Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

a a a a a a a a a TE TE TE As 5 Marion, Indiana, Leader-Tribune August 30, 1951 ANNOUNCEMENTS AUTOMOBILES EMPLOYMENT FARMERS' COLUMN MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE Marion Markets Weather WILL Care for Personal children, in my Repairing, EXPERT Service Stations WANTED Help Hotel Wanted--Female maid. Apply WANT Dogs, -Good Cats, farm Other home: Pets for collie ROCK-OLA-Juke Articles for Sale fair conUpland, MAYTAG Articles Washer. for Sale Excellent con- 51 dition $30. Inquire I Upland Cafe. ROCK-OLA-Juke fair conUpland, Ind.

GRAPES Electric washer; electric sweeper. Phone 172-J. OR 5-Room size oil heater. $40. See at 3011 So.

Boots. WESTINGHOUSE Electric range, excellent, used very little. $100. Ph. 3144-M.

316 W. 1st. ROPER- Gas range, late stagger model, Reasonable. 624 Whites Ave. RCA-17" used television A-1 condition.

Priced right. MORRIS FURNITURE CO. Wash. St. at Eighth Phone 756 CONSOLE STEWART Warner radio and record combination.

mi. E. on Monroe Pike. Elsea. Call after 4 p.

CRAFTSMAN 10. inch radial arm saw, like new Craftsman, portable belt sander 14 inch electric drill $10. 822 East Elm St. Hartford City, Indiana Phone 1369-W. LARGE SIZE Glow Boy parlor furnace; one streamlined kerosene range.

Will O'Banion, Herbst. Ind. USED WASERS $15 Up BARNETTE APPLIANCE CO. 111 S. Washington Phone 3444 1 MOHAIR Frieze rose living room suite, like new, innerspring mattress.

700 No. Vine, Fairmount after 5 p. INCH Crosley table model television plus antenna, motor and booster. $250. 3510 S.

Adams, mornings. NORGE Refrigerator, good condition. Phone 3518-2. IT PAYS YOU to own a PERMUTIT WATER SOFTENER JONES and CO 110 W. First St.

Phone 5189 FISHING TACKLE SALE Rods, Reels, Tackle Boxes, Baits, Minnow Buckets, several other items. Up to 40 percent discount. W.D. HAWKINS CO. 122 W.

3rd GLIDER 1942, 20 ft. housetrailer. Ernest Batman, Taylor Univ. USED -Bottled gas stove, sofa bed, refrigerator. 1528 West 1st.

GOOD -Kenmore washing machine. 1217 So. Boots. OIL--Drums, also small oil burner. 2309 S.

Waite. AMERICAN 25 ft. housetrailer, late '47. Good condition. Three Acres Trailer Court, Albright.

PICTURE FRAMING Nice Selection of Molding HOBBY SHOP 320 S. Boots SPECIAL SALE -Antique dishes and furniture. Hazel E. Lemon 413 S. Nebraska GOOD RECONDITIONED REFRIGERATORS' (Choice of Makes) Easy Terms MARION REFRIGERATION 3122 S.

Wash. Ph. 896-W-494 NEW-1950 G. 8 ft. Refrigerators.

WERE $249.95 Now $189.95. LINIGER HOME PLANNING CENTER 105 So Wash. Ph. 97. ELECTRIC Sewing machine Sale! Fall Cash raising Clearance.

Sat. Sun. Monday. ARCANA Sales E. on 18 to 221.

1 Mi. So. BELIEVE me there is nothing fin er than Fina Foam upholstery cleaner. Freel Mason. HOUSETRAILER-25 ft.

sleeps 4, Clean. Modern kitchen. Only $985.00 "Cash and Sat. Sun Monday. ARCANA Sales 8 mi.

E. 1 So. on 221.0 GENUINE G. I. Jump boots, new style $12.95.

BRUNT'S So: Marion FRIGIDAIRE Good. Phone 350-W Fairmount, 123 N. Vine. PHILCO-Radio and record combination, table model $25, 2 pc. living room suite.

Phone 2852-J. 1632 W. 9th St. PLUMBING and SUPPLIES HOWARD SWANGER CO. It's Easy to Park 907 W.

Third ELLIOTT'S TRAILER SALES 6th and Walnut-Phone 8210 Muncie, Ind. See Us for Big Savings! 4-5 11. P. 3 and 2 phase electric motors. 1 3 H.P.

3 phase electric motor. BROWN-TRUEBLOOD. Inc. WE WANT USED REFRIGERATORS Customers are waiting Frigidaires up $150 GE's up to $125 Kelvinators up to $110 Other to 90 W. Phone 1694 MOTORETTE-3 wheel scooter, 7 double seat; for sale or trade.

728 E. Bradford. 28 FT-McCallister housetraller. Call 5276-R. WARM MORNING -Stove, used 4 months.

Phone 5654-M. 200 gallon tank. Double garage doors. 35th and Poplar. EASY Spin washer; chrome breakfast set; Fireplace screen and Andirons.

Phone 6242. LAST WEEK OF AUGUST HOMEMAKERS SALE SUPER SPECIALS 3 3 ONLY-2 Piece living room suites. Freize coverings. This is one of our better suites. Regular $159.88 ONLY-2 piece living room suite.

