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SCIENTIFIC ABSTRACT PIATKOWSKI, D. - PIC, J. (1) CIA-RDP86-00513R001240720018-6.pdf4.02 MB


PIATKOWSKA-JAKUBCZA,K, J.; HLOND, S.Lower-grade plants causing fish diseases. p. 19.Vol, 8. no, L. Apr. 1956 Warszawa G)SPODARKA RYBKASOURCE: East European Acession List (EEAL) Library of CongressVol* 5P no. 8, August 1956;4 IL 6531-66 EWT(1)/FS(v)-3 DD/RD70 _00 1ACC NR1 AMWJL222 SOURCE CO1191 P019=1651000121710001Piatkmoki. D.ORG#. noneTITLE: Space preflight testsSOURCE: ZoIrders Wolnosai, 14 Sep 1965, 1 and 4TOPIC TAGS: space pbysiology, astronaut human engineering, bodily fatigue, spacepsychology, astronaut training_, space siniUtion, space suitw-ABSTRACT - *Stressing that space preflight tests are extremely important factors in,spice flight, Dariusz Piatkowski, a Polish correspondent in the USSR, dis-cusses the important role played by scientists and engineers who work onground experiments and tests prior to spacecrart launchings. He gives ex-amples of experiments conducted on the ground in laboratories by dedicatedscientists who he states are ready to sacrifice -their lives for progress andscientific; knowledge: "These people do not havo the title of 'hero' and theydo not wear 'Golden Stars,'* but in reality they are the actual test pilots inspace exploration. " In ZvezdM Gorojok and in the laboratories of the Acad-emy of Sciences USSR, the visualized trip to the moon to said to be takingshape with growing rapidity, and the training programs of biture astronautswho win fly on these routes are getting under way,Card i kaL 8531-66ACC NRs AN6-Wi-2~2The physical'and psychological. endurance of future astronauts must firstbe determinedin a simulated space environment. A "scientist - originitor,Doctor Konstantin Telezin, was subjected for 41 seconds to a g-force muchgreater than that expected as a result of theoretical calculations. Duringthese experiments, conducted with centrifuges. called "devils' carrousels,iMoctor Telezin reported his observations and impressions, and at timesalmost lost consciousness, just to see if his trainees would be able to makethe launch. Ivan Akandovich, hysician, biologist, sportsman, instructor,and tutor at Zvezdnyy Gorodok, tested on himself the functioning of the humansystem in a state of weightlessness. long before the astronauts and provedthat weightlessness Was not dangerous to humans.Professor Yuriv Nefedov. engineers !I_evlseyty and YevgeniX Gogolevand several physicians and biologists are said tobave undergone a test underconditions simulating the flight of a spacecraft for 120 days. During thistime the temperature was raised to 47* Cventilatlon was cut off, and radioag-!tivity was experienced. The test was designed to check physiological andpsychological reactions and behavior of various people over a long durationin an isolated group. Commenting on this test, GDgolev said, "During