Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (2024)

Premium Member
Pensacola, FL

2 edits

Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (2)


Premium Member

2007-Jan-21 5:20 pm

Controlling Heat...

I live in Florida and where I live in the summer, It's often over 90 F and we always have 100% Humidity.

I currently live in a old house with no AC or Heat. We cannot put a Window Unit in, and cannot have Central AC installed (please don't ask, we just can't!) Moving is not a option as well.

I'm fixing to start working nights, so I will be sleeping during day. My bedroom is 10 X 10 with 1 Window.

I have the following in my bedroom:

Desktop Computer with 19" CRT Monitor
27" CRT TV
Surround Sound System
Router/Cable Modem

I have been thinking about getting a storage unit and putting all this in storage and just having my laptop and us e it as a TV/Computer.

I'm also wondering how humidity affects electronics? It's currently only in the lower 70's outside with 80% humidity and I'm already starting to feel sticky because of the humidity.

The only option I might have is to move in, or at least stay with an aunt... however, she is fixing to hit rock bottom and loose her house and car. She's already several months behind on both. On top of that, it will also add a lot of millage/time onto my already long commute.

Thank You.

· actions · 2007-Jan-21 5:20 pm ·

Long may you run
Premium Member
Santa Fe, TX

Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (4)


Premium Member

2007-Jan-21 5:27 pm

Most electronic equipment will have operating temperature/humidity specifications listed in the back of the owner's manual. For instance, my DVD player has an operating temperature range of +41*F to +95*F and a operating humidity range of 10% to 75%. What your laptop specifications are, I can't say.

· actions · 2007-Jan-21 5:27 pm ·

Leander, TX

Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (6)

robbin to MineCoast


2007-Jan-21 5:31 pm

to MineCoast

I won't ask why you can't have a central system installed, but perhaps you could use a mini-split system heat pump. No ductwork, only small freon lines from outdoors to indoors.

· actions · 2007-Jan-21 5:31 pm ·

Premium Member
Pensacola, FL

Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (8)

MineCoast to SandShark5

Premium Member

2007-Jan-21 5:34 pm

to SandShark5

said by SandShark5:

Most electronic equipment will have operating temperature/humidity specifications listed in the back of the owner's manual. For instance, my DVD player has an operating temperature range of +41*F to +95*F and a operating humidity range of 10% to 75%. What your laptop specifications are, I can't say.

According to Dell, The max is:

* Min operating temperature
* 32 °F

* Max operating temperature
* 104 °F

* Operating humidity range
* 10 - 90%

According to the Weather Channel, The Outside Humidity is:
Humidity: 89%

Wow.. I'm running right at the border.

· actions · 2007-Jan-21 5:34 pm ·


Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (9)

MineCoast to robbin

Premium Member

2007-Jan-21 5:38 pm

to robbin

said by robbin:

I won't ask why you can't have a central system installed, but perhaps you could use a mini-split system heat pump. No ductwork, only small freon lines from outdoors to indoors.

Let's just say very stubborn grandparents.

The Heat Pump Idea sounds nice, however, they just put new siding on the house and don't want anything drilled. Example: The Cable Line to my room is very bad that I have to have a powerful amp on it and Cox told us if the Amp didn't help, or it gets worse, we would need to run a new line.

Know what my grandparents said? "If that happens, We'll just run a new line in the window"


· actions · 2007-Jan-21 5:38 pm ·


Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (10)


Premium Member

2007-Jan-21 6:55 pm

I can't picture the heat being good for mold. I have mold all around my window and we have a lot in the bathroom on the wall's as well.

· actions · 2007-Jan-21 6:55 pm ·

La Luna
Fly With The Angels My Beloved Son Chris
Premium Member
New Port Richey, FL

1 edit

Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (12)

La Luna

Premium Member

2007-Jan-21 7:06 pm

said by MineCoast:

I can't picture the heat being good for mold. I have mold all around my window and we have a lot in the bathroom on the wall's as well.

That's from excessive humidity. Mold loves "wet and warm". That in itself should be reason enough to do something about the heat/humidity, it's not healthy to have that mold, not to mention it's just plain gross. Aren't your grandparents interested in maintaining their house? Seems odd that they're worried about drilling a tiny hole for a cable line, but mold is ok? Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (13)

At the very least, use a weak solution of bleach in water and clean the mold from your window area in your room.

· actions · 2007-Jan-21 7:06 pm ·

pay it forward

Port Charlotte, FL

Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (15)


2007-Jan-21 7:11 pm

said by La Luna:

it's not healthy to have that mold, not to mention it's just plain gross.

» ··· t%20Mold

· actions · 2007-Jan-21 7:11 pm ·

Premium Member
Naperville, IL

Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (17)

Warzau to MineCoast

Premium Member

2007-Jan-21 7:59 pm

to MineCoast

Then let your Grandparents know that not reducing humidity not only help the growth of mold, but also attracts pests. Best be it window A/C and reduce electronic usage.

· actions · 2007-Jan-21 7:59 pm ·


DeadbeatMonkeys to MineCoast


2007-Jan-21 8:08 pm

to MineCoast

You can save your money, move out and get your own place.
You can move in with your "aunt" and pay her rent.