Bow arm construction. Regular $139.88. 1 ONLY-3 piece double dresser bedroom suite. A real buy. Regular $129.88.

RUG 6'. Reduced up to 60 percent. MONTGOMERY WARD CO. 2ND FLOOR YOU -May not need cash for down payment on Motorola Television; Kelvinator Refrigerators: or other appliances. Call us before vou buy.

B. F. GOODRICH CO. 419 So. Adams Ph.

2904 Table Top Gas. Range All White $32.50 MORRIS FURNITURE CO. Wash. St. at 8th.

Phone 756 STOVE BOARDS Pipe and Elbows All Sizes BESHORE'S Phone 'Aug. 28-Noon: Quotations THOMAS MILLING CO. Dats: .74 Corn, No. 2 yellow- 2.41 Wheat, No. 2 2.21 MAC'S HATCHERY Eggs-Large AA, 68c; large 67c; large 60c; medium 59c; small 44c.

DUFFEY AND. SONS Hogs-160-170 $18; 170-180 $19; 180-200 $20: 200-220 220-240 240-260 300-350 $19. Sows-30-350 $18.50 so top. GRAIN PRICES TAKE TUMBLE CHICAGO GRAIN FUTURES Aug28 Open High Low Close Close Wheat Sept 2.40½ 2.44 2.441 2.42¾ 2.43⅛ 2.44½ Mar. 2.46⅞ 2.463 2.45% 2.46 2.47 May 2.46 2.46 2.45 2.15¾ 2.46½ July 2.40⅛ 2.40% 2.39 2.39 2.40⅜ Corn Sept 1.74 1.74½ 1.73⅝ 1.74½ 1.74⅞ Dec.

1.673 1.68 1.66⅞ 1.67¼ 1.68 1 1.71½ 1.71½ 1.70% 1.71 May 1.72⅝ 1.71¾! 1.72 1.72⅞ July 1.73 1.731 1.72¾ 1.73 1.73% Oats Sept. .773 Dec. .82 .82 Mar. .85 .85 May .85 .85 July .813 Rye (New Style) Sept 1.67½ 1.68 1.66⅜ 1.67 1.68½ Dec. 1.71½ 1.70 1.71 1.71¾ May 1.74 1.74½ 1.73 1.74½ 1.741 July.

1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 Rye (Old Style) Sept 1.64½[ 1.63¾| 1.64½ 1.65½ Dec. 1.71½ 1.72½ Soybeans Sept 2.814 2.79½ 2.80 2.813 Nov. 2.68¼1 2.681 2.66¼ 2.66½ 2.68½ Jan. 2.71¼ 2.71½ 2.69½2 2.69½ 2.7112 Mar. 2.731 2.731 2.71% 2.72 2.73¾ May 2.751 2.75¼ 2.74 2.74 2.76¼ Lard Sept 16.25 116.37 (16.20 116.22 116.35 Oct.

14.90 (14.90 14.82 14.85 (14.95 Nov. 114.00 14.00 13.85 13.90 14.02 Dec. 14.17 14.17 14.07 14.15 14.22 Jan. 14.02 14.02 14.00 14.20 Mar. 14.02 14.02 14.00 14.00 14.10 May 14.10 14.10 14.05 14.05 Chicago, Aug.

29. (AP)- grains sank in an active trade on the Board Trade today. The market started lower and was not able to work up sizeable rally at any time. Selling in wheat followed news that Canada had gone through another frost-free night, increasing prospects that the bumper wheat crop in that country will get through the current crucial period safely. There was no export buying in wheat.

Soybeans were liquidated because of unfavorable conversion ratios in bean oil and meal, brokers said. Surveys disclaiming any serious damage to in Illinois from fungus encouraged selling of that grain. Kansas City got its first car of 1951 corn. Belief that Korean cease-fire talks will be resumed also acted as an inAuence toward lower prices. Estimated receipts were: Wheat, 16 carlots: corn, 79; oats.

nine; barley, 41, and soybeans, seven. Wheat closed to lower, September corn was to 1c lower, September oats were to 12c lower, September 773 rye (new style) was lower to 12c higher, September soybeans were 112 to lower, September $2.80. and lard was 5 to 18c a hundred pounds lower, September $16.22. -Cash Grain CloseChicago, Aug. 29.

(AP)-Cash wheat -None. Corn--No. 1 yellow, No. 2 yellow. (a 1.81; No.

3 yellow, No. 4 yellow, No. 5 yellow, $1.61 1.73; No. 4 white, $1.75. Oats--No.

1 heavy white, 83c. Barley, nominal $1.30 1.55; feed, Soybeans--None. INDIANAPOLIS HOGS DECLINE Indianapolis, Aug. 29 (INS)-Livestock- Hogs 8,000. 25c to 50c lower.

190- 250 Top $21.25. barrows 250-290 and gilts 290- 330 160-185 $20- 20.75. Sws Top $19.50. Cattle 1,100. Calves 400.

Slow, Steers and yearlings bid 50c or more lower. Good to choice yearlings One load: held' above $35. A few utility and commercial heifers $25-30. Vealers steady. Good to prime Sheep 1,500.

