Poi-lf Aug. 2, 1982 Hospitals McCUISTION CENTER Admitted: Thomas Wood Mount Pleasant; Mrs, Dovie Gentry, 825-6th SW; H. L. Mahan, Rt. Mrs.
Loretta Edwards, Powderly; Mrs. W. F. Case, Arthur City; Roosevelt Garland, Leisure Lodge Nursing Home; James Hester, NE; Darrell Liles, Valliant, Okla; Perry McMichael, 815-4ist SE; Henry Morgan, 3008 Bonham; and Mrs. Greg Lawler, 200-23rd NW.
Dismissed: Mrs. Robert DeCarrera and daughter, Idabel, Curtis Freeman, 576 E. Price; Joe Gillean, Cooper; Mrs. Estella Merritt, Dallas; Drew Owens, Cunningham; Mrs. Ronny Parnell and son, Rt.
Eugene Prince, Grant, Mrs. Glenn Rhodes, Idabel, Mrs. Joetta Savage, Detroit; Mrs. Gene Stinson, 2325 Church; Paul Storey, Haworth, Mrs. Bobby Bailey and daughter, 429-7th ME; Mrs.
W. Clark Wilson and son, Clarksville; Mrs. Cammie Wicks, 3180 Pine Mill; Marie Neal, Arthur City; Mrs. Alice Peek, Clarksville; Carol Kay Hilliard, Rt. Sandra Davis, Comrnerce; Mrs.
Gayle Hollei. an, Valliant, Gilbert Sulsar, 1105 E. Hearon; Cynthia White, Ed Margraves, 506-19th SW; Mrs. Maggie Inness, Sawyer, E. G.
Sattefield, Hugo, Henderson Parsons, Ringold, Golda Sissel, 827 S. Main; Dennis Short, Powderly; Isaac Read, Deport; Judith Jackson, 2480 Fargo; Mrs. Cherry Harper, Rt. and Jason Rolf, Hugo, Okla. ST.
JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL Admitted: Cecil Parks, Cooper; Orville Taylor, 1355 Sperry; Willie McCool, George Wright Homes; Nina Vest, Cherry Street Manor; Richard Lee, Hugo, Ray Lacy 520E. Austin; David Huddleston, 634-13th NW; Brent Davis, 1360 E. Houston; Beulah Pierce, Clarksville: Wendall Jetton, Rt. Rita Strickland, Rt. Arthur Box, Blossom; Catherine King, Rt.
Dee Cunningham, 3250 Bonham; Miss Mary Jones, Cooper; Mrs. Arvella Courtwright, Oleta, Eddie Ball, Hugo, Kim Stanley, Idabel, Alice Woods, 102 George Wright Homes; John Freeman, Rt. and Mae Smith, Pleasant Grove Nursing Home. Dismissed: Esco Hicks. Honey Grove; Bert Finley, 1830 BaHard; Askmo Smith, Deport; Elizabeth Nichols, Cherry Street Manor; John Freeman, Rt.
Ernest Phillips, Mount Pleasant; Edward Coffman, Garvin, Eddie Ball, Hugo, Martha Johnson, iva uowns, soper, Lillie Gentry, Parkview Nursing Home; Virgie Estap, Idabel, Tina Hines, 110 E. Long; Veda Brown, 665-28th NW; Mildred Winn, Leisure Lodge; Cortis McGuire, Rt. Anna Hugo, Bessie Parker, Hugo, Mary Smith, Bonham; Jimmie Boaz, Sumner; Mary Bills, 1040- 7th NW; Richard Gonzales, Blossom; Shirley Graves, 85-23rd NW; Lillie Hatcher, 856 Cedar; R. G. Brown, 2905 Clarksville; Keran Ford, 3095 Abbott; Willie Woodall, Cooper; Jessie Cashion, 1253 Cooper; Steven Wagnor, 2671 N.
Main; Ross Pelt, Grant, Hazel Crowder, 233- 7th SW; Sandra Pharis, Hugo, Steve Gray, Bogata; Tiny Freelen, 638 W. Austin; Patsy Johnson, Rt. Joan Elmore, Rt. Ivey Moore, Mount Vernon and Mattie Tucker, Fort Towson, Okla. Gerald Whitesides Serving Thb Area Mike Fuller FURNITURE COMPANY 201 Bantam 714-2532 GLASS MOTORS SERVICE PARTS.