thefirst 15 days we observed a gradual weakening in ourreactions, we. did notsleep viell, and we made mistakes in our work. Cur systems were adaptingCoedACC MR, AN60DI222to conditions (the adjustment of blood circulation, breathing, etc). After-approximately two weeks everything began to return to normal. But later,errors were made, i. e., when the temperature was raised th -the c*abin or whenthe ship vibrated we in-ovbd' slower and reactkI slower to signals. If itcomes to social interaction, it must be admitted that verbal strife did occur..We were more touchy and irritated by trifles to which one norma:Uy pays noattention."It is indicated that other scientists tested such items as spacesuits. Aphysician, wearing a spacesult, checked on his own body the efficiency andeffectiveness of the protective clothing. He spent almost a week in ice cold.water and with an air temperature of 20" below zero [analyst's note: tem-perature is believed to be stated in centigrade), swam, slept, ate, andbreathed air from a container on his back. During that time he was con-stantly reporting his-feelings._ impressions, and addition to the mEove, it was proi~id thaf tempera-tures of some 100* C for as long afi 30 minutes, ami.2001 C for up to three.minutes.~- fATD Preass 41.%4750 MM 22, 06, 03 / SUEN DA79t nor&PIATW~gj,j,Pathophysiological principles in active therapy in psychiatry. lieu_rolo.~Ia&c. polska 3 ao.2:161-17) Mar-Apr 1953. (GIAL 24:lc)1. Of the State lnstitute of Paycho-Neurology (I)irector--Prof. Z.Kuligowski, M. D.), Pruszkow.PIATKOWS11, F.Axaniaation of the first and second signal syst92 by the method ofIvanov-Smolenski, fieurologlia &c polska 2 no. 5:571-578 Sept-Oct1952. (GLML 24:1)1. State Institute of Psycho-Neurology (Director-Prof. 2. Kuligovski,M.D. ), Tworki.PIATKOWSKI, Irrancistek-.-1 -11 z~-- - -.,Theory of prof. Bilikievicz. Neur. &c. polska 6 no.1:81-92Jan-Fab 56.1. Z Panstwowego Instytutu Ps7choneuroloc:icznego w Pruszkowie.Dyrok-tor: prof. dr. Z. Kuligowski. I:.(PSTCRIATRYetioepigenetic theory. (Pol))PIATKOWSKIIAttempted analysis of dynamics of cortica:. processes in schizaphreriaduring stupor In insulin shock therapy. Neturolof-is. etc. polska 4no.3:306--312 May-Juno 54.1. Panstwowy Instytut PEychoneurologiczny, Dyrektor: prof. Dr.Z.Kuligowski.(SHOCK THERAPY, INSULIN, in variowa diseases,schizophrenia, cortical funct. In)(CEREBRAL CORTEX. in variouB diseases.schizophrenia, off. of insulin shock ther.)(SCHIZOPHRF.NIA, therapy,shock ther.. insulin, cortical L'unct. in)PIATFO-,-3YI, F.,- , z"Map Description. -,- 5 7-1. -, I -- I -- - Ia-rszawa. )IVul. J, no. 6~. ::.unthly List of L-st zurO--e,n Accessions. /Library ;f CjnzreS3, U'xL,-,e 1-5,., L.,,cl.I- (-'~ , F ,"Eerarks on the book JEdc i owitaje mar)a (,Iiow t ) Make a Yar, , byYdeczyslaw LiTir-sk-i." Y. 15-, . ,ll-'C,::~YJN-Y, '.01. 11-1No. 5, May 19~4. '.4arszewa, ~clan(;.,'.