Spring lambs most bids 50c lower at $30.50 down. Slaughter ewes CHICAGO LIVESTOCK Chicago, Aus. 29 hogs 7.000: mostly 25c lower on butchers; weights over 230 scar and moderately active; lighter weights slow; sows steady to 25c lower; top $21.65 for one load choice 230 most choice 220-270 heavier weights scarce; most choice 190-210 160- 180 sows 400 and under few $20.25: most 400- 500 500-600 $16- 17; good clearance. Salable cattle salable calves 400: slaughter steers grading highgood and better active, steady to 25c higher; top 60c higher at $39.60 for load high-prime near 1,400 steers: good prime heifers strong to 25c higher: utility and commercial steers and heifers slow, about steady; cows and bulls fully steady: vealers stead to weak; bulk prime steers over 30 loads at $39: four at $39.25: bulk choice to low -prime steers good to low -choice grades few loads commercial steers $29-31; prime 1,085 heifers bulk good to prime heifers commercial cows $27-30; bulk canner to utility cows utility to good bulls $27-31: commercial to prime vealers $28-37. Salable sheep 1.500: slaughter lambs and yearlings steady; ewes strong; all classes active: good to.

prime native slaughter lambs $31-32; top $32; 1'2 loads 95 No. 1. skin yearlings increased supply slaughter ewes grading cull to good choice ewes to $16. MUNCIE LIVESTOCK Muncie, Aug. 29-Steady to 50c lower: 210-160 260- 300 300-400 19.25; 180 down $19.50 down; Roughs $15-19: Stags Cattle: Steady: Good to choice steers $31-34; Medium to good steers $25-31; Common to medium.

steers $21-25; Good to choice heifers $30-33: Medium 10 good heifers $26-30: Common to medium heifers $22-26: Gond to choice $23-28: Fair to good vOWS. $22-23: Canners and cutters $17- 22: Bulls $23-29. Calves: Steady; Good choice veal $33-35; Common to medium $25-33; Culls $23.50 down. Lambs: Steady: Sheep: Steady: Lambs $30 down; Yearlings $26 down; Sheep $14 down. CHICAGO PRODUCE Chicago.

Aug. 29 (AP)-Butter steady to firm. Receipts 866,570. Wholesale selling prices unchanged to one-fourth a pound higher: 93 score AA 66.5c: A 92 66.25c; 90 64c: 89 63c; Cars--B 89-64. Eggs firm.

Receipts 13,523. Wholesale selling prices unchanged except on current receipts two cents dozen higher: U. S. extras 64c; U. 5.

mediums 56c; U. standards 53c; current receipts 46c; dirties 39c; checks 33c. i INDIANA: Partly cloudy, warm and humid today. Scattered thundershowers north and central portions this forenoon. High 82-88 north, 88-92 south.

LOWER MICHIGAN: Partly cloudy today with scattered showers likely south portion early. Cooler north. High 75-80 north, 80-85 south. ILLINOIS: Partly cloudy, warm and humid today. High 82-88 north, 90-95 south.

TEMPERATURES IN OTHER CITIES High Low Chicago ...87 70 Cincinnati ......82 65 Cleveland 61 Detroit 90 66 S. Marie 63 Bismarck .......64 52 Kansas City ...97 82 Atlanta 75 Boston 66 Jacksonville ...97 77 New York ...90 69 Washington 66 Fort Worth .105 78 New Orleans 77 San Antonio ........100 73 Denver ...90 63 Phoenix 68 Los Angeles 61 Seattle 44 Winnipeg ....63 48 DEATH RETURNS KNOTE -Mary A. 1014 W. Second, Diggs' BOLEN- -Jesse Morton. 721 W.

26th St. Needham Son. ANNOUNCEMENTS 4 Card of Thanks NORTH -We wish to thank our friends and neighbors, the Minister and the Shawley Funeral Home, for their thoughtful sympathy and beautiful floral offerings, during our recent bereavement, the death of Herman North. Lucinda North, Russell, Raymond and Herbel McClure. In Memoriam PERCY -In memory of our son and brother, Loren Percy, who gave his life 7 years ago, August 30, 1944, in service of his country.

In the graveyard softly sleeping Where the flowers so gently Lies the one we loved so Whom we could not save. You bade no. one a last farewell, You said goodbye to none A weary heart had ceased to beat, Before we knew that you had gone. And when the evening shades are falling, And we are sitting all alone. You shall never be forgotten, Never shall your memory fade.

Sweetest thoughts will always linger, Around the grave where you are laid. Sadly missed by parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Percy: Mr. and Mrs.

James McWilliams Mr. and Mrs. Lester Percy. Funeral Directors MILFORD'S Ambulance is at your service day or night. Phone 1815-W.

710 W. 3rd. SHAWLEY MEMORIAL Chapel A Service Humanity 2901 S. Washington Phone 120 Worthy of a Sacred Trust DIGGS FUNERAL Service, Inc. 504 W.

Third St. Phone 169 OWEN MORTUARY Serving As We Would Be Served 2722 S. Washington Phone 1877 RAVEN FUNERAL HOME "The Home for Services" 911 S. Washington Phone 1480 NEEDHAM AND SON We Appreciate Your Confidence 814 S. Adams St.

Phone 1552-W Personal RUMMAGE SALE Friday and Saturday. All kinds of clothing. W. 4th. RUMMAGE SALE- Clothing, bedding, African violets.