'Full body chop and foreign repair 355 Lamar 783-1447 Weather LOCAL U. S. Weather Bureau information for the 24-hour period ending at 8 a.m. Monday, courtesy of Observer Richard W. Floyd.
High temperature Sunday 89, low and overnight low 73. Temperature at 8 a.m. Monday 77. Temperature range on this date last year 90-73. Record high for this date 107 in 1923, record'low 62 in 1925.
Rainfall in the 24-hour period .02 of an inch. Total rainfall to date this year 37.01 inches. Rainfall to this date last year 26.19 inches. PAT MAYSE LAKE conditions as of 8 a.m. Monday: elevation 452.16 feet; water temperature, 74 degrees, lake condition, clear.
FORECAST North Texas: Partly cloudy, hot and humid with a slight chance of thunderstorms Friday Highs, 93 to 100. Lows tonight. 73 to 80. Sunny and hot Tuesday with highs from 95 to 100. OUTLOOK North Texas: Mostly fair, hot and sunny days with warm and humid nights throughout the week.
Highs in the mid to upper 90s and lows in the 70s. Calendar MONDAY Hugo School Board meets. Honey Grove Chamber of Commerce meets. Reno City Council meets. TUESDAY 1 p.m.
National Association of Retired Federal Employes (NARFE) meets in the Student Center at Paris Junior College. Hugo City Council meets. Blossom City Council meets. 8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous and AI-Anon meet at 116N.
Main St. "This Week Only" Interest 1 Rate Exclusively At Pontiac Buick GMC Trucks DAV1D GLASS MOTORS 785-8447 555 Lamar WEE CARE DAY CARE CENTER 1040 Lamar 784-2532 BEGINNING Aug. 1st. PRE-ENROLLMENT BEGINNING NOW FOR FALL PROGRAM! CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES FOR 2 3 YEAR OLDS AND PRE-SCHOOL FOR 4 AND 5 YEAR OLDS. Qualified Licensed Teachers ONE CHILD 6 D5 5ff ay AT PIZZA INN BUFFET SPECIALS TUESDAY NIGHT BUFFET Every Tuesday Night 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm NOON BUFFET Monday thru Friday 11:00 am to 2:00 prn Children under 15C Buy one pizza, get next smaller size Free.
Buy orre giant, large or medium size Sicilian Topper or Original Thin Crust pizza, get the next smaller Same Style with equal numbeTofingredients, Free. Present this coupon with guest check Not valid with any other offer. 2725 Clarksville 785-7673 DRESS SHOP Lamar Rd. Hwy. 82 East 785-46 17 "Name Brand Merchandise At Popular Prices" HICKS MUFFLER AND TIRE SHOP David Hicks -Owner 1635 Bonham 785-4644 revue DISCOUNT FABRICS Open 9 to 5 Sot.
till noon 1020 DICKSON DAVID BUSTER CONCRETE N.W. LOOP 785-1305 785-4027 Saturday Delivery No Minimum In Town Foreign 2735 N. Main 785-8433 Bobby Flynn, Mgr. 4-Wheel Domestic Fabrics Sewing Notions of all kinds MELODY'S FABRICS 29 Lamar 784-0091 READING IS FUN! Check your favorite retail store for magazines paperbacks other by YOUNG'S News Agency 134 W. Cherry 785-2615 BenRoss QUALITY TOOLING and SERVICE 785-5664 124O SE6lh Paris PARIS TITLE ABSTRACT CO.
810 Lamar 7B3-7J23 Scott's Jewelry EXPERT REPAIR WORK ON WATCHES JEWELRY "Where the ticMock makes the difference." 773 BONHAM 785-0451 ZALES The Diamond Store 9 to 8 3532 Lamar Mirabeau Square A Complete Line of New Furniture TEXAS FURNITURE CO. 134-1 st S.W. Dial 784-6370 Auto Supply "Every Day Low Prices" Where Ekwl" 235 Main 784-8414 785-3528. CUSTOM STEEL BUILDINGS AND STEEL FABRICATION Spwncer Const. Co.