~, :Mbnth-y Id st. c f . ast ---uroi ~-an A--,, essi ns, ( --, ~',! , ,Voi. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl.PT1,7KOWSKI, FranriszekDynamlen of vanonotor reflexen In the roArae of catatoril, atup,jrpraltrAmi-y corsminication. Smir. &c. polskn 5 no.2:161-169 4r-AP'55.1. Z Panstwowego Instytut Psychoneurologicanet;o w Pruzakowie.Dyrokfor: prof. dr Z. Kuligowski.(SCHTZOPMU,NIAratatnnia,vaso-intor rnflexea, dyna-,iira)(R-47'AMvasomotor In schizophrenia -atatonia)FOIA)MPIATKOWBU, JanumnAcad=W of Mining and Metallurgy (A)uWlmia Gornitso4lutnicas)Warsav, Pr"glad IU*olojgio=y, No 7. July 1966, pages 3D4-308'Statistical estimation of the accuracy in determinationof solid nineral rav naterW deposit resourc*s.8BURYYNSKI , Jan,, PIATK0vJSY.1 , Janusz'I.--. ~Credibility of r,f *,-'~e reBaLrces c.-- clePcIal"sin cases where the resu---ts nad Deer, taken as an independentrandom variable. ArchAw gorn ~ no. 4: 395~414 163.PIATKOWSKI, Jerzy; GAWLIKOWSKI, Tadeuszqlrichloroethylene anesthesia in labor. Gin. nolska 28 ao.4:454-460July-Au-, 57.1. Z Oddzialu Ginakologiczno-Polozniczago Szpitala MiejSklepo wZakopanem Ordynator: dr Med. J. Piatkowski. Adres: J. Piatkowski.Zakopane, Krupowki 37.(IABOR. anesth. & analgesiatrichloroethylene (Pol))(THIGHLOROETHTLM, nnesth. & analgesiain labor (Pol))PIATKOWSKI. Jerry (Zakopane. Krupowki 27)Increase of indications for surgery of chronic adnexitle. Gin.polmka 25 no.3:291-297 Julr-SePt- 54.1. Z Oddzialu Polomictwa I Chorob Koblocych Sapitala Miejuklegov Zakopanem. Dyrektor: dr Leon Dochenski.(ADMIXITIS, m=gery,Indic.)AD0?JAJL0, Axiela; NARUSZEWICZ, Danuta; PIATKOWSKI, JerzyComparative evaluation on human subjects of immunizing prope-rtiessof anti-whooping cough vaecince of domestic production. 1. laboratoryevaluation of the whooping cough component in 3 diphtheria-totamus-whooping cough vaccines and aerological reactiona in vaceinatedchildren. Przegl.epidem, 15 no.2:151--156 161.1. Z Zakladu Epidemiologii PZH Kierownik, prof. dr J. Koatrzewakii z Zakladu Epidemiologii AM Kierow3mik., prof, dr F. Przesmyekl.(WHOOPING COUGH i=unol) (VACCINES)(TETANUS imuriol) (DIPHTHERIA Jwmiisol)(TETANUS Immmol)ADONAJLO, Axiela; MALYSZKO, Haiina; PIATROWSK!, Joirzy; DZIKOWSKA, Janina;MAGDZIARZ, Henry-ka; GILEWSKA, AnieiaComparative evaluation on human subjects oJ' immunizing propertiesof anti-whooping cough vaccines of domestic production. II. Post-vaceinal reactions after the applleation o!' diphtheria-teta*us-whooping cough vaecines,, Przogl,epidem, 15 no.2.*157-.162 161.1~ Z Zakladu Epidemiologii PZH Kisrownik prof, dr J. Koatrzwwakii ze StacJ1 San, Epid,, dla m, Et, Warszawy Dyrektor~ dr R. Nierenska.(VACCINES) ,DIPHTHERIA Lmmunol) (TETANUS immunol)(WHOOPING COUGH Immunol)0 v~lReduction of with lithillmaluminium hydride. 