Friday, Saturday 1510 S. Adams, side porch. RUMMAGE SALE -Boys and girls clothing sizes 4 to 6. Odds and ends. Thursday, Friday.

820 S. Boots. ICE CREAM SOCIAL Homemade cake, pies, "hot dogs" and ice cream. Coffee and cold drinks. Friday, August 31st, 7 p.

m. Fairville church. RUMMAGE SALE Men's, women's, children's clothing. 2014 So. Gallatin, Thursday, Friday, 9 a.

m. 4 p. m. Also babeetenda, $14. WANT- -Ride to Delco Remy, Anderson, plant 10, 4:30 p.

m. to one shift. Phone 501-RX. BOND MART 3 IRREGULAR New York, Aug. 29.

(AP) -Corporate bonds were irregularly today in trading that picked up in volume as the session wore on. Most changes were a point or less. A number of rail issues were in mild demand. Bond sales on the stock exchange totaled $2,150.000, par value, compared with $2.210,000 yesterday. The Associated Press average of 10 foreigns advanced 0.2 of a point and that of 10 low -yields gained 0.1.

Livestock Chicago, Aug. 29. -Estimated livestock receipts at 12 markets today were: Market Cattle Hogs Sheep Chicago 11.000 7,000 1,500 Kansas City 4.000 4.000 1,500 Omaha 6.000 7.000 2.800 East St. Louis 3.000 10.000 0.000 St. Joseph 1,800 5.000 1,000 Sioux City 4,500 4,300 1,500 St.

Paul 3,000 8,000 500 Indianapolis 1.100 8.000 1.500 Fort Worth 3,700 800 1.300 Cincinnati 700 3,300 400 Oklahoma City 4.000 700 300 Denver: 2,000 600 4.500 Totals ...44.800 58.700 18.500 Werk ago 67.300 17.500 Year ago 49.000 53,800 26.500 NEW YORK PRODUCE New York, Auc. 29 (AP)-Butter, 1.016,307, steady. prices unchanged. Cheese 322,987, steady, prices unchanged. Steadiness predominated today in the wholesale egg market.

Eggs 16,384, steady. New York spot quotations, based largely on exchange trading, follow: Midwestern, mixed colors-Fancy heavyweights 64c, extra 1 large 50c, extra 1 medium 57c, pullets 38-41c, current receipts 53c, dirties checks 37c. PREDICT INCREASE Rensselaer, Aug. 29-(AP)Officials of St. Joseph's college predicted today 15 per cent increase in enrollment, bringing the number of students to at least 525.

home, have fenced in yard. Phone 5654 M. BEGINNERS DANCE CLASSES 3 to 5 years- Sat. 10:30. Tues 3:30 JUNIORS-6 to 11 years.

Sat. 9:45 Tues. 4:15. Special Rates until Sept. 1.

Zina Glad Dance Studio Over Paris Store Phone 779 BACK AGAIN Salesman Sam your Fuller Brush Man. 3309. BUY AND SELL AT SO. MARION USED CLOTHING 3230 S. Washington Phone 5309 WE BUY and SELL Men's Used Clothes and Shoes WITCOFF, 211 THE East 3rd.


KOZY KORNER KAFE. WE CLOSE 37TH AND WASHINGTON Lost, Strayed or Stolen 10 WILL The lady in the red car who picked up a black, female co*cker spaniel, tag No. 4341-1, answers to Cindy, please return it? 3420 S. Felton. 4830-J.

LOST Red tick hound. Phone 1021, Upland. Reward. AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale 11 1947 DESOTO Club Coupe, automatic transmission. Fresh Air Heater.

Very clean; low mileage. Call after 4 p. m. 3017 So. Wash.

Side door. 1941 Studebaker Champion. 1941 Studebaker Commander. 1940 Oldsmobile. KNOTTY PINE CAFE 31st By-Pass.

1949- Chevrolet club coupe, radio, heater. Phone 5860-J. 1951 CHEVROLET-2 door. 1951 KAISER-2 door. 1950 BUICK-Riviera, 2 door.

1950 BELAIR-CHEVROLET. 1950 BUICK- Super, 4-door. 1950 BUICK 2 door. 1949 CHEVROLET-4 1949 1948 CHEVROLET-4 door. CHEVROLET-2 door.

1947 DODGE-4 door. 1946 FORD -Tudor. YORK'S AUTO SALES 2nd Bypass 1947 CHEVROLET-Sedan, deluxe, radio and heater, new battery, 2 new tires, motor checked over, A-1 condition. $750. Dr.

Dershem Roann Phone 1M 1941 CHEVROLET Excellent, Reasonable. 3 mi. E. Fairmount on road 26. Poe.

1940 FORD Tudor deluxe, good tires, clean. Ph. 3504-1. 1947 Mercury club coupe. 000 miles.

One owner. $895 cash No trade in. Dr. James Fall 2311 So. Adams.

BUY-SELL- TRADE BELL'S USED CARS 30th Washington BUY OR TRADE AT DON MARSHALL AUTO SALES 3212 S. Adams St. Phone 1954 1946 FORD. Club coupe, nice. 1948 PLYMOUTH-Clean.

1941 PLYMOUTH-Nice. 1941 -Club coupe. 1942 PONTIAC-Extra clean. 1941 HUDSON 1939 DODGE 1939 CHRYSLER 1946 PLYMOUTH: Club coupe. Others $50 and up.