FM Loop Home 784 Bui 7M.B7W The Home of RECAPPING KPAIKING MAIN TIRE STORE Michel In Cooper Tires Armsf rong Tires 4O4 N. Main 7(4-7421 FLIP'S WELDING SHOP AM. TYPES WELDING N.W. at Loop 286 78f-6426 Concrete Steel Reinforced Any Size Anywhere 32 Years Experience 785-0642 785-8771 2348 Lamar Open Von. Fn.
8 to 5 i to I Kountry Complete Ceramic And Crafts Shop Located 3 mlUs oft 27l North on FM 1499 at HlixltUy Turn- Off. -c A Directory Of Business Service Firms In The Paris Area ENTER I 3577 N.E. Loop 286 785-6140 Ptlnts" MORTON'S CABINET SHOP 140 W. Oak Paris "QUALITY CABINETS AT A PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD 784-8011 Village Jewelers Kenneth Marshall MUFFLER SHOP Texaco Station at Lamar 20th SE AIIMuftlen Tailpipe, Features one of the largest selections of mobile homes in Northeast Texas. installation within 100 mile radius of Paris.
795-57U PARIS FASHION PLACE Specializing in ladies large sizes. Complete line of ladies junior wear. MRS, JIMMY MORRIS IS SHOWN HERE WITH SOME OF THE MANY UNUSUAL GIFT ITEMS CUSTOMERS MAY CHOOSE FROM AT THE CORNER OIFT CERAMIC SHOP. Kountry (Corner It the plow to ihop for ceramics, craft supplies and other tmiMual Customers will find all types of large and imoll ceramics, bisque, canister sets, many sixes of figurines, flower arrangements, palntt, kerosene lamps, clocks, craft projects for Khool groupi and othar groups of all ages. thop open Monday through Saturday from 9 to 3.
Customers may call the Kountry KoriMr at 785-6970 or gat to ihop by going out 271 north to Hlncfdey furnoff (Shamrock ftotlon). turn toft and go miles. OIFFORD HARDWARE AND SURPLUS OFFERS THOUSANDS OF ITEMS FOR THE HOME, HANDYMAN AND FOR OUTSIDE. will alio find many Itwni for camping, hunting and other outdoor uses. itora, located at 1SO8 North Main In Parli, hai of largeit Inventories of hardware and other miscellaneous Items to be found In the.
northeast Texas area. Owner Russell Glfford Invites anyone looking for tools, hardware, hunting and fishing clothing, boots and footwear for the family and too many other Items to name here, to stop by the store and check out their lew, low prices and large selection. If he doesn't have the Item a customer needs In stock Glfford will be glad to try and get It for a customer. The store carries top qualify Items and many famous brands that customers will find at bargain prices. For Information about anything they have, call The store Is open Monday through Saturday for Customer's shopping convenience and there Is plenty of storefront parking at Glfford's.
LENITA PROCTOR OF TEXAS FURNITURE INVITES AREA RESIDENTS TO COME BY THE STORE AND SEE THE GOOD SELECTION OF SYLVANIA mEVISIONS IN STOCK. Customers will find both black and white and color sets In the small portable sizes on up to the big consoles and table models. Prices start as low as Texas Furniture offers customers complete line of home furnishings, appliances and othar household Items. Owner Frank Weaver states, "Whan you need something for your home, be sure to come by Texas Furniture at 134 1st S.W. for some of the best deals In town.
We have easy credit terms available and a convenient layaway plan. Give us a call at 784-6370 and we'll be happy to give you Information about our many fine products and services for the home." THI WATCH DEPARTMENT AT GENE THE JEWELirS FEATURES MANY OF THE FINEST NAMES IN WATCMtS FOR LAOIES AND MEN. The located at Jl Clarksville In beautiful downtown Paris, carries watches by Seiko. Citizens, Pulsar. 4ulavo Carvelle and llmex In both the analog and quartz digital styles.