11cilLIAL Kuczyfiski Und Kricysz!,If.'RItWiiibi)(YPIRSMand).Pij!Lnwq~l (politechnika,,-~,11-MMSMIernmin mimmary); cf. prem1mg,~-Drabstr(1) CI 13)/vq A.j.,yprelml. frinn tlw tirthydarme of I jy un,olsopia: dehydritt ... itwith COL. Irtrited lit WO lit[. C~H,N willt 408 g~ of p-4~- 31,40-C.H,fu"~Cj (11) 48 lirs.. the linyluel Illiked walli 1~-11 tl~r, and the %CIA. oil W;-Iml will. I"'(" lj,,;O, .111,1 N.,,C (),,,t:1it yidded a rtyst. iiiom~ter. The ester dis--h-vil itsI(XK) fill. M,-(111 t,,iltg 134.5 g KOJI, thr K , It 4 TIfilturmi off, thl, -In dild tvill, 11,0. ''Id -0, 1 -'flve. Ircill, 1filleli'lluillJ11.1Il2 vwx:%[all dle ext1,,'.l.jyyap"I"", 11-s-ell, (111), It, , 6,; it "", Fil" I #"1S, 1:. 0 9:PO.WU Ki.71). RoIll,tion ,f III witb I - XIII, :a, pr, vwu 1vdescribed Euve pur,,!,un, 0 -- :2'. w~ 1 17;7. 1.,0.9197. Thi, vmfirm, t!, pr-.o, L . .... .. ~ , 1, ,, .,githsir.) Anti IC;ld, 1" 0 It( (fitvi-xidu6tri t4iih .1.gellevilly a mix(.hinderedbyli;arlittalai i,ri,jMiSSihjIitV ~'f A .1) 11A.1- Itl,,il p"'d,A/.,Reduction of With lithiumaluminum hydride. cis- and fra ti-s-Fre-rputrol 'I flenryk---l-T-S,TT, I it cein tand Krzysztof Piq t kow7a,gland).-- RMEE I 17"'IT-13-, 291--.11M95111-(German 'I) withLiAll-14 by the method described previously (i~.A 51.CL54WA I yielded ntodih ydrncar~e,A (11) i p-nitrobcn zmate m106'. WU 12.8'), the known travis-8-terpineol M), m32', and rij-0-terpineol (IV), hl., 784. On* 1.-1793. dw0.0258 ("itrobenzoate, m. 133*, phenylurethun m. 85*Cis-p-Menthane-1,8,9-trial, derived from IV, m 144.5'The mtio of II:W:IV wapi C5:1. 11 and IV ate scpd.from Ul with p-O-.NCsH*COC1 in CJi.N. The U and IVpd. by -ystn. from ElsO. The m~p. of dJ-di-hydrocarvone, seroicarbazouc, reported as 188% shouldb~c corrected to 168'. The appearailm of 3 productsof reduction of I can be explained by the formafion of rij-fllimonene with peracds.d ir4w-I during the oxidation oA .Kr glewakhr-. - I , ~~ . , Aarek"I.. .. , : - i* , , . : r- ., - - . . , . .!. 1~ , . ? I.. r.,: 'I ~ ,l 1 :1 . . ~ i, . . -I I I " : : , Iq , . ~-. , * , . 1 :-. - ~ .- I - - , , - '! . ,I '. . ~i r, . I : 11 '1 1 ri ,.~ , ~. I I I . I: , , , 'T , ..- , , .. ..--, ,,I , .-ja re KI - 'r%IcB zal> Z*: qp~ - " .-:- .~ : ~3-31-,,: ~ - :~f tne ba~ .r4-r--ruranore of me.. (i 164.FIATKOWSKI. Stanislaw (WhIin, ul. Sta-,Zicall)Treatment of scoliosis in the OrthODedif: Clinic of Ikiblin. %arz.ruchu 22 nc.2:243-247 JQ,~.7.1. Z Kliniki Urtoredycznej A. M. w iublLnie Kierownik: doc. dr St.Piatkowski Lublin, ul. Staszicall.(SCULIOSIS, ther.MIA_L_a EF r 4 a L121 A- a-ov00o4bi M. mo"mis aqi ml wad Spoillagnsjo) pmw- IWNGPW dompm sull10 llojoq jo wnasq cunapnA 9 MMITUW milupu wuavamf Ul tlLt - AN 19 PUSto H,) anr-witpjo -u-qu u! ,ML P" RM4A"" W Vit"W P""anumal -cuts So gnqL-UM 1 -0 1X")n -du&A jqi muAlp lpoll U" olul 0A41 O"T%V.M WWP Jo 00'3" uy WPM- .0404L!"F, W,I aell000000000000000 00000all RUN all vo 040420cm AT %_nAt -11400 'i4~w $a.01row5 Isom 4% 00I mIQ, 490N--atma 'Mill 00"MON(S . 0gi.P"AntU MDAM pfand. In dw.ibme-;=. " - Th. PIDid. 