AUTO SALES 2216 W. 9th Ph. 1232 1940 CHEVROLET Sedan, radio, heater. $395. DUDLEY SMALL MOTORS 35th and Washington Phone 452 FOR QUALITY USED CARS see MOTOR SALES Second and Wash.

Phone 1600 1938-V-8 an Ford. Fair condition. Phone 3568-2. 1950 PACKARD-Extra nice. 1949 DESOTO 1948 NASH-600, 4 door, trunk.

1948 STUDEBAKER-Champion 1946 FORD. KILEY SALES, Boots St. at River 'Phone 5435 WE BUY LATE MODEL WRECKED CARS FOR PARTS ATKIN'S BROS. 1002 E. 38th DEPENDABLE USED CARS At All Times "Marion's Highest Trader" DRAPER AUTO SALES 517 So.

Washington Phone 799 1940-Oldsmobile 2 door. Good condition. 1 BARKER McCLAIN 16th and Washington Auto Trucks for Sale 12 1947 CROSLEY-Pick up truck. Phone 4612-J. 2420 So.

Meridian. 1941 ton, cab over engine; grain bed stock rack. Freet, mi. east McFeely Bridge on Monroe Pike. No reasonable offer refused.

SPECIAL-1950 Dodge fluid drive, ton, cut down, fully equipped for trailer pulling. In good condition. Phone 5359-W. BROCKWAY Tractor, model 154-W, 1947. Air and vacuum brakes, Safety and 5th wheel, 10-20 tires.

Price $1,000 Terms. QUALITY GASOLINE CO. Phone 5444 1950 Studebaker ton Pickup. Heater, good tres. Low mileage.

Clean inside and out. $1095 HOLLINGSWORTH MOTORS 905 So. Wash. Phone 1883 Auto Accessories. Tires.

Parts 13 AUTO PARTS GLASS INSTALLED SPENCER SALVAGE Service Phone 4309-W 17th and By- Pass Motorcycles and Bicycles 15 1948-Green Indian 74 flat head, 10.000 actual miles. New battery. $400. 4003 Delaware. Anderson, Ind.

Repairing, Service Stations 16 ALL THIS AND MORE! Wrecking and Towing Service Bumping and Retouching Complete Paint Jobs Engine and Transmission Work of All Kinds. HOWARD AUTO SERVICE Eighth and Adams Phone 4808 PETE'S MOTOR SERVICE Cor. 6th and Adams Ph. 3241 COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR -Body and Mechanical Service on All Makes Cars. J.

MATTHEWS, 316 W. 3rd Buick Service, Parts, Accessories MECHANICAL SERVICE On All Makes Cars and Trucks We Use Genuine Factory Parkts Quick Service CENTRAL CHEVROLET. Inc. 221 W. Second Phone 1081 WE'LL MAKE YOUR ENGINE PURR WITH PEP AND POWER It pays to let us eliminate your engine worries in a burrybefore small repair jobs grow into big, ones.

So drive in now, where you get The RIGHT SERVICE at The RIGHT PRICE! Don't Delay today! Highest Trader" DRAPER AUTO SALES 517 So. Washington Phone 799 MOTOR TUNE-UP Overhauling; complete automotive service. Expert mechanics GEO. RAMP SALES 1007 S. Washington Phone 553 COMPLETE MECHANICAL SERVICE and BODY WORK.

ALL MAKE CARS WITH EXPERT MECHANICS. FAST SERVICE NOTTINGHAM 'OLDSMOBILE 3 307 E. 3rd Phone 1328 BUSINESS SERVICE Business Service Offered Painting Reasonable. Houses; roofs; barns; gutters. 5281J.

PAPER Cleaning; painting; kemtoning; windows. Ph. 4477R. TOP SOIL--Fill, and road gravel. after 5 p.m.

CARPENTRY -We specialize in small homes, remodeling, custom build cabinets. J. K. Mitchell Son. 5997-J or 29-M.

TREE AT kinds; build driveways; landscaping; mow lots. Top soil for sale. 3607-1. HAULING--Baggage trunks or what have you. Ph.

6082. YARD WORK-Grading, leveling discing. Ph. 3663-4. Dale Price.

DITCH DIGGING--By jeep digger for water and septic line, electrical cable, etc. Much faster and cheaper than hand digging. J. C. Hamilton Phone 1431-M.

TOILET-Cesspool 0 and septic tanks cleaned, $10, $15, and $20. R. Barton. Phone 4108-W. TREE CUTTING- -Yard landscaping and gardens.

Ph. 1556. PACKAGE DELIVERY-Of all kinds. 24 hour service. PH.

704. CITY CAB CO. DUMP TRUCK HAULING Gravel, dirt, stone. Ph. 5608-W HAULING Trash, Cinders.

Phone 3682-3 LET US Clean and service your furnace. Phone 5054. AMERICAN STOKER SERVICE SEPTIC cesspools. toilet vaults vacuum cleaned, sewer lines, basem*nt drains cleaned with electric cutting knives. David Sewer Cleaners.

4415-W. SWEEPER BROKE? We're back now--Call us KARNES SWEEPER CO. 38th and Wash. Phone 1772 your house needs painting, see Roy Baskette, 452 No. Wash.