Customers can choose from hundreds of styles In white or gold and other models. Randy Ruder of the store Invites anyone looking for any kind of watch for men or ladles to stop by and the large selection available. The store Is also headquarters for diamonds and quality fewelry of all kinds. They carry a good stock of loose diamonds and will customers some of the best deals In town an diamonds. There Is a targe gift and bridal department with all of finest of china.
Battery, silver and stainless. Brides registered at Oene's many free services and gifts and store Imrlte, future brides to check with them on these Items. The phone number 7t4-e711. GIFFORD'S HARDWARE and STORE uS 10,000 ITEMS II 13 BODY PERFECTION STUDIO 3805 NE Loop 785-8773 Nost to Best Wflstwn Cars And Car Stereos 1380 Clarksville 785-8763 Auto Town Stereo Lamar national Bank We wont to be your Bankl Party. Call 785-8744 To Place Your Ad On The BUSINESS REVIEW PAGE RENT OR BUY 'Color TVs Call Tad, Dana, or Amanda Paris Investment Co, 120 S.
Main 785-6436 McCRAY'S Inc. Authorized Dealer Home Sewing Machines Studio Knitting Machines Repairs on ail makes A models 1056 Lamar 785-8972 Tractors Equipment Parts GLASS IMPLEMENT CO. Paris, Texas 475 North Main 784-4463 Paris, Taias 'rnrelgn Car WELDING SUPPLY "For All Your welding Needs" 1615 N. Main 785-4466 HUGH WHITAKER'S PAWN SHOP Headquarters for all your hunting fishing needs 34O Bonham 7S5-6267 Natural Rxxls Juteers vitamins Minerals Cookware CIRCLE HEALTH FOODS Mrs. I ma Whitaker, Owner 18J5 Lamar Avenue Paris.
Texas 75460 J8SS738 CITY Pav Chop SPORTING GOODS UUP ITEMS 250 Bonhanw. LARUE Ford Tractor 3380 N.E. Loop 286 NO EXHAUST SYSTEM JOt TOO I HICKS AND TIRE SHOP, David Hicks states. "Whether large truck like the one shown hi small compact car, we can handle It large stock of mufflers and tallplp i autos and trucks. If you are having car's exhaust system, call on us most jobs while you Thi Hercules Tires of all kinds.
They dealers In the area and have renfi. trailer or cartop carrier on up to th open Monday through Saturday a 715-4644 for Infamratlon about th OR TOO SMALL FOR DAVID BONHAM IN PARIS. Owner a muffler and tailpipe far a or an exhaust system far a or you at our shop. We carry a for all makes and models of my kind of problem with your top quality work. We can do hop Is also headquarters for re one of the largest U-Haul equipment from the smallest big moving trucks.
The shop Is customers may call the shop at auto services and "LET THE STAFF OF INSURANCE SPECIALISTS AT MUTUAL OF OMAHA HELP YOU WITH ALL YOUR INSUIUNCE COVIRACE NEEDS." stated manager Wayne Strickland. ilaH It shown here, left to right! front row: Betty Holloway. Carol Todd. Ada Melton, John Farmer and A. W.
Waller. Back rowi Woyn. Strickland, Archie Flannery, J. D. McCain, Floyd Davidson, Frank Scollald and T.
J. Lowrey. Strickland Invites area residents to stop by office at 116-12th S.E. and talk with him about the many types of policies available from Mutual of Omaha. Office location Is right behind Paris Bank of Texas and offers plenty of convenient parking for customers.
Strickland reminds area residents that Mutual of Omaha provides all types of personal Insurance coverages, up-to-date health Insurance through Mutual't Ufa Insurance affiliate. United of Omaha. "If you are thinking of adding more coverage to your present Insurance plan, please call and let me show you how Mutual of Omaha can give the protection you need." FLIP'S WELNNO OFFERS A COMPUTE LINE OF QUALITY SNAPPER MOWERS Including the model shown above. This Is only one of thirteen different models customer! may choose from that Includes hand-propelled, self-propelled and riding models. Customers may choose from an army of accessories that Include grass catcher, 3O- bushel bag-rt-wogort, leaf pulveriser and options such as electlrc starting on some models.