01ilq.v siq Ps2-4 052XFMva jlu VMD I were"d tbe riprtqin tbtlight of,tWr uOution 1wowwu~ of 3 in the us"t ew Iey cW the 8 Is hall* 0 * 0 & a & 0 0 0 & : : : ~ 0 0 f 0 0 # 0 & 6 0 0 o * # * 4 f p0 : : : : : 0* 0 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L L1.1-1-1 IA' 1-1-n-b- Nil. Jh,fit p'-- A 0;pojwobeM-0Do0 0 0 0a003-A-JL IitsIUT APPL I MIveftfs"I AND osco00.002,Amidit cd lebamw IL A. Gxxm.IU.HBJL Shaft ImL TobaIm. lip-ls),na sobwMI esbtob"m ISNWM) consaim alwe, cachkcopmk ad&. Afthoso dw gftid bul hem obw v by vwkmsnot bw d"Palmod aud it= kwaJ&AL-KJool"s~vumusffilie,Ponmts of chbragenicfol00%Name 410 No$*m.-00mW 91. 0'l,,=~zoo.e"d pobamv.;0o', of quisie. -ofsalbam M omw00am of Shp 01M.T. H. lomzooNO*sowooFIATY,Olv,~-"Fl , 'v,."Our tasks in the 1954 campaign, " (lorpor:a-rkn I ozow, , cia-sviva, 7a! 5, "o 4,Apr. 1,954, P. ?.SC: '-asterr. '-uropt-nr Acce.~sions List., Vol -1 NO "l, '.cv 1954, L'PIATKOUSKA, WandaHesults of the treatment of ox-yuriasis ulth Adipinirm and I..iper-.,z-in(-citrate with children homes in Sians, and Sopot. Wiad. -'no.3:337-3"10 162.1. Wojewodzlca Stacja Saniti-rno--Lpidemiologiczna, Gdansk.(OXY'~.UASIS --I ther) (PIPE--'.~AZIN~S ther)ther)SABLINSKA, Bo*na; DOROCIAK, Roman; HARUPPA, Jerzy; JENTYS, Wanda; EIAIKQWSFI,Z - RUSTOIW'SKI, Jerzy~~e w~The results of the treatment of cancer of the cervix,uteri duringthe years 1954 and 1955. Nowotwory 12 no,.3.247-250 62.1. Z Oddzialu Dnkologii Ginekologicznej Insty-tutu Onkologii wWarszawie Kierownik: doc. dr med. L. Tarlowskh Dyrektor: prof. drmed. W. Jasinski.(CERVIX NEOPLASMS',0 es 00'000090906999o& 0 0 00 go 0,41 WWII.; 00000000000060000 Fine :o_,.: Mp .00,A A A--jL0: it PRIP VOZI!N$ -00A_oe:0 -000100 C1Al"clebbum IL A Smstm Amb I'misfirst S In-t ]-tam,00 1.- lov DIAN. a, 19-VA(Ilxio), d C A. 23. 4771 - - Thr etIverevil e it tit frrmrtitrd totam,oo a,-. c~taknx dtrvc~ caffek and probably chkwogrntr wItt, AlthmShtheperwomig q%isk wW W btvn obam-Ird by vwims authom it could nM be domted w)d itany for= "w of the ramponmts of chkawmk- wid ft C A00 10 060 siige It:Ef U AV .0 &1 A I-v+Y1v?1Aft1 %Now 0w0 a a tv it If 0 a a (1 11 a 14 U Ct U 9ONT44 0 0 00, r -0 '0' ~; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0.06roo0 0600wee00DoWootoo9 A] -0 -30 000 00 0 0 0 9 O.AA- B. A. FIATNITSKiUSSR (60014- Armatic ,ompounds7. Fxtinction of Pri o5pli ores c ence -nd duration of uietEsauie stage of ll,~)Iac~liesof ar-AaLiC CompoknAs at ~ow tery..peratures. -Izv. AN 55SR Se- Fi-L. 15 no. ~,,.1951.r4. MO r t 11 List , ' 1~, -I r: A:, --- ~ !- ; .. "- --LZ - - - -- , :,. ~ . ~. "; " , . - -t"il . I I .PlATk'ITSK I 1. 3 - " - ( c ~, - w, t 1 . r) SIIP : 'r~' 1 -1- v - '- "Alic )f-CP -n1 .1-c , ~~, -, ~ ~..t 11 , I ., -- - : .. S - o * Ifi , - Pf, v ". - ~ - " -1~L-') .S~: 5 i .,-s 4.--)r)- r - . 