has beenpropounded in the Holy Textcaptioned as "The Great ThirdComing of Rangfraa.” Thebumper harvest that a farmerreaps also implies that thetechnique of agriculture thefarmer adopted was right.Similarly, the blessings of God

that He bestowed on theRangfraites in the form ofmiracles imply that the systemof our worship and prayer is notwrong. In Rangfraa Traditionthere are more than fifteenpersons who are endowed withsupernatural power, capable ofdisplaying miracles. Suchpersons are called Rang-Samaal or Rang-Shamma.They can obtain herbalmedicine, ginger, holy water,black peerer, stone, bunch ofhair, seeds of grains etc.directly from God.

Maori tradition and modernparenting : Elaine Macfarlane

In Moari culture land, mountains,waterways,tribe/iwi clan/hapugeneology/whakapapa meant everything.

Women and children were cherished andtreated as special treasures. Kuru pounamu ortaonga. Woman were treasured and held in highesteem as they were bearers of the children, thefuture generations. children were treasured asthey were regarded as future chiefs. The largerthe tribe the greater the mana or prestige forthe chiefs. Every birth was a special occasion,and there was great joy throughout the wholetribe. The baby was nurtured not only by theparents but by the whole tribe. There was noseparation.

Grandparents kuia/koroua were integral in thenourishing, caring of the grandchildren/mokopuna.They were the teachers of the genelogy/whakapapa, protocal, rules/kawa, tikanga/valuesand principales. The first born in every familywas held in high esteem and was given to thegrandparents to bringup. The child was taught allthe knowledge that had been handed down fromgeneration and was groomed to be a bearer ofknowledge and a future leader.

Because children were so treasured and Maoriwere tribal and lived in their own clan/hapueveryone helped with the upbringing of thechildren. It was reported the ratio was 5 adults to1 child.

The mind set is important in such awayas to follow a spiritual path. In ancientand modern times alike, theology isclosely related to geography. The role ofmankind and concept of God, in thecreation will lead to many solutions to theinevitable conflicts and compromises.

Astrology- is a doctrine aboutinfluence of Stars and Planets on humanbeings. Through ages astrology aspired toprobe and to interpret this influence. It isa known fact that the ancient scientists,astronomers etc; studied astrology andunderstood the positions of Planets in thespace with an intention to find out thenatural phenomena such as earth quakes,volcanoes eruption, epidemics etc. and

How they influenced the mankind. Thusthe knowledge of Astrological facts willhelp the finding of solution to varioushuman problems and the adjustmentswherever necessary. The Tibetan monksevent today are accepting Astrology as abridge between science and religion. Theconcept of marriage has beenestablished for a man and women to livetogether and cooperate with each otherto overcome their differences bycompromises.

So, in the journey of life, one has tocompromise in every field with in theirability to make the vehicle moving in rightdirection. Astrology helps in finding oursuitable compromise.

Balance of the

Universe7Haridwar, March 2012

Dev Sanskriti UniversityNourishing the

The Genesis: In Ethnic Culture VsScience, Dr. Dhaniram Yogi

The word “culture” is most commonly used in threebasic senses. It can be defined as: An integrated patternof human Knowledge, belief, and behavior that dependsupon the capacity for symbolic thought and sociallearning or The set of shared attitudes, values , goals,and practices that characterizes an institution,organization, or group.

Nepal is a country where people speak about 100ethnic languages, follow different religious sects,celebrate varieties of festivals and have the worldview oftheir own on their life and the entire cosmos. But theculture has now become the matter of discussion, pointfor bargaining and the question of identity in the presentday context of Nepal. The principal aim of this paper is tocompare the world view of the Ethnic culture with themainstream Hindu cultural world view and scientificfindings in the light of Creation of the universe. The pointis to establish the ethnic culture as a means ofdeveloping civilization around the world. The conflictbetween scientific discoveries or findings and the worldview of the ethnic groups should come into the sameconfluence. The Tharu folklore, way of life, Magar culture,way of life, folk literature has their own significance inspeculating the creation of the universe. The traditionalconcept has its origin inhuman intuitional description butthey seem to be very close to scientific inventions andsometimes even further developed and more reliable

Dharma: theway to sustain:

Atul RawatThe balance in the

universe can be achievedonly through harmonybetween god, man andnature. The tripartiterelationship is sometimesused to understand thespiritualism too. This is incontrast to the concept ofreligion which is much morelimited in its scope. Most ofthe younger religionsevolved during historicaltimes after the evolution ofmonarchy as an absolutistsystem of government.