Ph. 2614-W. 16 years experience. Very low price. HAULING WANTED Ashes and trash.

Phone 5608-1 WE REPAIR ALL MAKES SEWING MACHINES Let Singer expert tune up your sewing machine Reasonable charges. Estimates furnished in advance. Call your SINGER SEWING MCHE CO. 412 S. Washington Phone 372 Heating, Plumbing, Roofing 22 ROOF LEAK? Phone 108 STATE ROOFING CO.

115 E. 6th Insurance and Surety Bonds 23 UNDERWRITERS BROKERS INSURANCE Cor. Third and Boots Phone 500 EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted--Female 32 LADY- -To care for child in my home. Call at 3221 S. Felton after 3:30 p.

m. BABY SITTER-Adult, 3 to 5 day week. 1509 W. 1st. WANTED Girl to care for 2 children while mother works.

Stay nights. Phone 84206 Gas Citv. KITCHEN HELP Apply in person, 8:30 p. m. to 10:30 p.

no phone calls. Travelers Inn, Factory By-Pass WANTED for elderly lady. Must stay. 1623 Spencer ave. WAITRESS Work in Marion's most modern grill.

Highest wages, good tips. bonus. Apply NOBBY GRILL 205 E. 4th St. BOOKKEEPER-And typist.

Uptown business. Very desirable working condition. State experience and give references. write Chronicle Box 312. EXPERIENCED Waitress wanted Apply in person.

ANDERS CAFE 3120 So. Washington OFFICE CLERK- 3 till 11. Some experience necessary Apply in person or call MARION GENERAL HOSPITAL WANTED--Lady for light housework and care for 2 school age girls. Own room. live in or out.

Exchange references Chronicle Box 310, WANTED Curb girls over. 16. Work in Gas City. Ph. 2920-M after 7 p.

m. HOUSEWIVES To work spare time. Hours arranged. $1 hour. Chronicle Box 308.

WAITRESS WANTED PHONE 3997 LADY -For front end restaurant work. Part time. Phone 5282-W. WOMAN--Care for children, days a week. 312 E.

2nd. WANTED Car hops. School chitdren need not apply. Come in person. 949 DRIVE IN WANTED Experienced secretary and stenographer.

Permant position and pleasant surroundings. KELLEY FURNITURE STORE Phone 1484 WANTED Girls for concession stand work. Apply HI-WAY THEATRE WANTED Lady to care for children. Phone Gas City, 6357. Beatrice Willis.

After 4. WANTED Hotel maid. Apply housekeepers office. MARION HOTEL PRODUCTION OPERATORS For night shift openings. Apply: RCA EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Open Monday thru Friday a.m.

p.m. WATED Girl to. do light. bookkeeping work, and typing. Must be able to learn to operate Billing machine.

Some Detail work. Steady position, downtown fice. Write, giving age, experience and references to Chronicle Box 301. ARE YOU -Too old for factory work? Why not try our pleasant profitable plan. Write Chronicle Box 303.

KITCHEN -And fountain help. Day work, no students. Apply in person. CUSTER'S LAST STAND Help Wanted -Male 33 WANTED- -Filling station attendant. Must be neat, have pleasing personality.

Highest salaries paid. KENNY-BOB TIRE SALES 721 So. Washington "WANTED DIE SETTER FOR SMALL PUNCH PRESSES." Write Chronicle Box 314. WANTED TOOL DIE MAKERS Experienced on Sheet Metal or Die Cast Dies. Apply: DELCO RADIO DIVISION General Motors Corporation KOKOMO, INDIANA.

MAN- To cut trees for logs. Phone 3629-3. WANTED Experienced car washer. Apply in person. 221 W.

2nd Phone CENTRAL CHEVROLET INCOST WANTED--Young man for bookkeeping and general office work. Experienced. Excellent opportunity. Write Chronicle Box 299. WANTED: FARM HELP Married man, age' 40-50 with small family references.

Must be experienced with power machinery and live stock care. OVID DOAN Phone 54F22 Converse, Ind. WANTED -Man for truck driver and yard work. Must have some High School education. Permanent position with chance for advancement.

Apply in person only. CUSTER LUMBER WANTED -Experienced filling station attendant. Apply in person. ICE BROS. QUALITY SERV.

2915 So. Adams. TRUCK--Mechanic to take over complete shop. Must have experience. Contact Tony Bove in person.

HI WAY DISPATCH, INC. 26th and By Pass LATHE OPERATORS BULLARD OPERATORS Only experienced 1st class operators need apply. Plenty Overtime MARION ENGINERING PRODUCTS, Inc. 1728 W. 4th St.

WANTED Dependable, experienced married farm hand with small family, for livestock farm. References exchanged. Chronicle Box 293. -One of America's leading publishing companies has opening in local territory for salesman to call on continuous supply of leads Car and willingness to work essential. Man selected will be trained in the field assuring high earnings.

See Mr. Sheehan, Spencer Hotel between 1-4 p.m. WANTED -Full time stock keeper and maintenance man, between 18-40 years. S. S.

KRESGE CO. West Side Square MACHINE SETUP MEN For Night Shift Opening Men with previous experience in auto mechanics or produc-. tion machinery setup work preferred. Apply: RCA EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Open Monday a.m. thru Friday day p.m.