1 ~ L,." -~ , '- - -,PIATI,qTwy,~ I.519. Polarographi and Potentiometric study of the stability of lead tartrateN - 7ka~ - -ChemComplexles. XAV- RIAM-1 KI (J 1- -, U.S.5J.... 3p 331P 1907.71-Wa-0ekbwn that the third c '10.bieft oustant of the tartaric acid dissociation 183->displacement of the balf-wave 'potential and a change in the'con-'Centittion of lead ions in alkaline tartrate solutions are proportional toth6 squa:te of the hydrogen ion concentration. The potentiometric and theOolai-ographio methods of investigating complex lead 'tartratee give results~-,that are In fair agreement. (4 figs., 3 tables.)I 11zL1 - 41V/518. J1, larographic and potent1cowtric study of the BisbiliLy of lead tnrtraLscomplexes. I.V. PIAILITSr.l JJ Anal. Chem., U.S.S.R., )0 ))1, 19J.8). It hasbeen P~own that the L'Ord constant of the tnrtarlo m(,td dissociation 9m,1P.10-13. he d1splacement of the half-wave potential and a change In the con-centratlon of lead ions In alkaline tartraLe sclutiona are proporticnial 'othe square of the hydrogen Ion concentration. 7be potentionetric and thepolarographic methods of Investigating complex lead tartrates jve resultsthat tire In fair agreement. k4 figs., 3 tablem.)LWASHGV,'V.,(Krasnodarski7 kray~ POLXSffKO, S.,(X-.--"nodarsk-i7 kray) TARAYM,F.,(Krasnodarskiy kray~Good initiative (*Brief laboratory manual o!' organic chemistrys.)[professor] M.P. Piatnitskilr, B.A. Nesterenlro. Reviewed by V. Levashov,S. Poleshko-,-IF. v shkle 10 no.3:69-71 MY-Je '55.(Chemistry. Organic-l&boratory manualit) (MIRA 8:8)(Piatnitakii, M.P.) (Nastaranko, B.A.)-YI . .--I- -''- - --- ~ )- I ~ i.--- 3 1 oll'-" Y~l',,j rit-c. r 7 4r F~ Pu f r ~7 nyr s ~r,. - r-FIATNITSKII, S.S.&51/2059 (Pollination in oaks and develoMent of pollen on the pietile). Ob orylenil udubov i prorastanii pylltay na itteakh.DQkI AMAMU NAA P�SR, 56(75: 545-547P 1947.PIATNIT2XI, A. 1.*SecondaEX Electron Emission fron an Oxygen-Caegium Electrode. P. W.Timofeew and'A. I. Piatnitzki (Physikal. Z. Sowjetunion, 1938, 10, (4), 51853-07.4 n Germ--nT. The secondary electron emission ffom an oxygencaesiumcathode deposited on various bases, e*g. silver, copper, nickell molybdenuir., :~ndtungsten, coated with ~arioua thicknesses of oxide, is investigated.Maximum emission is found in thecase of a cathode deposited on silver coatedw*tha layer of silver oxide about 200 molecules thick. - J.5.G.T.9*000rie~,.zZ ,.00000ambtualm low 6 -4W)~k on doury Onimimthemtwe of dw"m= =~W jAg. Nk 01k, No. W).and on Lbo PVPWM- j)f fm 01k. wu O"Amd.001' E. J- K10 of00 moo000000-000000A L000009 000 *so 0000006 40-4**GO00060900000414:'MO,. a ( r CP 6wo ... tl...-CA ~.Tfl7Ow0 4"Ow0Oe..'T -** 0*0000000006:;10~6660600900*606* *I*::::I I a a A, ify CR At a "D-Le lop ..D19:;0 AmIqu sqj ftUaPUW4PQnWAJW4U -&=q61"mPwq&MI "Uta U"1uqPmP d" 10 "a 40 % supowulVIIA VIA 1 JPW WN "ama"n-040*d 10Avmsf" 10,r vu-IMI-01 I0 ) AmumqL -A -4- P-9v-mrG44""=vPmMMOMP-60NO, Pmi AiMPAIrW&V*VOW;-0 x a aaOd,~116 .1 Aip0 000000 -0 .0 1w, a 0 0 04) 1-214000900000'r 600*00sor 00H. A. ll&TxnmS& Wass, 1940. 