Flip statei, "It's easy to find the Snapper mower that fits your needs. Come on out real soon and let us demonstrate to you why we think Snapper Mowers are the best you can buy." The shop also has the Snapper Tillers and garden accessories for anyone wanting to get their spring garden ready. Flip's Welding located at 19th NW and Loop NE Texas' Largest Floor Coverlna selections, SMITH 1289 Clarksville MOTEL CITY GULF SERVICE Accept Oulf and Bank Amerlcard Credit Cards 3510 N. Main 7B5-9033 Sam Solton Owner Home Auto 310 lonham 7854441 PARIS EAST PHARMACY 101 Clarksville 784-4685 Paints-wallpaper Covering' Carpet-Picture Framing "One Stop Decorating Center" ROSCOEJONES PAINT STORE 122 Grand Ave, 784-8484 NEWSOM'S Custom Mode METAL BUILDINGS Guaranteed best Quality at Price 3210 714-6246 LAWN CARE For Home Or Business Call Roger Edwards 784-2305 "the working girls' store" Missy Sizes To Fit Sizes 36-46 1349 Lamar Opan 9 10 5 us VICK KEY Service Manager Paris Appliance Center 37 Clarksville 7B5-7SU POWER HEAT AND. AIR David S.
Power-Owner Rt. 1 Paris 784-2198 City Market We Specialise In corn fed beef .3200 Clarksvllla 784-3423 NOW RENTING Mini-Maxi Warehouses INDUSTRIAL SELF STORAGE GIMI Graham 784-7636 WORLD'S LIAMNO AUTO 358 North Main SIRLOIN PIT 2433 N. Main 784-3001 247B Main 783-0739 Jti'S FLORIST 1342 Lamer 714-2 413 WE Df LIVER AFS Wire Service, Tl Discount -Bakery Stores 2020 1Sth N.W. 785-3Zffl 945 S. Collegiate Village Shopping Center 785-8931.
We Mix Materials To Your Specification AND DELIVER IT FAST COSTON SON CONCRETE 7B.Jl.9191 IMPROVEMENTS, Steel-Skiing Aluminum Siding Reptacement Windows ePsttoe-Carports Screen Roans 785-3638 Benny Rhodes llOU ARNOLD'S DRESS SHOP NOW HAS All SUMMER FASHIONS ON! SALE AT FABULOUS PRICES. Owner Lou Arnold states, "Now li a- good time to buy these tap names of ladles fashions at great; Hvlngi. Many of the Items are perfect for back to Khool wear! and early fall. We alto are getting In lot! of new fall merchandise! and you'll love the prices." In the photo we Me Wanda and Lou) Arnold with tome of the new fall fathlont now In stock at the ttore. Cuitomera may choote from tudi famout llnet an Knltt, Donovan Galvanl, Mr.
Beau, R. L. Sport, Noah't Flood. Applaute II, A Originals and many others. A friendly, relaxed atmotphere maket cuttomert feel at home when thapplng at Lou Arnold't and there It alwayt plenty of convenient parking right at the front door.
The low prlcet are alwayi a turprlte for flnt-tlme thoppert at the ttore. Lou Arnold't It open Monday through Saturday and cuttomert are Invited to ute the Vita or MatterCard, layaway er charge at the ttore. Free gift wrapping on any purchase. Lou Arnold's It on lorn or outtlde the Loop 216 and their phone number It 7BS-4617. TlOy CAR.
aSS NORTH MAIN, HAS THE STAFF. THE EQUIPMENT AND THE TRAINING TO OFFER THE FINEST IN AUTO APPEARANCE SERVICES. Shown here, left to rlghtl Chad Frailer, Kenneth Johnson, David Blrdsong and owner Tommy Frailer. The shop Is the area franchlsed dealer for the famous Tidy Car Total Protection Systems. Tommy states, "We Invite everyone to come by our shop or give us a call at 7854379 and lat us explain tha many benefits of the Tidy Car professional auto appearance systems we offer that Includes! the famous Preserv-a-Shlne paint protection, key scratch guards, splash- stone guards, upholstery dry cleaning and steam cleaning, vinyl top cleaning and our exclusive upholstery protection.