WANTED- -Salesman for plumbing and heating department. Should have neat appearance and be aggressive. Salary approximately $275 month. Apply MONTGOMERY WARD WANTED Counter man. HILL'S SNAPPY SERVICE EXPERIENCED Lubrication man.

Apply in person. RIGGS MARATHON 2ND By Pass DOLLAR STORE -Kresge's manager needs young man for general helper. Full time. 408 So. Washington.

WANTED-1 must have a man in this county, and two adjoining counties -Also: need a District Manager-This is a Big Feed Mill -Our men makes. $5,500.00 and up $8,500.00 year selling full time- Man over 35 years of age--Needs feed sales experience-Own good car-See J. Roy Chapman Sales Manager Spencer Hotel Thursday 4 to 8 p.m. Aug. 30.

2 YOUNG MEN- With cars to assist manager. $2.00 per hour plus car allowance. See Max Sloan, 3835 So. Adams from 9-10 a.m. Saturday.

Help-Male and Female 34 WANTED-Collector. Car furnished. 8 a.m.-12 noon. Monday thru Friday. Apply mornings.

KRISPE KREME DONUT SHOP 108 E. 6th WANTED- Middle aged couple to care for invalid elderly gentleman in exchange for residence. 106 No. St. Phone 5942R.

FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 38 HILLTOP RESTAURANT 214 SOUTH D. ST. Established Business, clean and well equipped. $2,500 down. Here is a fine business that will make you financially independent.

FRED D. CARL, Realtor 1209 Glass Block Ph. 205 or 1703 8 WANT -Good farm home: for collie shepard dog. 4105 S. Wigger.

FREE -For good home, baby kittens, part angora. 719 E. Grant DAL weeks old, beautifully puppies. marked, no papers. Dr.


Open till 6 p.m. Livestock WANTED Tenant for 160 acre farm. List equipment, number in family and present location. Chronicle Box 311. 45-Vaccinated pigs; 7 sOWS and pigs, vaccinated across from store at Sycamore.

FRESH-Cow; baby calves; weaned calves. Bulls to lease. Guy Hodge 2 mi. E. on 18.

32 mile West, 1st house So. Michaelsville. Powell. -Bull 13 mo. old.

Registered. The Dam produced 400 lb. butterfat. 1st farm West Thompson Saw mill. 3637-1.

PLANNING A SALE? Call Dwight Ballinger, auctioneer Phone Gas City 5457. CASH FOR DEAD STOCK $8 $11 $6 $7 CALL MARION 2033 COLLECT FAIRMOUNT CONVERSE 7 PRICE FERTILIZER CO. Free Post-Mortem BULLS Delivered for Service anywhere Ph. 3647-2 Hodge WANTED DEAD STOCK Highest Cash Prices for HORSES COWS PHONE COLLECT 5561 Marion 101-M Van Buren NIGHTS AND SUNDAYS Phone Matthews 802 GRANT CO. FARM BUREAU CO-OP AGENTS DUROC BOARS--And of Central Indiana Rendering, Co.

popular blood lines with size quality. I. E. Carter and Son, Fairmount, R. R.

3. Ph. Matthews 73F13. Farming Implements 48A Single Row, Semi-Mounted CORN PICKER With Auger. less bracket.

$721.62 America's Safest Corn Picker. Available with or without Husking Bed. 18 FOOT SINGLE CHAIN ELEVATOR Flared top for baled hay $129.50 32 Foot DOUBLE CHAIN ELEVATOR Carries Baled Hay, Ear Corn, and Small Grain $404.50 SEAR'S Farm Store Phone 2020 48 Oliver Combine 48 Allis Chalmers Combine 52 International combine P.T.O. We trade for livestock. SCHAUMLEFFEL IMP.

CO. 507 North Washington. St. OLIVER 66 TRACTOR -With plow, cultivator, power lift, power take-off, and pully, and electric lights. In A-1 condition, used very E.

Lindsay, mile North of little and looks, almost new. R. Marion Hospital on road 15.. Phone 8084-W. NEW Minneapolis-Moline two row cornpickers.

New Idea one row cornpickpickers. Mulkey elevators. USED -IHC 2-P picker. 101 one row picker. SWEETSER IMPLEMENT CO.

Sweetser, Ind. Phone 39-M NOW IN STOCK Lo-Load Jr. Farm Wagon on 15 or 16 inch DC wheels-3 ton capacity 99.95 Lo-Load Sr. Farm Wagon on 15 or 16 inch DC wheels 5 ton capacity 147.50 Wards' Wood Flat Rack 7 14 foot, with 16 inch sides ironed 174.50 Wards' Steel Corn Crib 700 Bu. capacity.

Complete with galvanized roof. 229.50 Wards Galvanized Grain Bin 1000 Bu. capacity, with steel floor 329.00 Phone 3395 217 So. Adams. WARD'S FARM STORE ONE-1949 Ford.

TWO--Ford Fergusons. ONE-F-20. ONE Regular. TWO -Used Woods corn pickers MODERN FARM EQUIP. Bypass and 26th.

St. Ph. 5671 DAVID- -Bradley 3-14 plow; Oliver 16 hole wheat drill. Both good. R.