· actions · 2007-Jan-21 8:08 pm ·

Premium Member
Pensacola, FL

Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (20)


Premium Member

2007-Jan-21 8:10 pm

said by DeadbeatMonkeys :

You can save your money, move out and get your own place.
You can move in with your "aunt" and pay her rent.

That's what I'd like to do, however, the only way I can do that right now is to stop paying my credit card bills, or let the bank take my car back.

· actions · 2007-Jan-21 8:10 pm ·


Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (21)


Premium Member

2007-Jan-21 8:22 pm

Pictures... Sorry they aren't the best quality.

· actions · 2007-Jan-21 8:22 pm ·

Premium Member
Naperville, IL

1 edit

Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (32)

Warzau to MineCoast

Premium Member

2007-Jan-21 9:14 pm

to MineCoast

Holy smokes you def NEED ventilation, need to lower the humidity via dehumidifiers or A/C ( remember to size it accordingly). Is ther ANY ventalation in the bathroom, fan or even opening a window? I can see mold on the window. That no longer is a comfort issue now it looks like a health issue.

· actions · 2007-Jan-21 9:14 pm ·

Premium Member
Pensacola, FL

Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (34)


Premium Member

2007-Jan-21 9:22 pm

said by Warzau:

Holy smokes you def NEED ventilation, need to lower the humidity via dehumidifiers or A/C ( remember to size it accordingly). Is ther ANY ventalation in the bathroom, fan or even opening a window? I can see mold on the window. That no longer is a comfort issue now it looks like a health issue.

Thanks. There isn't anything in the bathroom, no window and no fan. There is also no vents (house doesn't have central heat/air) Best that can be done is leaving the bathroom door open.

As for my bedroom, I'm going to spend the day tomorrow trying to clean up all the mold I can find in my room. I'm coughing and having trouble breathing now.. I don't know if it's from that, or from the humidity.

It's currently 67 F outside with 92 % Humidity. Dew Point is 65 F. I'm assuming it's 80 F in my room with 90% humidity at least.

· actions · 2007-Jan-21 9:22 pm ·

Premium Member
Naperville, IL

Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (36)

Warzau to MineCoast

Premium Member

2007-Jan-21 9:28 pm

to MineCoast

That def is way to high you ideally want a humidity RH of 30-60%. I'd tell you GP that if they don't want to do a/c. At least have a vent installed in the Bathroom.

· actions · 2007-Jan-21 9:28 pm ·

Old and Cranky
Cortland, OH

Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (38)

Pacrat to MineCoast


2007-Jan-21 11:14 pm

to MineCoast

If they won't let you get a window A/C unit then at least get a small capacity room de-humidifier.

· actions · 2007-Jan-21 11:14 pm ·

When all are gone, there shall be none
Cleveland, OH

Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (40)

Zaber to MineCoast


2007-Jan-21 11:40 pm

to MineCoast

As for the mold a chlorine bleach and water solution will kill it. It doesn't take a lot of bleach. If you don't do something about the humidity the mold will come back, no matter how many times you kill it. If you were to stay there you would need an AC or at minimum a dehumidifier. I would suggest just moving out, I think in the end it would make you happier. If you are like I am at least.

· actions · 2007-Jan-21 11:40 pm ·

Premium Member
Pensacola, FL

Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (42)


Premium Member

2007-Jan-22 12:40 am

said by Zaber:

As for the mold a chlorine bleach and water solution will kill it. It doesn't take a lot of bleach. If you don't do something about the humidity the mold will come back, no matter how many times you kill it. If you were to stay there you would need an AC or at minimum a dehumidifier. I would suggest just moving out, I think in the end it would make you happier. If you are like I am at least.

That's my goal... I do want to move out, but I have to figure out how to get my debt in control first. I'm not far from it being under control, but still not there yet.

How's this?
» ··· =5079280

· actions · 2007-Jan-22 12:40 am ·

Old and Cranky
Cortland, OH

Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (44)



2007-Jan-22 2:33 am

Anything you can do to reduce the humidity will help. And by reducing the humidity, you will also make the heat more bearable. That "But it's a dry heat!" that we all have heard about the southwest is pretty true... to a point. Anything will help.

· actions · 2007-Jan-22 2:33 am ·

Leander, TX

Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (46)

robbin to MineCoast


2007-Jan-22 2:44 am

to MineCoast

said by MineCoast:

...Know what my grandparents said? "If that happens, We'll just run a new line in the window"

So woulld they let you have a portable air conditioner with a hose or two going out the window?

Portable Air Conditioners

· actions · 2007-Jan-22 2:44 am ·

Premium Member
Pensacola, FL

Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (48)


Premium Member

2007-Jan-22 2:46 am

said by robbin:

said by MineCoast:

...Know what my grandparents said? "If that happens, We'll just run a new line in the window"

So woulld they let you have a portable air conditioner with a hose or two going out the window?