26. m--22 lilbft~M fUUMM the I&W J = Joe-W,00 whe" is ammured in mw. wDd the aven*e val. of8 TI* I L A Off fALLUMMICAL LMINAF&MIN CLAI&IFICATOW I 1 0Do.,%.3o., G.4 'Alic"IT, MO -1IB iv a Im 0 a a 1 9 6i AD --0 1a A, a a to a0 0 0 0 0 0o17010 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 001010119,00 0 01 00100A-"# ale OR0'toOlds am 09SPSMINS OwlsTo 060Oilft do: ql bah O*ww byk Odwaft, xm~L &W-9#00Tobw*0 f.a4).ill!.00l980Oezoozoo000=ofOOW-toto,tie*L13010130A Ia. SL ANITALLM&KAL LIMAYM CLASSIMATIP I Ztooget10mr" 0- 'd 0 0 a I v a 9 a a 3 a 9'u a a go al;0 6 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0a 0o o0 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0I0 of* 0 0 00 1 9 4 It It 0 4)70r!A 1 OAH F-01b.0 -OfAPLT. lot 1,46Af04000 -0000 Oak. ckrk,. had 0"ale00 AL R fkaif last. 00~-'rbmhl Wi&slimCal t IA41 It.a" *mwwate, but yjsM reashe Isolkative of thrnbire"W of the tubewo. KipmIjug's weAwl JA.. 1916.F baustwly Bee R 0WI) I , ICAVPp bft=Z OrICEII BOYb Bid 10% ;N& &a nitric MUNNN mpwt- C.wtotbol !V SMI WWWU go laV.AAd =mWV07milmivWy roeinto by wowtimmas with KFk endKnoba gives VW tembs. The cosbeas ot eftrip midINA fewsway, %how of maw Sold unfir scidol 11410 asdw quosy la the lallmalm im"OVS8. the ph)PIT'Itu- QO Isbeing: uww-4% 3-7% sod 1-2-5% for dA L"T. H. P.a to $L S Of lakkuliCkak LITtO&IVOf ~LOSSWK&1000toogotas a a if a ofOleal goo 0 0 a we o" Ogo-: o o 0690 a : : : : 4100=e-00 0900 090000*0000*00000000*ep 0 to x L a 0 0 F%0swivadlema mavelm -XIMM&W VIVOWW000lp 06we*J1r,,,!nfNmmm,cd twiffiawwoo on Plo~~ Pb&*DkL 11 A0113 Off-id I titT kv.,I.-ii toll.1-1 t. th~ ixilul*1 state U",t, thej-t-,- .1-i The im^11 p ... ~,l ft.,4~lvllom- 11'. 6.11A dolAl. j th. -"%-I W. J it,, ^,fdW ft,,- ph-.I. 1.,W- 11'.,.at U. I Iir ft. tics. 1. . We lwtw ww'.1)&w-" urw ~l.01 .-I~ d I h. I mp1-t A ,14f1wA 11'.A-, th. 11-11 Wife .1 -tvt- ,I it,, cii-i. d .""I-A Ili, -d Lho, Ui,IJ fill A-upg-q.o4i-I'l J-t d-rra-". 11"th. ..-bc2 A 1-1 ..'1F -4-4_304. 0, a IS 0I - __0 01 .1 A'*toa 0011 04 10*T-S.1101004)000b000,OmliII)-bb I1.-1-A a A-0 0of AIAT Ike-po"Is"s Ale "COSONS mptsc,00:leV!::. ;DeftnoWdin d bftbm_pwpMP00.3'.cfam"livi060it. pcooedas# 5 L aNdlALLUftKAL L"llATkWl_CLAl%rlCATWWs p a 0 a, a, In 11,Coego*So*fj* 0t:00V.ire 0SO.Jil Ow 0..-fwd- 96 0 .1 -WO.- j is- aarsoPTATNOV, E. G. , I- .. ' " _71..7 . , - . - 1 .111.,.-Basic Enginm~ering work on Linear 91,~ctron Acceleration, etc.Linear Acceleration. Published by the Moscow Engineering-PhysicsInstitute, Moscow, 1959,~, tBud h.".e V. S. Ap~ 19~Q*Now AdpActs in CphthaLv ~zrl c Ma,~~jtnral Fbr--'-&SAntibiotics Associated ith 'le 1~.s Ch.m!eal prod-'s?am TlnA R__r9. :Contributions to the gtu,*?~C Q~ DAteMInat'lor. ofIkaloide in 3-11adonna rinzt.r. ;, par. SL.~. ZLAC.:-M.M and P4a-= Florentine J:Az_?. 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