Gross. Fairmount. Ph. Red or Black 43-J. mile So.

Hackleman. Farm Miscellaneous 480 TARPS-26 sizes in stock, oz. before water proofing, BRUNT'S So. Marion SEE US FOR FLY SPRAY DAIRY SPRAY WEED KILLERS THOMAS MILLING CO. So.

Branson Phone 2128 3 1203 Poultry and Supplies BABY CHICKS- Friday, August 31-Tuesday, September 4. BROWN'S Hatchery, Converse NOTICE Dressed fries and hens every day. Retail and 1 wholesale. Also custom dressing. MARTZ POULTRY FEED.

Mi. E. on 18. POULTRY WANTED We pick up at farm. OVIE'S HATCHERY No.

Post Office Phone 411-W FALL SPECIAL On. Jamesway. nests, nest pads, feeders, founts, and timer switches. HATCHES MAC'S EVERY HATCHERY THURSDAY 1138 So. Branson Phone -1184 MERCHANDISE Articles for Sale BLONDE-5 piece dinette set, sacrifice.

Kenmore washer, wheel barrow. 3910 S. Harmon 2924-J. dition. 3233 So.


PEARSON'S Fifth and Branson COOL MORNINGS Can be made comfortable Use the Arvin Safe Guard Electric Radiant or Fan Heater. Completely safe around children. MARION HARDWARE CO. 1566 PHONES 1 1567 USED WASHERS $19.95 UP USED Oil Heaters. A-1 condition.

$49.95 up USED Coal Heaters--variety styles and sizes. $19.95 up. Easy Terms if Desired KELLEY'S. EXCHANGE STORE GOOD Used G. refrigerator, excellent condition.

6 months guarantee. PRICE's HOT POINT SALES SERVICE 315 So. Boots St. Phone 5844 SAVE Morning Heat-' Use a portable Kerosine Heater Gasoline Heater-Radiant Gas Heater -Quick Heat. Low operative cost.


O. NEW And Used Typewriters. Portable Adding Machines. Central Typewriter Supply Co. 125 E.

Fifth St. Phone 136 Christmas Lawaways. Now On our GIFT MARION PAINT WALLPAPER 111 W. 1st. Ph: 1387 ELECTRIC FANS.

All Styles and Sizes FROM $4.95 UP SUPERIOR TIRE 504 S. Washington Phone 3349 SEVERAL USED RANGES TAKE YOUR CHOICE GAS or ELECTRIC Real Bargains BROYLES ELECTRIC CO. 506 So. Washington Phone 347 YOUR BEST BET For Furniture, Rugs, Cabinets. Oil, Gas, Coal Heaters.

PULLEY SALES STOVES FOR WINTER Coal Stoves and Perfection Oil Heaters. THE LOEW CO. Formerly Schuffman Furn. Co. 3001 S.

Washington GAS HEATERS Oil ranges and kitchen cabinets. ACME FURN. CO. 847 N. Wash.

GOULDS Shallow well pump never used. Big discount. 208 Glass Block. FRED BRUNKA Plumbing Heating Installation 120 W. Fifth St.

463-W NEW 1950 MODEL G.E. REFRIGERATORS N. B. 8 $199.95 Sold' for $249.95 $30 down $2.60 per week GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE 206 W. Fourth St.

FOR BETTER LIVING CULLIGAN SOFT WATER SER. Culmatic Home Softener 112 E. Sixth St. Phone 4047 JUST PULL THE TAPE FOR A PERFECT DRAPE Cameo Shir-Back Ruffled Curtains for small or large windows. Choice of Nylon or Rayon.

THE HOUSE OF STONE, INC. Cor. Third Boots Phone 3204 STOVES -Shotguns rifles; ammunition all kinds. 630 F. Nineteenth St.

Building Materials 53 WINDOW SCREENS Special Sizes Made To Order Quick Delivery WEST SIDE LUMBER CO. 1740 W. First St. Phone 1111 Business Office Eaulpment 54 W. A.

Sheaffer's Pens Desk Sets, Pencils Pen and Pencil Sets CENTRAL PRESS, Inc. N. W. Corner Adams and 8th Sts. PHONE 5080 Fuel, Feed, Fertilizer 56 LET US Keep your Home Fires burning.

COAL WILKINSON COAL CO. Phone 454. ROCK PHOSPHATE $23 ton. Sam Blinn Ph. 3672-2.

COAL IS OUR BUSINESS Premiun Coal-Fair Prices THORNE COAL CO. Phone. 75 Good Things to Eat 51 FREESTONE-Plums, apples and grapes. Foust, 1. mile West Hanfield.

PEACHES Maiden. Blush and other apples. Pears, melons, peat. moss, dirt. REPLOGLE 2009 W.

2nd APPLES- -Bring containers. Sloderbeck orchard; 2 mi. south, 1 mi. East of Junction 18 and 221. EATING COOKING APPLES Bring containers HAINLEN ORCHARD Mi.

Mi. S. Converse WEALTHY APPLES -Bring containers. Earl Hainlen Orchard, 11 mile west on 9th St. Road.

Converse Phone 71F31. TOMATOES For canning. 31.25 bushel. 2027 So. Meridian.

Phone 1056. 3 2 --55 -n- -7. 3. 5 3. 5 7 tr.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.