The ancient traditions arevery akin to the Dharmiktraditions that evolved inIndia, in the sense that theydid not believe in only onepath of salvation, or onlyone god or conversion as ameans to expand etc. hereit becomes important tounderstand the termDharma itself. The Hindutradition believes thatDharma is the one thatsustains. This is one of thebest ways to nourish thebalance of the universe asnourishing is the way tosustain. This paper is anattempt to understand howthe Dharma sustains andhow it nourishes thebalance that is so importantto the future of humanity.

The Latvin Ritual and LifeWisdom as a Model of

Nourishing the Harmony orthe Balance of the Universe,Ramants Jansons a citationof what Ernerst Brastins, a

Latvian eminent culturalworker, once has said:

“Every culture wears its self-made string of gemstones,including religion, myths

(legends), languages,customs, virtue, rights,

poetry, art and domestic life,which are stringed on a

single thread of education.This string of beads must notbe torn apart, because noneof the beads should fall outof this jewel, otherwise its

glamour is lost”.

Wisdom of Earth : Rahael WatcherWe are a different breed of

religion as pagan andindigenous practices go. Weare a group of people fullyintegrated into the westernindustrial cooperate socialstructure. Under normalcirc*mstances we do nothave the difficulty of adaptingto linier time in order to keepschedules. We have not beentorn from our ancestral landswithin living memory. We canempathize with the difficultiesencountered by those who aretrying to make sense of ourhigh tech society, and we canlend all of our support thoughwe will never be able to

entirely understand thestruggle to live with a foot intwo such diverse Worlds. yetwe are very similar to thosewho have been forced toleave their ancestral landshave their ancestral lands/have adapted to living incities, have even gone throughone or more generations offorbears converting to anotherfaith, but who are trying toreconnect with our traditionalroots and connection with theEarth. Working together,learning from each other, wecan bring the wisdom of theearth back to the people andheal this world.

The Mind-Body-SpiritLearning Model:

Dr. Kathleen P.KingA holistic model of learning offers

opportunities to not only contribute to individualwell-being, but also the collective. Using theparadigm and strategies offered by theproposed model also provides opportunities toimprove immediate student wellness. Moreover,since the individual's condition influences theirimmediate and distant community, this paradigmand practice contributes to improving thecondition and harmony of our universe. Theresearch challenges educators, administratorsand theorists to reconsider traditional westernphilosophies of teaching and learning and join inthe interdisciplinary discussion of mind, body andspirit connections.

WWee AArree OOnnee PPeeooppllee

Trust your intuitionDemonstrate dignity and respectCommunicate with honesty andclarityAssume the good intentions ofothersSupport shared leadershipCelebrate diversityBe inspired to take risksAllow decisions to emerge andembrace the processUnderstand the whole is greaterthan the parts Strive for actions based onselflessness and loveSupports sustainability bothpersonally and environmentallyHonor agreements and takeownership for outcomes

NNiinnaa MMeeyyeerrhhooff

Wisdom fromtraditions oldWisdom fromtraditions old

Astrology- a key to HumanAdjustment, Dr. Bhawaan

Role of Yagya inMental heath

An English proverb says” A Healthy mindlives in an Healthy body” but in present dayswe can see lot of competitions , tensions, jobanxiety levels consequently leading tojealousy, anger, greed in the people affectingtheir mental health very much. yagya is aspecific ritual for gaining peace and happylife and is the symbol of our Indian culture.Yagya procedure consists of mantras (soundenergy) and havishya (food of Gods).mantraswere defined as “manannat trayate itimantrah” these are the eternal sounds andthe havishya is the medicine herbs, wheninhaled purifies the blood and shows its subtleeffect on the mind and influence the way wefeel ,think and promoting mental health

DDrr..ssuunniill kkuummaarr,, CChheettaannaa PPaallwwaarr,, GGaarriimmaaPPaannddeeyy aanndd SS.. PPaavvaannii

Sanskriti Sanchar Special Nourishing the Balance of …...Sanskriti Sanchar Special Inauguration ssession About 400 participants across the Globe from more than 35 countries gathered - [PDF Document] (7)

8 Haridwar, March 2012Dev Sanskriti University

Published by Dept. of Journalism & Mass Comm., Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar (India), Chief Editor : DDrr.. PPrraannaavv PPaannddyyaa,, Guidance : DDrr.. SSDD SShhaarrmmaa & DDrr.. CChhiinnmmaayy PPaannddyyaaEEddiittoorr :: Dr. Sukhanandan Singh, DDeessiiggnneerr :: Uma Shankar Tiwari, SSuuppppoorrttiinngg TTeeaamm :: ((GGiirrllss)) Divya, Navneeta, Jyoti, Neetu, Jagriti, Varsha, Rachana, Ankita, Saloni, Meenakshi, Vandana,

Anju, Indu. ((BBooyyss)) Mukesh, Deepak, Swapnesh, Ritesh, Sanjeev, Rahul, Vivek, Sandeep, PPhhoottooggrraapphheerr :: Saurav, Jaikishon

Balance of the


Throughout the 4 days of Conference, Morning and Eveninghours were very special one. Ceremonies in the morning

evoking the Divine energy charged the participants for thewhole day and the cultural evening gave a relaxing and

entertaining touch to the tired delegates.