We'll be happy to glva free estimates on any of our work and will also furnish references. The Tidy Car system Is a complete auto appearance system that gives full protection to the exterior and the Interior of your car. Give us a call or coma by this week." The shop Is right across the street from Goodyear and their number It 7894979. COSTON SON READY MIX CONCRETE HAS THE PLANT AND EQUIPMENT TO HANDLE ALL CONCRETE NEEDS. Shown abova Is ana of the firm's modern trucks being loaded for another run.
firm offers ready mix concrata of certified strength from graded materials. Coston Son can give their customers dependable, convenient service at a low cost. They will deliver right to the be ready to pour and do It faster, economically and easier than others can. They also have road gravel, fill dirt and top soil available for customers. Customers are Invited to call 784-2321 or 784-8330 during the day for quick Immediate delivery.
The firm, located at 124 W. Cherry, has a large fleet of trucks to distribute the books over the larga territory that Is covered, which Includes an oroo from all the way to Marshall In East Texas. They supply over 290 outlets with all typas of books and magailnes, Including all the very latest best sellers and most wanted titles. Area book enthusiasts will find fust about any type of reading they could want at Young's and anyone looking for a particular title Is Invited to come by the firm at 124 W. Cherry.
Young's has all of the most papular periodicals, classics, how-to books and hundreds of titles In paperbacks. For more Information, customers may call Young's Agency at 7852615 or drop by 124 W. Cherry. AEROBICS PHYSICAL CENTER EASTGATE CENTER NE LOOP 286 785-1701 SUITE 2000 NOBLE TRUE VALUE HARDWARE Hirdwtn 2246 Bonham 785-0044 furniture 2 W. Plaza 785-2334 FORD'S FOOD CENTER SPECIALIZING IN CORN FED BEEF" Bonham 7i4-7773 two's company BEAUTY SHOP Open Mon.
thru Sat. Call Deedee or Lisa 785-3444 Owners: Betty Slayden Sue Skinner 2209 Lamar GLASS MOTORS Pontiac, Buick SMC Trucks 555 Lamar 785-8447 "SEE DAVID GLASS III ClarKlvillc Street 732-3043 GENE Paris' Largest Jewelers 31 Clarksville STALEY'S GARAGE DOOR SALES SERVICE BILL STALEY 3M5 Looo 386 Mutual "People you can count an" Wayne Strickland-Mgr. Write for information call IHS.E.Uth 784-6450 Machine Shop Welding 784-5562 1950 SW 19th FARM CONSTRUCTION Grain Bins Grain Augers Farm Buildings Commercial Buildings Concrete Work and Construction BOB UNRUH 652-6655 SUPER THERM CELLULOSE INSULATION 1 mile south of FM on 196 mile west of Pattonvllla. Price at 12.80 per 20 Ibs. bag.
652-6615 The Paris News. AUQ. 2, 1982 Pretrial hearings begin in Wood murder trial SAN ANTONIO, Texas (AP) Extensive publicity and the admissibility of FBI electronic eavesdropping are the focus of a hearing today for defendants indicted after, a massive investigation into a federal judge's slaying. Defense attorneys argue the FBI electronic surveillance should be suppressed because it violated the Fifth Amendment rights and client-attorney and marital privileges of their clients. U.S.
District Judge Williams S. Sessions scheduled a pre-trial hearing today on about 45 remaining motions filed by lawyers for six people indicted by the grand jury that investigated the assas- ination of U.S. District Judge John H. Wood Jr. The motions include, among other things, requests for Sessions to disqualify himself from the scheduled Sept.
28 trial and to move the proceeding out of San Antonio, and possibly out of Texas because of extensive pre-trial publicity. Wood, 63, was shot in. the back on May 29, 1979,. outside his San Antonio townhouse. At the time, of his death, Wood was scheduled to preside over the drug-related criminal enterprise trial of Jamiel "Jimmy" Chagra, 39, of El Paso.
Chagra is accused of paying convicted hitman Charles V. Harrelson, 43, to shoot Wood. Stop smoking first DEAR DR. LAMB I am 72 years old and have emphysema of an advanced stage, I guess. I've known officially since 1964 that I had it but I suspect that I had it even before 1960.