Portable Air Conditioners

I don't think so for a couple reasons:

1. They are worried about the wiring in this house. When I had a Window unit in my room, the fuse would pop once in a while

2. Homeowners Insurance doesn't want anything obstructing the windows for some reason. I don't understand that.

· actions · 2007-Jan-22 2:46 am ·

Leander, TX

Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (50)



2007-Jan-22 3:09 am

I can understand the fuse issue. I don't think the insurance company would care as you could just have a board with holes in it for the ducts in the window with it partially open (locked from inside) and then if you need to open it the board just falls out. Hope that makes sense.

I thint the insurance thing is they want a second exit out of your room. It looks like you have a little apartment which probably only has one exterior door.

· actions · 2007-Jan-22 3:09 am ·

Premium Member
Downingtown, PA

Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (52)

SparkChaser to MineCoast

Premium Member

2007-Jan-22 3:10 am

to MineCoast

The dehumidifier is going to draw about the same as a small A/C. So you still have the power problems. They also put out a fair about of heat. You might lower the humidity but raise the temperature to where it is still quite unbearable.

The insurance doesn't want to block the window in case of fire. I'm not sure if the hose type qualifies. I think Robbin's idea is the way to go.

BTW-that mold is way beyond the point of being a cosmetic problem

· actions · 2007-Jan-22 3:10 am ·

Premium Member
Pensacola, FL

Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (54)


Premium Member

2007-Jan-22 3:18 am

Thanks Guys.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do then, but the insurance thing makes since now. However, I don't know if my grandparents are going to renew. They increased their rates and they wanted every AC unit out of the house and then we would have to provide "proof" that we were still cooling the house some other way and they also wanted the entire house rewired.

The insurance companies around here have been ripping people off. There are so many houses for sale here and some people are paying $800+ a month for insurance on a $200,000 home. It's all over the local news.

· actions · 2007-Jan-22 3:18 am ·


Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (55)


Premium Member

2007-Jan-22 3:33 am

Interesting enough, I just figured out my bills and also living expenses if I moved out alone. I might be able to swing it.

I know for sure I could swing it if I don't have Cable TV or Internet.

I figured $1500 to live on my own, this includes car payment, insurance, food, gas, water, power, cable, etc. If I cut cable, that would save around $100 or so I think.

This might be possible! If I can get a loan to get all my credit cards into one payment, like a 3 year loan... I can just rent a place for $400 a month for a few years and then buy a house.

· actions · 2007-Jan-22 3:33 am ·

When all are gone, there shall be none
Cleveland, OH

Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (57)

Zaber to MineCoast


2007-Jan-22 7:32 am

to MineCoast

That would help, but if you are doing debit control save the money. I have also responded to your thread in the automotive forum, but not a direct reply to it. You may want to look at the info there too.

good luck, its hard but so worth it.

· actions · 2007-Jan-22 7:32 am ·

Premium Member
Springfield, IL

Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (59)

Greg_Z to MineCoast

Premium Member

2007-Jan-22 7:39 pm

to MineCoast

Too much humidity, will actually start corroding components, and can cause other problems (ie 100% is pretty much rain).

· actions · 2007-Jan-22 7:39 pm ·


Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (60)

Greg_Z to MineCoast

Premium Member

2007-Jan-22 7:42 pm

to MineCoast

And they just had new siding put on the outside? That is just window dressing. What are they going to do, when the structure falls down? Blame it on the siding guy?

I am sorry, but the house really needs a totall gut job, may be just tear it down. Have them watch Extreme home makeover, and explain that is what is done to bad homes.

· actions · 2007-Jan-22 7:42 pm ·

61999674 (banned)
Gotta Do What Ya Gotta Do

1 edit

61999674 (banned) to MineCoast


2007-Jan-22 9:57 pm

to MineCoast

Wow, ya'll have very serious moisture problem, explain to your grandparents that the mold you can see it but a small portion of what is hiding behind the walls, and Black Mold is/can be deadly. Without a window in the bathroom there really needs to be an exhaust fan. Once "drywall" gets wet it becomes landfill.

If they/you have a "professional" do the heatpump it will look like it was there when the house was built.

Sounds like this is one of those "middle class" Florida houses built in the early 70's very cheap using every definition.

This house needs the services of a good electrical and HVAC person.

· actions · 2007-Jan-22 9:57 pm ·

Premium Member
Pensacola, FL

Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (62)


Premium Member

2007-Jan-22 10:00 pm

said by 61999674:

Wow, ya'll have very serious moisture problem, explain to your grandparents that the mold you can see it but a small portion of what is hiding behind the walls, and Black Mold is/can be deadly. Without a window in the bathroom there really needs to be an exhaust fan. Once "drywall" gets wet it becomes landfill.

If they/you have a "professional" do the heatpump it will look like it was there when the house was built.

Sounds like this is one of those "middle class" Florida houses built in the early 70's very cheap using every definition.

Thanks. It was actually built in 1960 and my grandparents bought it in the 70's for $21,000 I believe. I wouldn't expect the house to be worth over $45,000 right now, if that.

· actions · 2007-Jan-22 10:00 pm ·

Controlling Heat... - Home Improvement (2024)


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