CCeerreemmoonniiaall MMoorrnniinnggssaanndd CCuullttuurraall EEvveess

CCeerreemmoonniiaall MMoorrnniinnggssaanndd CCuullttuurraall EEvveess

DDaayy 33 Witnessed different Glimpses of Morning prayer Ceremonies.Combined presentation of Litvia and Lithuavia. The aim of fireceremony was fertility and good luck. After the worshiping andprayer Prasad called Zerah made from black bread was dedicated.Next was chanting for God-Fercunas god of fire and god Dearassupreme god of Latvian tradition.

Native American tradition was Represented by Patrica Macabe.It was symbolical process in which the divine powers evoked andcalled to protect us from evils. In this process they invited 330divine being, which have a big amount of virtues. By accepting andopting divine virtues we are equivalent with divine powers.

Maya Tradition was representative by Elizabeth Aroujo. In Mayancalendar year starts from 13th march. New year starts with fireceremony when. Ground is prepared before fire ceremony and theymade a circle divided in 4 parts. These 4 parts represents 4 directions.It is representing earth as mother and fill up the circle with different naturalthings and cuisines which symbolize sunrise and sunset. They pray andprostrate for the enlightenment from darkness to the light.

karnali tradition of Arunachal Pradesh was the last item. In this tradition theyworshiped god of sky. “Mitakue oyasi” chant 12 times the lines and danced with alarge group.

Fusion of dance, Drama and MusicCultural evening Day 2 was filled with DSVVprogramsDeep prajwalan by Dr. Pranav PandayaSaraswati vandana (prayer)Morchey jab jawani sambhale gi(pragya geet)Group Dance by D.S.V.V. students(boys) song:Deva shri ganeshaPrayer to savita devtaa (group dance bygirls(dsvv students)Classical Dance(Solo) by SeemaEnglish song by Ritu & group(dsvv students)Welcome Rajasthani dance by girls ( studentof dsvv) Chattasgarhi dance (group dance by dsvv girls)(gedi nritaya)Gujrati Dance ( Nav Durga Garba)

Nourishing the

On Day 3 Program started with Latvian group. They performed song and dancein their own culture. S.D Young wolf from America told a short story on“Nourishing the balance of Universe”. Katharina from New Zealand performed asong in respect of those indigenous people from Maori tradition who struggledand sacrificed their life to serve their own culture. Leila from America throughher poems conveyed the message that according to god we are one, becauseof our selfish nature we have created a boundary. Delegates from ArunachalPradesh performed Adi dance which is done in Arunachal Pradesh for theworship of new crops. Mani Desai group from Nepal performed their culturaldance. Latvia group with DSVV gave a combined performance on GayatriMantra Fusion dance. Bali’s group performed a prayer for the happiness of

whole world. Laxmi from Indonesia performed a dance inspired by RAMAYANA.Ricka Hika from Japan read a letter of her grandmother in Japanese language.

Last but not least Norac Abdrakh’s wonderful on the tone of instrumental musicwas appreciated by all


Evoking the Spiritual Energy through CeremoniesOn 5th march 2012, the sacred ceremonies started with the traditional ritual of

Arunachal Pradesh in which they tied the sacred thread 'Pavitrak', also an antibioticfound only in snowy areas of Arunachal Pradesh. Next ritual was performed bypeople of Japan worshiping the motherland. Then the Krzystan's people perform theceremony celebrated on 41st day after child's birth to helps the child grow sound and

free from evils. Then the people belong to Jain community offered ' NamokarMantra' to pay respect to all great souls. People from Nepal

worshiped the Lord Shiva. At the end Maori tribe performed thewelcome ritual and gave the invitation to all the spectators

to visit their country. DDaayy 22 :: On 6 march 2012, the ceremony started withthe ‘AGNIHOTRA' by Hindu community fromMaharastra. Next the priest from Vietnam called thePrayer to invite the God and prayed to take awayall the negative forces. People from Hungarydedicated a song to nature in which they mentionwhite hawk- symbolizing the prayer to sky andbring down the messages of almighty. Then thepeople of Latvia prayed and distributed the cake.The ceremony filled the lot of enthusiasm in thespectators and gave the message of unification to

all the people of universe.

Sanskriti Sanchar Special Nourishing the Balance of …...Sanskriti Sanchar Special Inauguration ssession About 400 participants across the Globe from more than 35 countries gathered - [PDF Document] (2024)


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