When I was still in the Navy I was doing a lot of coughing and bringing up phlegm. My emphysema was diagnosed at the clinic in a routine checkup. I cut down a great deal on smoking and I am doing my best to quit entirely. I haven't gone to my doctor at the clinic because he would tell me there was nothng he can do as long as I am still smoking. You may tell me the same thing, but I am grasping at straws.
DEAR READER Your Lawrence E. Lamb, M.D. Nowipapor AMD. FENCE HEADQUARTERS 2 miles out on 271 North 784-4438 or 784-2692 inability to stop smoking even though you know you have a life-threatening disease which causes a lot of discomfort is a good example of the problem in getting people to help themselves. Yes, I agree with your doctor that what he can do for you is limited unless you quit smoking.
There are things he might do if needed. He might want to protect you against any respiratory infections. That includes being sure you have a flu shot before the flu season begins. That is extremely important for anyone with chronic lung disease. Anything else that can be done to aid your general "This Week Only" 14.
Interest Rate Exclusively At DAVID Pontiac Buick GMC Trucks GLASS MOTORS 785-8447 555 Lamar Beat the Summer Heat! For indoor or outdoor use, this set of Freeze tumblers with a 64-oz. pitcher is practical and attractive. It's heavier in weight than most plastic products and features a rippling texture that won't show those unavoidable scratches. Dishwasher safe and break resistant. NOW $O88 7 pc set Reg.
$15 FURNITURE COMPANY 784-2532 201 Bonham Call 785-8744 To Place Your Act- On The BUSINESS REVIEW PAGE PARIS IMPLEMENT CO. Authorized John Deere Dealer 2240 N.E. Loop 784-6673 Call 785-8744 To Place Your Ad On The BUSINESS REVIEW PAGE Anderson Sewing Cottage Pat Anderson 3220thS.E. 714-6343 or 7.84-36.1 BERNINA Solet Service KIRBY CO. OF TEXOMALAND SERVICE ON New used Cleaners 7M-J211 2109 Lamar health is important.
That includes proper nutrition, and to the extent your condition permits, some physical activity. Stretching exercises for posture are important and aid chest wall function. You need to avoid all pollutants. The most important one is your cigarette but others can add to problem. You should read The Health Letter number 17-8, Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema, which I am sending you.
Others who want this issue can send 75 cents with a long, stamped, self-addressed envelope for it to me, in care of The (Paris (Texas) News, Box 1551, Radio City Station. New York. NY 10019. But it is important that you return to your doctor so he can evaluate your progress and give you whatever support he can. And help yourself too by quitting smoking entirely.
Just cutting down won't do. DEAR OR. LAMB I have been having trouble with leg cramps. For the past two years every nig)it. around A a.m.
I am awakened by painful cramps that last about 15 minutes. That is the end'of my sleep forthe night. After the spasm subsides there will he a throbbing sensation in the calf muscles. During the day the only time 1 have a cramp is from an extra strain, like stretching or reaching: then it will be in my fool. I'm H7 and being treated for arthritis.
Would potassium or some such clement be lacking from mv system? DEAR READER I would suggest tnat you stretch your ankle tendon every night before you go to bed. Face the wall and forward, putting stretch on your calf muscles. Also, put a board at the bottom of Die bed to hold the covers off the feet. Learn to sleep with your toes pulled up toward your shin, rather than letting the foot drop. The usual foot position with; the toes down contributes toralf cramps.
Wear long heavy socks at night to keep your legs warm. You might need calcium. Many women in your age arc not able to absorb calcium properly, which leads to bone problems. Or you could be low on potassium. Let your doctor check your chemistry.
Perhaps you might increase your fresh fruit for potassium and fortified skim milk for calcium. 1st Week Rental ON YOUR CHOICE OF FURNITURE, TVS OR APPLIANCES ONLY 5 NO CREDIT CHECK RENT BY PHONE DELIVERY AVAILABLE FREE SERVICE RENT BY WEEK OR MONTH RENT APPLIES TOWARD OWNERSHIP MR. sflfE'S RENTS EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME 1321 Clarksville 785-3312.